Welcome to Transformers! The new GreedyWatch Event!

Wait, did this actually happen?

Yes, it happened. That’s the reason why The OverWatch League was shut-down and there are no plans of bringing it back any time soon.

You sir are a marketers dream


Get your facts straight before you start your toxic comments.
Before even the OverWatch “sequel” was released, Blizzard has advertised their “HUGE” PvE mode as part of the game-trailer and then they offered a Bundled pack for 39,95euros for which was said it will include the PvE mode when it comes out. As the usual Blizzard’s trickery - they waited an YEAR, before they announce cancelling the PvE mode, this way players like me - were NO LONGER able to make a Refund (like it was done with some other Blizzard’s titles where they ALSO FAILED badly).
So they simply made that “Bundle” to just include 1x Battle Pass and some miserable amount of in-game coins. The whole “bundle” was NOT worth the 39,95euros they charged us for it.
So, please don’t tell me that Blizzard never promised PvE mode, considering that they even took our money for it in advance!
The whole trickery with making the game INTRO to entirely advertise ONLY the upcoming new PvE mode - was a pure marketing SCAM !

Not a sir, and probably not.

I’ve bought skins three times since OW2 release. This is the only time I bought the big bundle.

They look exactly like your post, which is why nobody takes them seriously.

I don’t pay for my games, my boyfriend does lmao.

We have a deal. We have a huge list of games but I have to finish one before I start a new one, and as I tend to get distracted and need to 100 percent EVERYTHING it can take a while. Doesn’t help that I still play at least 5-10 Overwatch games a day as well.

I have quite the backlog right now.

Keep telling yourself that.
But the actual result of opinions shows us exactly the opposite. The majority of players are sharing the same thoughts about the game as I do and as the Steam reviews are showing.
There will always be people like you, who will be happy with any sort of brown burning bags placed on their porch.

I missed the memo on that agenda. Where can I find a copy?

With only one Decepticon added I’m disappointed.

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I mollified myself by telling myself this makes it canon that it requires at least three Autobots to stand up to Megatron. One of which must be Optimus.


It wasn’t a complicated enough agenda for them to write down. It was just “Change is bad. I am mad. Must make others feel bad to cover my sad.”

You have to wider your perspectives. The majority of players are NOT sharing your opinion. That should be telling you a lot, if you are willing to open your eyes and ears.
Don’t be so close-minded. Unless you are on a salary from Blizzard as one of their Online-Defenders, no matter what.

The reality is that the majority of players do not have a strong opinion on it either way. Many of them never even played OW1 to know. The forums, Steam reviwers, etc are a vocal minority, and those are the people you’re going to hear from the most, but it doesn’t mean their ideas are popular or even reasonable.

The silent majority does not care about the details. They play games they like and stop playing games when they don’t like them anymore (wish our community would take notes on that part). People aren’t going to make forums posts about how they enjoy the game. That’s why forums for any game turn into complaint departments.


No point of arguing with a person who says that “Many of them never even played OW1 to know”.
1st - OW1 was not decades ago, so it’s absurd to talk about it that way.
2nd - OW1 was WAY MORE POPULAR and had WAY MORE Players than OW2 ever had.
Have a nice day, sir! It’s a waste of time to argue with a Payed-Defender.

Ok. I win, then. I will have a nice day with my fun game that I like.

stop spreading lies. The watchpoint pack only got u 2k premium curency, the premium pass and 3 skins

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: Bottom line is that the game isn’t good and the devs are clueless about the GAMEPLAY. You can polish a turd all you want but at the end of the day it’s still just a turd that’ll eventually get flushed.


Are you a little child? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:



Well, in my personal experience when a discussion between adults and mature people ends with:

I win!!!

You have two options, it was not an adult person you were talking to or it is definitely not a mature person.