Welcome to Paris

…now departing Paris.

11 (not exaggerated) people have left the match. Had 3 people on D when the match began.

Fun game. Fun map.

Can’t imagine how Blizzard thinks it’s appropriate to keep this map in QP. Whether or not SR is at stake is irrelevant. It’s a waste of people’s time and evidently very few people are willing to stick around to play it.

Topic’s been brought up so many times you think they might actually do something about it, but alas. :woman_shrugging:


I honestly never even see this happen. Everyone keeps saying it happens, but I haven’t witnessed it once. It makes me suspect people are exaggerating… Heavily.


Yeah, no. Not exaggerated in the slightest. I have never gotten this map and not had somebody immediately leave it.

Odd that you think people would just lie about something so stupid though.


How is it odd? I feel like it is weird that you are complaining about a map that everyone leaves when you could leave too. That is more odd than someone lying on the internet in my personal opinion.

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I’ll leave almost always during hero selection.

Once in a month or so I’ll play one Paris game to remind myself why I leave in the first place.

Whenever I get Paris a lot of people leave at start and often in the middle of game.

That makes game unplayable due to ult advantage and all that.


Is it some US-specific kink? I never see people running away en masse from Paris.

I played it again yesterday and I remember paying attention to any leaver. Nobody left. I may see one or two leavers at the start of the game once in a while, but not more than on any other map. Or marginally anyway.

Edit: Err, yeah, I’m playing on the EU servers.

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So I should leave because everybody else is leaving? I love your logic.

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Why not? You hate the map, the game is ending sooner because supposedly half your team is gone. I fail to see the problem in the logic.

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I can’t rly imagine that if you play at least rapidly qp.
The problem is that you get Paris more frequently because you backfill for leavers and I can say I dislike Paris a lot. I allrdy despise 2cp and I think it’s by far the worst gamemode by far but espacially bad for QP where you only have 1 round to play.

So yeah I leave Paris consistently because I had only like 2-3 games on paris that I would call fun.
And I hope Blizzard does not wait till OW2 to remove 2cp as a whole from QP and Comp map rotation.

I never leave Paris. People who leave because of the map are losers who need to grow a pair. Gut gud. Play all the maps.


Nah, people just stay in my lobbies. Maybe one leaver in the beginning, but that happens a lot in general. I feel like nowadays with 2 dps being locked that have to endure queue times, those are 2 players going absolutely nowhere. If you wait in queue for 5 minutes, you are going to play Paris whether you like it or not. Rofl.

The DPS maybe but for shure not theee tanks ir supports though.

They ain’t, it happens in EU all the time. Rarely start a game as defence on Paris without at least 3-4 leavers before it stabilises

Oh, yeah, maybe it IS a region of platform thing. Psn players are usually more casual, so maybe they just ain’t care. Lul.

It’s weird I used to hate point A and not mind point B. Now I don’t mind point A but I hate point B.


Why do so many pc players rage quit Paris?

We Xbox master race players embrace the challenge of one of the better maps in this game!

I don’t know 100% that this is true, but supposedly one of the reasons they removed it from comp was because people were even leaving it in comp and taking the SR hit. That just ruined so many games that I guess they had to do it, but with QP they don’t care as much I guess since it can be backfilled.

Here: People Leaving Paris XD

Yeah, I actually DID see that back in the day, especially with HLC. People would even do it on behalf of others. Someone would say they are out of leaves and ask if someone else would take the hit, and they would be like, “say no more, fam.”

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Nah, I still leave. Ill wait for another map.

Paris is fine.
They finally need to start to punish leavers…

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