We need to show outrage with the new OWL Lucio emote

Okay, I am here to show my outrage… I am outraged. Take that, Blizz. But seriously, Blizz, why?

Imagine getting pissed off at a company for making a profit. Grow up. This is the way the world works. They gave an added extra to a pass that people paid for because you get OWL specific skins and extras. The Lucio emote is just an added extra. Deal with it.

Doesn’t matter. It’s not something I can afford to buy or use (my ISP has bandwidth limitations in regards to streaming content like Twitch.)

If Blizzard sold it that way AND made it an ultra rare drop in the game, I’d be more okay with it. But, it is what it is.

It is perfectly fine. For a game that is as big as OW you only paid once and will never have to pay again to keep playing. These other cosmetics are optional and not going to replace their existing commitment of adding more skins to their library for both seasonal events and all time available skins.

So no I will not show outrage, its sort of expected. It is a cool skin, is it worth 30 bucks? Prolly not, but I am not outraged at all.

Yes but it’s quite cool that we’ve been given new heroes, new maps, new skins, new modes, that they try fixing bugs and balancing game, without charging us anything IMO.

Also I’m glad I’ll have a free Lucio emote when I pay just for the OWL camera views.

Also, I hope Blizzard gets tons of money so the games I love will never die and they’ll even make new ones, and maybe great movies and so on.

I don’t feel very outraged actually, sorry OP, have a nice day!


That’s what I’ve been trying to say, telling Blizzard you’re ok with paying $30 a single emote is dangerous. It’s not because I want the Lucio emote so bad, I don’t even play Lucio - it’s the future I’m concerned about. On top of all this lootbox stuff we’re gonna start getting mtx, gamepasses, premium subscriptions, like where does it end?

And before someone says it’s just a perk for buying the OWL pass that comes with a million other things, it’s not. Blizzard can very easily see the bump in sales the emote caused. They aren’t stupid, it’s fully intentional that they’re doing this when OWL is nearly over and the rest of the pass’ content is nearly worthless. This game is going to turn into a mess of micro-transactions if consumers allow Blizzard to do whatever they want.


Basically, yeah.

I have to say, that they are in a dilemma of how to fairly monetize Overwatch without outraging the community. By law, they are safe, because they exchanged e-goods for money. However, this is not pro-sumer, people…

Even though it’s an emote (e.g. not affecting game-play). It’s like saying to some fans, “Oh, thanks Bliz. I’m totally cool to buy this $30 limited-time Lore or Comic exclusive that OWL All-Pass™ Bundles.” That coupled with the All-Pass™ is not a good value for anyone outside of U.S. bcs of time-zones, does in fact make it a Pay-wall (with ambigious Time-Wall of 2 weeks, that they certainly is predatory upon.**)
** Think of it this way. If I were Blizzard Activision, to maximize profit/revenue… I would make: (1) an ambigious time-wall item for OWL, then (2) add it to the next OWL-season or add it in-game for 1000-3000 coins after a season had pass. It’s like hitting 2 birds with one stone (it’s like GTA V that was exclusive to PS 1-year, then some people gotta rebuy it because it was released on PC).

It’s an option of course… But to make an analogue, this is like supporting monopoly. For example, do you like when Telecommunication Companies charge you with bad/overpriced data plans that you don’t need?

They need to throw you guys some kind of bone, but i guess it was too nice of a bone, all the other dawgs jelly

You are part of what’s wrong with overwatch and I hate you for it.

How do you check where to buy it? I can’t find it anywhere

my goodness, The people who bought the pass in the first place were told they’d get extra exclusive content and here it is. It is not 30 dollars for a single emote unless you out of your own choice choose to only make use of the emote out of the entire package.

I don’t have a pass and won’t be getting one, despite the fact I love the emote because I wouldn’t get enough use out of the other stuff. I’m not sure why so many people didn’t expect the passholders to get exclusives from the start.


Trust me, people are showing their outrage and nobody’s sugar-coating it lmao.

its not $30 dollars for an emote.

its $30 dollars for:

add free OWL watching all year
12 subscription to OWL giving you exclusive OWL emotes and badges for twitch
15 OWL skinc 3 grey 12 away colors
access to command center which includes multi screen viewing in OWL and access to AMA’s with pros and game day pre-game Broadcast
and an emote.

sorry the value is there, youre just mad because the only thing YOU want is the emote.


you get the pass on the OWL channel

It’s a cool emote. Why be so upset about it? They are selling a service and you get an emote with it.

Sure, but if Blizzard wasn’t trying to make people subscribe to OWL for this one very thing they would’ve also made it available outside of the OWL bundle.

Give OWL subscribers all the skins in the world for all I care, but don’t make me subscribe to something I don’t enjoy just to get an emote for a hero I have the most hours on.

There’s a middle ground that OWL subscribers seem to conveniently ignore since they get it anyways. There’s zero reason Blizzard couldn’t give the new emote to OWL subscribers for free, but also make it purchasable at the standard 3,000 gold credits as well (besides greed).

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Listen, I don’t really like it too much either, but they did say they were going to do this when the all access pass was announced.

You call it greed, I call it incentive to support the OWL. Literally every exclusive for anything in gaming can be summed up as “greed”.

Why is Mario Oddesy only on switch? Because Nintendo is greedy and wants people to buy a switch to play their exclusive game.

Why is Noire Skin only a pre order bonus? Because Blizzard is greedy and want people to invest into Overwatch before reading reviews.

Why are the Blizzcon Skins only availble from tickets? Obviously because Blizzard is greedy and want people to buy Blizzcon tickets.

You could make this argument for Blizzcon skins too. “Oh, I really want this Winston skin because he’s my main, why the heck do I have to buy a bundle in order to obtain what I want?”

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no I don’t ignore it, I actively promote it. im glad I get something you don’t for buying the OWL pass, im especially glad its something this high quality. Its another benefit for my belief in the league. I bought the pass because I like OWL and wanted to actively support the league and players. YOU didn’t, im glad I have a badge that others want to show I did.


So giving it to OWL subscribers for free while still making it available to the massive population that play but don’t watch for the normal price wouldn’t be supporting it? Completely locking it behind the OWL paywall is a strait up cash grab and is poor business practice. They are certainly entitled to do it, but people’s frustration is totally justified.

Yes, developing an entire game from the ground up on a specific console is exactly the same as locking an in-game animation behind a subscription pay wall. :roll_eyes:

I own the Widow Noire skin because I would’ve pre-ordered the game regardless, knew I was going to play. I still hate the rampant pre-order bonus concept that plagues the gaming industries these days. Whenever a developer offers something exclusive for subscribing to something, having a certain console, or anything like that it only hurts the actual fans of the game overall.

Same concept, but the OWL skins were fairly low quality (only epic re-color level) so it didn’t cause nearly as much of a stir. This is one of the very few legendary emotes introduced into the game, so it’s a slap in the face to collectors and Lucio players everywhere that they have to subscribe to a service they may not be interested in just to unlock it.