We want Genji B-Tier, not Meta EVER! 29dmg Shurikens DOESNT nor WONT make him meta

This is how i feel honestly when people somehow STILL THINK we’re trying to make him meta with just something so simple such as 29dmg shurikens. I just dont get it. If i wanted genji meta, i wouldnt just take small steps or ask for small, reasonable, and simple things such as 29dmg shurikens. You wanna know what made genji meta back then in June of 2020 that I and many other genji players are trying to avoid making that same mistake again?

  • 30 DMG shurikens enabled an absurd and unhealthy amount of new breakpoints that allowed him to secure kills a lot easier.
  • Drastic increased in dps allowed him to charge blade much faster, no ult charge nerf was EVER accounted for.
  • The huge increase in dps along with a tighter spread allowed him to land shorts more consistently, which has accounted for securing kills even easier AND gaining ult a lot quicker than other heroes in the game.

Now just to refresh your minds about genjis state rn and what has been addressed so far, genji got nerfed in July. Cool, it was expected. However, he got the wrong nerfs is why theres been a bit of outcry. Fast forward to March of this year and he got changed to avoid the same problem in June.

  • Ult charge nerfed by 15% (GOOD)
  • Fire Rate recovery rates on both primary and secondary decreased by 0.08 (GOOD)

Notice how they addressed the problems before making the same mistake again if they were to change him again. They nerfed ult charge to compensate with the small increase in dps. GOOD. If genji were to get 29dmg shurikens, he’ll be in a state where he’s better in April 2020 WHILE ALSO being worse than June 2020 state. You wanna know why?

June 2020 Genji:

  • Ult charge at 1680 points
  • Secondary Fire rate at 0.65s
  • Damage at 30
  • Spread at 9

Nani Suggestion Patch for April 2021 Genji:

  • Ult charge at 1932 points (worse than June)
  • Primary Fire rate at 0.88s (better than June, but not much of an impactful change in game. but a helpful one though)
  • Secondary Fire Rate at 0.68 (worse than June)
  • Damage at 29 (worse than June)

Blizzard has done the right thing with addressing genji in March by tackling the problem before making the same mistake back in June by going overboard with no nerfs. But he just needs one more thing: 29 dmg shurikens to make him a solid B-Tier pick. His stats will also fare worse than his overpowered state in June, which will still keep him in check from going overboard like before. The huge problem with genji lied in his ult charging too quickly while his dps being overbuffed in June. Now that the ult has been addressed, his fire rates being buffed while still making it worse than his overbuffed state, 29dmg shurikens will be the ONLY next logical buff for him.

For those who are afraid of 29dmg shurikens “enabling too many breakpoints” or being the same as “30 dmg shurikens breakpoints,” trust me, i dont want that either. But doing some testings with the workshop and also doing the math, 29dmg shurikens does not enable all of the same breakpoints as 30 did. It only enables some more breakpoints from 28 but doesnt enable too much at a time. Also with his ult charge nerfed, even 29dmg shurikens wont allow his ult to charge quickly at all. It still charges roughly the same as 28dmg shurikens!

Blizzard, you made the right direction changing him in march. Now all you gotta do is just 29dmg shurikens. Thats it, nothing more, nothing less. No other changes. The only other change you’d do other than 29dmg shuriken are JUST BUG FIXES in his dash, deflect, and wall climb. Thats it. Thank you :heart:

Only time i would not be asking for 29dmg shurikens and leave genji as is ONLY IF there was a mass powercreep nerf in the top damage and heals/sustain in the game


I’d like to see a spread increased tho, just in case

That spread buff is what made him OP IMO

It was very easy to play him, and people were memeing that he had a shotgun

Actually may genji is probably what reaper wants to be


I honestly dont mind like a halfway revert for genji’s spread perhaps. around 10-11 for spread? Although my direction with genji is to do this:

  • Allow his stats to be worse than June genji while simultaneously keeping his stats better than April or Pre-April Genji.

I do want just a little more consistency though as opposed to April Genji, but i dont want him too consistent that may push him over the top you know? If it does become too problematic, I’m not opposed of a small nerf to spread. As long as his state is better than Pre-June genji, but still worse than June genji, thats fine. Other than his ult stats of course because for his dps to be increased, only ult charge is reasonable for being worse than Pre-June genji.


increasing his spread too much will make it that genji would really need to be in the throat of the target, right now it is good and you can still miss 1 shuriken really easy while every other flanker doesn’t need to be that close, making him again not a worthy pick when you can just play Doom and Tracer.

Genji is B tier though?

He’s a solid pick in Gold & Plat.


I wish he was B-tier…

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Bruh :gun:

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Isn’t that your rank?

LET ME STOP :running_man: :running_man: :cloud: :cloud:

ONLY IF his dps is too consistent, then i dont mind the increase in spread. but 29dmg shurikens shouldnt be able to cause much of an issue. only i can see his spread being increased if we were to introduce 30dmg shurikens back to avoid it from being too consistent.

WPEOTRJIWPOETJOWPJTH smh. im referring to higher ranks you doofus. not average rank. legit every weak/underpowered hero in diamond+ is B tier in gold and below :roll_eyes:. tsk tsk tsk.

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But it’s Rush meta… Genji is NEVER good in Rush meta.

It won’t. I have seen a lot of people test this and it seems very good and can work in this meta.

You can play any hero in gold and platinum yes


me when I say a 0.2 uppercut recovery time wouldn’t make doomfist op

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They should give Doom 300HP, thats a fact


I mean, with 29, thats still not gonna make him good in rush meta tbh lmao.

But theres quite a few heroes now overperforming well in a Rush Meta for some reason… :thinking:. But thats a topic for another time.

Give this man his 0.2 and bug fixes.


We both know neither of them are gonna be buffed


probs, but chances are, my main has a higher chance to get looked at as opposed to yours :joy:


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I’d pay to see may Genji. What I liked most about Genji is that he was undoubtedly skillful to use. Now he’s way more accessible for everybody. I think this should be the last thing Blizzard should think on.

Remember when they’re buffing Baptiste being the best support pick? Don’t doubt about Blizzard’s movements

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The difference is, any hitscan hero in this game gets more forgiving changes as opposed to a projectile/flex hero. Even if a projectile/niche/flex hero sees a sliver of viability? NERFED IMMEDIATELY