Welcome to Transformers! The new GreedyWatch Event!

Yet another proof that the Team behind GreedyWatch2 doesn’t care for quality content or fixing the existing one! Not AT ALL!
What is important for them is to shower us with OVERLY EXPENSIVE skins.
Balancing the game? - Nooooooo, we don’t need that.
Fixing existing problems? - Noooooo, we don’t need that either.
The Steam Reviews are starting to look more and more legit. And NOT at all a “review-bombing” - just players finally could openly state their opinion.


It was review bombing, because the “reviews” were largely posted by people with an agenda and who clearly didn’t even play game anymore (if they ever did). They also had mostly no substance. They were no more valid than when the new Little Mermaid got review bombed for making Ariel black.


I think that’s a valid reason for being upset. :woman_shrugging:


I dunno, man.

I bought the big bundle. Bought 50 dollars worth of coins to buy the big bundle with.

What did I end up with?

All four skins, a bunch of victory poses, highlight intros, a name card I immediately equipped, player icons—26 items total.

Plus enough coins left over for next season’s battle pass—so the bundle came out to around 40 dollars worth of my 50 dollar coin purchase.

26 items for 40 dollars. That’s $1.53 per item. Doesn’t seem so overpriced to me.


If tournaments are being cut-off in the middle of the tournament, because even the professional players has started abandoning this sinking ship - then you should re-think your statement.
Since Aaron Keller got the commanding position - this game has been ONLY declining in quality and directly related to that - in numbers as well.


And that’s why Blizzard’s never gonna change with bootlickers like you lol


I didn’t buy the skins for Blizzard.

I bought them for me.

Because I love Transformers. And buying the bundle is the best deal for your money, and now I don’t have to worry about buying next season’s battle pass, I already have the coins for it.


They put about 500 new skins into the game every 5 minutes so I guess it’s working. The community only has itself to blame. Too bad they didn’t have the same aggressive release schedule with real content.


The reviews had mostly nothing to do with quality. They were mostly whining about microtransactions that have zero impact on gameplay.


My point was that the reviews were about something unrelated to the actual movie, just a general protest against other things. And they were all posted by people who hadn’t even seen the movie yet since these particular reviews were posted before the movie even released.

The OW reviews were intended to damage Blizz, not to give honest feedback or legitimate criticism.

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Go take a look at OW2 review history on steam. Its getting majority negative reviews every day, lol


I think Blizzard damages themselves, and if you read the reviews, it’s related to losing 6v6, extreme monetization and losing lootboxes, PvE. All are valid reasons to leave a negative review. If Blizzard were to release OW1 back in 2016 on the steam store, I’d be willing to bet it would have very positive reviews.


If you don’t like it, don’t buy it.
It could be worse. They might’ve asked 50 bucks per skin, what some other games do on the regular and no one seems to complain about.


Thanks for the advise!
But since Blizzard LIED to us about the PvE mode and took our money for it an YEAR in advance - I have promised myself to NEVER-EVER spend even a penny on this forsaken game! Not anymore.
Sure, I will keep playing it - but without contributing ANYTHING to Blizzard.


Were you expecting them to give away this copyrighted thing that isn’t theirs?

Tell me how you really feel.


They were always legitimate. You would see the same reviews here if they weren’t a bunch of cowards and allowed us to review Battlenet games.

Only the most die hard bootlicker shills would tell you everything is okay. Just look at the Metacritic scores.


Gee, I wonder why that may be. :roll_eyes:


Because the stereotype of gamers being immature and petty is based in reality?


Would you like some cheese with your WHINE?

Not going to lie Chief when this happened forgot that character even existed.

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