Welcome to Transformers! The new GreedyWatch Event!

Exactly my point, I read that and was like there’s no way… lol

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This is the whole problem with thr F2P model: they have to monetize things to hell and back. Hence the overpriced skins.

Blizzard do not, will not, and have never ‘balanced their games.’ All they know of ‘balance’ is ‘move numbers to shift the meta.’ It’s a cheap way to keep people playing without actually addressing balance. Everyone gets a turn at being meta eventually.

As for being at each others throats over who should spend their own money on what: it detracts entirely from the issue of the skins being overpriced.

Blizz would definitely rather you fight amongst yourselves over ‘who’s the biggest shill’ instead of actually focussing on them and their bloated pricing for digital goods.

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The Watchpoint Pack never promised the delivery of any PvE content. A lot of people probably bought the Watchpoint Pack in support of OW2 and to support future PvE development (myself included). Sadly that content wasn’t delivered but people got what was advertised when they bought the Watchpoint Pack.

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The entire OW2 Intro was advertising ONLY the promised PvE mode.
And then we got lied about it. This is a good enough reason to call it - Marketing SCAM!

Yeah, they missed out on that voice line from the movie and a Rein one with “overwatch…rollout”.

That’s what I wonder about most forums people. I’m one of the few around here that can defend their arguments, probably because I actually have one. I’m guessing they don’t make kids take debate class in school anymore. They’re raised by streamers and clickbait now, as evidenced by most of this thread.

Also you are one of the very few who thinks that your arguments are valid. :joy:

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LMAO at people with an agenda or never played.

What on gods name are you on about? You mean removing the game people paid money for is wrong? You mean turning Overwatch into a monetization system SO predatory and shady that it causes two legal issues in two separate countries is wrong? You mean telling me that getting mad about Blizzard locking all of the heroes behind a paywall or extensive grinding in a game that entirely revolves around hero switching is wrong?

What no substance buddy, youre out of your mind if you think this game doesnt deserve the atrocious reviews is gets, and you have actually ZERO proof at all of whether or not those people played the game or not, because unlike fresh releases that get “review bombed” Overwatch was a pre-existing game that got 100% of its millions of players pre steam launch on a separate platform. Do their reviews not count because it wasnt played on the Steam release or something?

Overwatch didnt get review bombed, get real. It got reviewed accurately by a community that was pissed at the litany of terrible non-consumer friendly changes, fresh off the band-aid rip that was Blizzard saying “actually, sorry about PvE its never coming we cancelled it all. The 3 years we spent ignoring Overwatch 1 and completely deleting it was for nothing.”


You haven’t even made any arguments. Your whole post is just rage bait with nothing to say, which is par for the course around here in fairness.

Also, in this community, if lots of people are agreeing with you about something, you’re almost definitely wrong. I don’t want the salty mob to agree with me.

True. While that was lazy tokenism, that movie was far worse for many other reasons.

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Agreed, but the other reasons weren’t the focus of the reviews. That’s the problem. You can’t read Steam reviews right now and get an accurate sense of the state of the game, so they might as well not even be there.

Why cant you? Why pretend like reviews dont change? We’ve just recently had 2 separate MAJOR review bombings that rebounded after the community was listened to.

TF2 for once in its life was negatively reviewed, Valve did something to address community concerns and magically reviews went back.

Helldivers announced their plan to enforce PSN accounts to play the game and got reviewed into oblivion, sent into an insane low, and once they responded about removing that requirement suddenly the reviews go back to shining and spotless.

The reality is Overwatch’s reviews havent came back because Blizzard hasnt done anything to make the game good enough to review positively.

The monetization is still predatory overpriced garbage, the community is still majorly split between 5v5 and 6v6 with a large part of this community feeling like the game they paid money for was ripped from them, and change after change after change eventually culminating in this very patch where the community response is a resounding “What on earth do you think youre doing??” means the community is still very much not satisfied with where this game is at. How is that not valid or accurate?

The reviews on steam are overwhelmingly negative. When you hop into a game of Overwatch, how does that compare to the feel of the community? Are people positive in games? No they arent, this games community is in shambles and theyre unhappy about everything. Toxicity is rampant, and nobody has a positive outlook. Id say its a pretty accurate state of the game.

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how much is blizzard paying you to say this bud?

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TF2 had a bot epidemic that made the game unplayable. That’s an actual issue, not just a design choice that people disagree with.

Helldivers made their game literally unplayable in several countries by changing login requirements. That’s an actual issue, not just a design choice people disagree with.

OW made some design changes to address the problems that came with role queue (RQ was the community’s demand btw), made the game and all PvP content free for everyone, and made tons of technical upgrades. This is possible because they decided to stop giving away cosmetics, things that have zero affect on gameplay, for free, which is a big no-no for people whose parents still pay for everything.

See the difference? I know most of the community doesn’t.

One and a half bucks for a player icon. Yay…

/s if it wasn’t obvious.

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Talk about trying to spin a narrative LMAO. You dont get to decide what “an actual issue” is. You have no power to determine that for this community. An issue is anything the community decides is an issue.

The individual reasons physically have no impact, ALL that matters is community perception on a product, and whether or not players feel listened to and reasonably addressed, which Ovewatch’s player base does not.

Every last point you made was so hilariously bad, I cant believe you thought you were giving me counterpoints.

You can attempt to shift blame to the community all you want about Role Queue but it physically doesnt matter whose fault it was, the solution provided by Blizzard has put a massive divide in the player base that has lasted for over a year and half after the launch of Overwatch 2 and only stands to even be addressed directly in an upcoming dev blog. It is an undeniable FACT that a large portion of the community does not like 5v5, and feels the game is bad because of it.

Making the heroes free was a good choice, good on Blizzard for realizing this after a year, though dont blame me for not feeling particularly thankful about Blizzard walking back a greedy monetization choice.

Technical upgrades? Which? Where? Do you mean the marginally better graphics, and the lighting gel they stuck to our foreheads? Graphical improvements does not a technical improvement make. The game physically feels 0% different from OW1 in terms of movement, shooting, and generally interacting with the game.

And its pretty funny trying to spin Blizzards monetization of Overwatch as stopping “giving away cosmetics”. Trying to defend Blizzards monetization is such a failure on your part, its like youre just forgetting the fact that Blizzard ended up in legal trouble in two separate countries for two different ways in which their monetization system was overly predatory, overly manipulative, and exploitative of children. But no please just keep on with the “its just business!” argument and pretend any of it has actually gone back to the game in ANY noticeable way.

No more money than usual has gone back into developing Overwatch, I promise you. Youre making the argument of “Trickle Down Economics” like we dont already know that premise doesnt work, because greedy hoarders are gonna hoard. The money made goes into CEO pockets, bonuses for execs, etc.

But no no, please. Keep blaming the community for feeling this game is doing nothing but attempting to milk them with lazy $20 recolor after $20 recolor. Keep saying its the communities fault for being unhappy about being treated like dirt.

Do you get that? Do you get that your literal ending statement is “I know most of the community isnt happy with they way they are treated” and somehow are acting like thats a counter point to me saying the negative reviews Overwatch has is entirely deserved, and a DIRECT example of how the community’s feeling towards this game are right now.

Like christ buddy youre so insanely bad at this, just stop lmao

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i dont even care, i just use my base ow1 tracer skin and play.

now after reading this blizzard will probably do a ubisoft and remove ow1 base skins.

They’re going to keep doing events/collaborations like this regardless of whatever state the games in. Not to mention that these sorts of deals get started and planned out long before they’re actually released.

This is the norm now and has been for a good while. As long as people keep buying into this stiff, corporations will keep doing it. Fortnite is the prime example of this, which is where a lot of this started.

You’re insufferable lol, take Blizzard’s boot out of your mouth, eh?

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No no its fine. Keep letting him tell us that its actually all our fault, and its the communities fault they feel theyre being milked, our fault for Blizzards balance design decisions, and our fault for being unhappy.

Maybe if he keeps victim blaming the community the Overwatch reviews on steam will improve.

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