We need an Official answer on One Tricking. 🎲

It’s honestly showing the double standard held against mercy players.

They gut our character and dare to argue that because Mercy has a pistol that she can defend herself. And yet if someone uses the pistol in matches they are called a troll and can be banned for it.


I think what most people (at least on this board) have agreed on is that using your pistol is okay. Especially if you need to get out of danger.
But it’s not cool if you just use that.

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Haven’t read the entirety of the comments, but really, one thing that still gets out from this is how biased maybe the report system can be and how much it has a long way to go before being efficient rather than punishing behaviors that are not classified among the “offenses”.

I’m really looking forward an actual report system that doesn’t work with just X amounts of reports target and lesser confusing system whereas some game masters aren’t agreeing on when asked. Like, a lot of the times when you wanna question a suspension you can legit get 2 sides of the medal, from “you shouldn’t have been suspended for this” to “you totally deserve to be suspended”.

Tl;dr The game has a long way to go before getting an actual fair report system.

Your stats on mercy - 1.7k healed out of which 1.7k is self healing means that you didn’t actually heal anyone once. I find it hard to believe that at least at some point you didn’t have an opportunity to heal someone. So at least be a man and admit that you threw because you were forced onto a role you didnt like


There’s a difference between not playing a character how your team thinks you should and playing a character in defiance of their intended use.

Using your gun as Mercy is fine, using it while your team collapses around you is bad teamwork. If you want to drag out just pick Zen (who would play better with Moira anyways).

Either way this story doesn’t check out; short of passing minutes without healing I can’t imagine one game would be evidence enough. Something else happened.

In a Comp game in Hollywood defense with me as Mercy their was an overaggressive Reaper always going for me

Time to pull out the blaster and shoot his face, and he never gets me once while I down him around 4 times

However, I always go back to healing ASAP

Sticking with Mercy’s blaster means you aren’t healing for a weapon difficult to use beyond close range, and easy to out DPS with any Offensive

All other Supports can heal and attack, Mercy is that only one who can’t

If you are going full time Battle Mercy, you are taking up a healer for a subpar damage dealer, and I think that can be considered griefing depending on the context

It’s just not a good idea 99% of the time, it just hurts your team, just play your favorite attacking hero


Ahhh it’s one of the best things to do in this game! People get tooo darn tilted about tea bagging (wth I why am I not allowed to post this word if written together??), it’s just hilarious.
The fact that they literally forget EVERYTHING and just wanted me dead won me sooo many games. They chase me off the objective and C9. Or my favourite: solo grav, blade, noon, visor, barrage me while their whole team is dead because they are so mad at me. Literally had a Zarya throw a game after I pistoled her to death, she got angry, insulted me over textchat and then grav’ed me after 4 of her teammates have died. Thanks for the free SR! :smiley: :smiley:

And even better if you kill them every. single. time. they come for you. Or Genjis wasting a blade on you and can’t even get you XD aahhh the best ragequits ever!!

With 6.6k damage… That was worth the report as it’s obvious they didn’t heal at all. If you want to play DPS then pick a DPS character, don’t troll and pretend you’re going to support.

It’s likely that he got both reported by his team and the enemy team. If everyone reports you in an entire match and you have reports from before that’s a surefire way to get banned.


Yeah your profile suggests you did very close to 0 team healing and only 1 ressurect. Your damage boosted stat is missing in its entirety meaning you NEVER used it.

You didn’t just have your gun out for defense.

Purposefully not using your entire kit to get the best results is not trying to win ,and is reportable even in QP.

Not sure why you seem to think that QP and comp have different report systems.

Where does it officially state that not using your entire kit is not trying to win? One could then argue that not using the pistol on Mercy throughout the match is also not trying to win. Sorry but it works both ways if what you’re saying is factual.


I’d like to see you explain how refusing to heal with a dedicated healer is trying to win.

Is that you’re throwing ? If it’s bannable in comp it’s bannable in QP.

If I go play genji but never use my primary or secondary fire ,would I really be trying to win ?

Refusing to heal as a healer isn’t trying to win.

The two don’t relate. Mercy’s pistol is a weapon being used, Genji’s shurikens are a weapon he’s choosing not to use. I could agree if Mercy wasn’t using the staff and the weapon, that would be identical to Genji’s example you made. That still doesn’t answer my question, where does it officially state that not using the entire kit is not trying to win? If what you say is true then I’m reportable in-game as I sometimes never use Mercy’s pistol in some matches and mostly her staff, therefore I’m not using her full kit.

It doesn’t, but eitherway you are still throwing.

Not healing as a main healer is absolutely throwing ,if you want proof then you can simply go to comp and try to battle-mercy only for a season.

Also ,read the rest of the message ,I said not using your full kit to get the best results ,you don’t always need to use the pistol to get the best results possible.

Which we know are automated reports that generally rarely get appeals go through successfully, lol.

We don’t see eye to eye on this, so I’m not going to drag this into a debate :slight_smile:. End from me.

Im also going to say the same as everyone before. Characters like mercy and ana can only do 1 thing at the same time. Moira NEEDS to deal damage in order to heal. Not only that, she can throw a healing orb out for her team while dealing damage. She is much better at taking care of flankers too. Where you shoot genjis with mercy, moira can do it better. Her damage doesnt gets deflected and she is simply stronger because her damage beam always hits.

I need to comment this, sorry if it’s harsh here, but if someone refuses to heal as a support, chances there are possibilities to why the person cannot heal despite trying to win.

Scenario 1 as Mercy : You’re playing with the most uncoordinated team, not willing to group up, spread apart at 5 corners of the Earth.

Best case scenario, everyone is top tier DPS and can deal without any heals, but chances you can’t even heal the 5 of them and are getting focused really hard by the other team and is non-protected by your own team.

Results by the current thread logic should be that everyone in that team would be reported for not using either the kit to win (or not playing as a team).

Scenario 2 : Your team is excellant at coordinating, but you’re being focused nonstop as Mercy in your team, but none of your team decides to help you out, therefore you have to somewhat defend otherwise you can’t do much more heals in the end.

Results : Either you die by healing, either you give yourself a chance to maybe survive and do more heals for a gap of time, either you fail horribly.

There’s probably more scenarios here, but in none of the categories does it say an individual has to pick and serve the team as a meta slave when you don’t even play the category in the first place. It’s like asking the impossible for the impossible, sometimes you have no choice to pull out your gun as Mercy and it’s actually pretty decent damage that can be done as well.

For someone who mains support, this should occur less eventually, but for someone playing an unfamiliar role in a team game where none of the system promotes teaming, rather only promotes individual performance, this shouldn’t be a reportable offense to use the Mercy pistol, but should be a reportable offense if the person IS purposely saying that he or she won’t use any heals either in-chat or via voice chat toward the team as a support healer, UNLESS the team composition is FINE with it.

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What? Bannable? Can you stop please posting.

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