"We Will Train Machines to Ban Offmeta Heroes!"

well. if the will of the majority is for one tricks to be banned, then so be it. I mean isn’t this how the world works? Vote systems to determine who has the most votes and people that agree with them.

Same here. If it actually is as you mention, then people in their own ranks will have the power to determine who deserves to be banned and who doesn’t.

You don’t like it? The majority in your rank does. You’re free to stop playing. Why should the majority stop enjoying themselves for the minority’s sake?

Sorry, I used a turn of phrase ‘getting DUNKED on’ as in, dominated, destroyed, crushed.

Not dRunk.

We have all been in games were we are just getting destroyed. No matter the hero, no matter what we try, its just not our game.

Funny story. I came in on a backfill. Illios, they already lost a map.

I go doom, so I can get to the point ASAP.


Ok, NP, we are still contesting.

Sniped. “Wow, ns widow.”

OK now its ticking up for the other team. But I can get there!


The Widow proceeded to kill me 2 more times, before the match ended. All my deaths.

If the ‘bots’ looked at that game? I would be banned for ‘inactivity’ lol.


“Uhh blizzard can I get this false ban taken off?”

“Oh its the bot I guess… what was the ban for?”

“Oh, your bot com bans me for saying ‘hello’.”

”the hell?”

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I doubt your team will report you in this case. And there’s no system that is perfect. I still think some analyzing before applying penalties will protect players from fallse reports and it’s more important.

How the world works isn’t a simple question, but it definitely is not governed by the whim of the majority. It’s not that simple.

If an archaic tribe votes to eat you, i don’t think you will like it.

You play genji. So now with brigg out, genji is pretty bad. The majority doesn’t want you to play genji, but its not like genji can’t be played into her right?

What if the majority in gold thinks that winston counters genji, does it make it true? well it doesn’t matter, the majority will vote that you are throwing because you are playing genji into winston, when in fact genji can be played into winston very successfully and consistently.

You don’t like it? The majority in your rank does. You’re free to stop playing. Why should the majority in your rank stop enjoying themselves for you?

You see the problem here with that kind of reasoning?

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There are no humans analyzing right now, and there is nothing telling us that this will change in the near future. You reach 100 reports(maybe the number changed since last time it has been said), you get banned. Simple as that, no humans look into it. Humans get involved only if you contact the blizzard support, and that thing isn’t pleasant to go through more than half the time.

I’m talking about analyzing by scripts. I assume it’s what they mean by "machine learning ".

So you have faith in the magic of an algorithm right? okay, that’s fine.

I don’t, i don’t believe in magic and i don’t have faith in this machine learning approach because i know how it works, i implemented machine learning algorithms. They have great benefits, and some bad side effects. The side effects is what is concerning me.


In my own example there, I can 100% be sure that the system would see that as throwing.

“This Doomfist bot did nothing but get sniped out by the widow, clearly he was throwing!”

I hear you, no system is perfect, but I can see how this could have issues.

Let’s see,

  • I was reported for abusive chat when I wasn’t using chat, and hadn’t been using it for months.
  • I was reported for inactivity for building turrets in spawn which I only did before the match started to catch traps.
  • I was suspended for those fake reports

When I appealed I was told by the GM (who might as well as been a program reading from a script) that support didn’t review video or audio evidence.

All that matters is this: does a 4-stack make an organized report?

By the way… I was reported for hero choice, which Jeff literally said wasn’t a reportable offense at all. Are they gonna program that in?

The answer is no. The only good thing they can do is increase the number of players a person can avoid. Let the “enforcement” regulate each person’s personal experience. Let them avoid every main they see. But don’t let them report it and count the beans all the same.

And even in that case they don’t really look into anything.


Indeed not. Automated Report System -> Automated ‘Learning’ -> Off Meta’s Banned On Sight.

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A lot of times, yes. I have PTSD from interacting with the CS.

And to make it worse, they don’t have the tools for it. They can’t review the games because they don’t have replays, the time and the resources. They can’t review the voice chat, because they can’t record it because its probably illegal in many countries. All they have is text chat, and if the infringement is not about that, they act on trust that the reports are not false, that’s it, which is horrible.


Again and again you are forgetting (or intentionally ignore just to keep arguing) fact that machine actions will only start if player was reported.

Before this: get some amount of reports (some are false) and get your penalty.

After this: get some amount of reports, remove those of them what can’t be proved by analyzing, weight up those of them which match the analysis.

What is better? I’m sure it’s the second option. I don’t believe in machine magic (I’m a programmer) but I’m pretty sure machine can analyze stats pretty well and fair.

And if you still disagree - let’s agree to disagree.

No I’m hearing you. I work as a DBA, pulling data is what I do all day.

I’m sure there are way’s to fine tune such a system, but I think you underestimate how quickly this community reports people.

One of my comp losses tonight, a 3 stack reported a guy for ‘being a bad DPS’.

No joke. Thats it.


So continue your story please: if they reported him for “bad dps” and stats show he was good and their reports went to the trash - what’s wrong?

We all know how reliable technology is, so there’s obviously no way this will backfire on any sense.

Not at all…

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Well…he actually WAS bad. He did very little, maybe he was having a bad game, maybe luck (my widow story) was just not with him, maybe he pressed W, when he should have pressed D…

He shouldnt be BANNED however, just because a 3 stack says ‘report this guy he sucked’ and they report him for Game Play sabotage.


They write “bad dps” in the text box, but the machine can’t read and its not conscious, all it sees is gameplay sabotage category.

Nobody said it will take stats into account, all they said is that it will be driven(is what i got) by the reports. It will work with reports given by the player. Great. It’s horrifying.

well, I have different opinion in this case. If player see he is performing bad and he doesn’t switch - yes, it’s stupid onetricking and should be penalized. It’s not ban usually, just 1 day suspension.

I didnt mention anything about switching. He did switch, several times, but he was just having a bad game.