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Don’t even get me started on other games… Star Citizen hasn’t even left the Alpha stage of development and there are people out there spending tens of thousands on in-game ships…

To keep things simple, I am comparing the model between games, not games and scams.


You make a fair point.


Missing out on what??? A title you can attach to your profile that other players see? A title that you’ll use once before unequipping it and never seeing it again? Lack of empathy???

It’s a video game. Your life isn’t any worse off because you won’t or can’t play ~90 games to get a worthless title to attach to your profile that you wouldn’t even be using a month later even if you did earn the title. Get a grip dude.

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This is how I know you’ve been mentally abused and conditioned by the modern era of gaming. There was a time when you would play a game and actually own everything in the game regardless of how ‘useless’ it is or if you would ‘use it once’.

It’s all abusive practices, but you are conditioned. You pretend to not care but deep down it’d kill you to miss out on something. I mean look at everyone who screamed bloody murder just to donate to charity. They needed an incentive to do that. Selfish.

It only matters when we can take from others, I guess.


You realize that the teams making the cosmetics and the teams balancing/fixing the game are different teams right? With completely different specializations?

It’s not like the developers of Overwatch are going: “Hmm… we could fix these issues, but, instead we’ll spend our time making more skins.”

You’re basically getting mad that the Painter that paints your house hasn’t fixed your car yet. Painting your house is their job, they don’t have the skills, knowledge or tools to fix your car.

It’s just that I understand that the devs’ plans fell through. They wanted to give us more but couldn’t. In the meantime, we still had the best PvP game on the market, so there was nothing for me to be upset about. I wanted PvE, too, but I saw it as a bonus, not an expectation.

I was skeptical from the first announcement anyway when they were talking about highly replayable missions and skill trees. It just didn’t seem like a realistic expectation, but I was still interested to see what came out of it.

I’m not going to be upset that the cake got burned and there’s no dessert, because I still had a top-tier dinner. I’m not going to accuse the cook of lying about dessert and get mad about it.

Coward couldn’t even answer my simple questions right and went right back to his usual “every negative review = review bomber” nonsense.

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Really bad example. Let me show you what its really like.
You have a business made to remodel a house that is breaking down. They have two different teams. One to paint the house. One to fix what is broken.

But what happens instead of actively fixing the issue, is the painters come by and just do really nice paintjobs over everything is broken, while the team that is responsible for fixing stuff is doing lazy patch jobs. You are paying for the coats of paint.

However your house is still garbage. The roof leaks. The garage is broken, sewage is leaking out the back. The company responsible has no incentive to fix your house completely because you keep paying for the paint.


No, it’s really not a bad example and if you knew anything about game development, you’d realize that. Each game development team as a whole is split up into smaller teams, each performing a specific job and only rarely do their jobs overlap, but never in a way where one team can do the work of the other.

Skins, maps, new heroes etc. All those visuals are done by the art team, and that team has to keep making content in order to justify the paycheck that they get. They can’t just sit on their hands and do nothing while different smaller teams within the Overwatch development team are dealing with other issues. So they have to keep making assets for the game, be it maps and the assets on them, art for new heroes or in this specific example, new skins for existing heroes.

So they keep making this content, and then other people who aren’t on the art team will decide if that content is going to be added to the game for free, if it’s going to be part of the battle pass, or if it’s going to go on the shop. They’re also the team that decides the prices for these items. Not the art team.

So if you’re upset about the balance, don’t take it out on the art team. That’s not their job to address, and attacking them for it only makes you look horrible. If you’re upset about skin quality, don’t attack the balance team, for the same reason, it’s not their job.

No. You attack blizzard as a whole. Stop strawmanning it like people are just targeting the art team. Please and ty. If you are going to argue, be honest. I clearly stated why its bad in my example. I clearly specify why its bad practice overall.

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No, you don’t ‘attack Blizzard as a whole’ because ‘Blizzard as a whole’ isn’t responsible for what you’re mad about.

Also, I’m not strawmanning, I’m pointing out the reality of the situation to you.

If you’re upset about the art quality, you criticize the art team.
If you’re upset about the balance, you criticize the gameplay team.
If you’re upset about the pricing, you criticize the monetization team.

If you’re a blind idiot, you attack everyone for the acts of one group, who can’t seemingly ‘fix’ what you think is wrong with the game (which might not even be something wrong, and just something you don’t like).

If you seriously think the art and monetization teams have anything to do with patch notes and the decisions involved with them, then I have a bridge to sell you.

Your analogy only works if these were several independent companies coming together as one. Which your bad example implies. This is not the case. Its a singular company with several departments that work under singular leadership. So again. You are wrong.

See, this is why I know that you know nothing about game development.

Maybe educate yourself, then come back.

Until you do, we have nothing to discuss.

Game dev has nothing to do with the convo. Im talking about a bad business model that incentives bad practices. You are talking about game dev, for some unknown reason. You dont even know the conversation you are having, coming in with that huge non sequitur.

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Keep telling yourself that and keep your rage in your pants.
Not a single thing about PvE was mentioned in the info of the bundle.
Surely lots of player thought they bought it to support PvE development, but THAT is YOUR opinion not why or what they sell it.
You supported the game itself which also includes PvP content not PvE exclusively.
I never said PvE was not promised, and I’m also disappointed it got killed in a really bad way.
But there’s a difference between what you bought and what you thought you bought, a bundle with OW coins and in-game contents, but you’re never asked to pay a single penny for a single thing about PvE content except for story mission.
I dare you to find any official announcement said the bundle should contain any PvE content,you delusional big baby.

I’m right with you in that there’s bigger games out there with even worse monetization schemes but this isn’t any better and I don’t think it should be encouraged. $30 for a nasty skin and paying upwards of $70 and over for the hundle is pretty awful. It’s clear that these collab events are made for whales in mind as your average consumer isn’t going to feel particularly compelled to drop the price of a AAA game on a cosmetic bundle, especially when individual skin prices are an actual rip-off designed to compell you to spend more on the bundle anyway.

I’m all for buying stuff and funding the game but appealing to whales really suck because it’s usually everyone else that gets the short end of the stick. The sad thing is just how effective of a monetization scheme it is so it’s not even like a general boycott of the practices would help.

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Yeah, like it’s fine to criticize it as a standard industry practice, but that’s really all it is.

Hyperbolic criticism like the OP does feels ridiculous because OW2 monetisation feels basically hyperdesigned to be absolutely average (within industry standards of course) in quality, quantity and price.

Like you just KNOW that someone has mathed it out that if they lowered the prices by even 5-10%, they would make on average less money because the amount of people buying them wouldn’t increase by enough.

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Game has to make money. No free skins though. Should have one in at least one of the events.

Well, the artists are not going to be doing that. It’s not taking resources away from balancing.


Here is my review. Tell me if its bombing or not (I do play overwatch2, I have 1000+ hours on it, I just finished this season’s battlepass, I just don’t log in through steam too so it doesn’t register there)