We need an Official answer on One Tricking. šŸŽ²

Oh, I get it. Iā€™m a Mercy Main, but if I see my team is fine and Iā€™m on the right to position to it, Iā€™ll finish squishies myself.

On Monday I had two of my best matches, one of these was a 4 rounds Kingā€™s Row match, where I healed 31K as Mercy and finished the match on a 10 kills streak. Itā€™s fine to use your pistol to either finish squishies, to help on damage againsā€™t people stalling, hard to kill (like tracer), out of position or even to 1v1 if you screwed up and itā€™s out of position yourself, with no one to fly to.

But I get how having a Mercy 24/7 with a pistol is 100% wrong.


If you had gold damage as mercy out of all your teammates, Iā€™m forced to believe you werenā€™t just using the pistol as self defense.
So Iā€™m going to assume you were doing that more than healing. Which in that case, penalty deserved.
If you want to heal but have an urge to shoot stuff pick Bridget or Lucio so you can help without thinking about it.
Itā€™s normally people who main DPS who have the battle Mercy problem.

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Every character in the game is expected to contribute damage except Mercy. IMO thatā€™s a design problem with Mercy.

Personally, I do believe (pure) Battle-Mercy should be bannable. But it goes for all supports: if you choose a healer, and refuse to heal, that should be considered gameplay sabotage.

Itā€™s just that itā€™s most noticeable for Mercy. You can clearly see when sheā€™s shooting and when sheā€™s healing. With Zen, you canā€™t always keep track of his Orbs. Moira has to do damage or she canā€™t even heal. With Ana you can never really tell what sheā€™s shooting. Thatā€™s why Mercy takes more heat for it than other characters.
I find it frustrating in all of them though. If youā€™re a healer and thereā€™s someone standing right next to you, begging for health when theyā€™re critical, just do your job. Of course, if you get flanked, youā€™re in your right to defend yourself. And keeping yourself alive would be a priority over healing.

But given how many reports you need to get for sanctions on your account, I doubt you were just fending off flankers for one matchā€¦

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Was this in competitive play or quick play? Sorry if I missed that in your original post. I go Battle Mercy only in quick play if the team chooses to pick something ridiculously unlikely to win such as five DPS. Mercyā€™s kit, to get on fire certainly, seems to encourage the play style of Battle Mercy. Battle Mercy in quick play is still trying to win, so if it was quick play then it shouldnā€™t be a reportable thing. Itā€™s hard to get ā€˜on fireā€™ without fighting as Mercy too.

Ahh I love it when my teammates flame me for going ā€œbattle Mercyā€.
If people are busy chasing kills, leaving me behind, not peeling for me, what am I supposed to do?
Youā€™re right, literally nobody complains about a flanking DPS Lucio who is on SpeedBoost all the time for ā€œsick movesā€, you sometimes but seldom hear complaints about a DPS Moira, but as soon as you take out your pistol its: " omG MeRCy wHy aRe yOU DPSing?!?!?".
There was a comp match I also had gold damage and elims while having over 10K heals done because I ALWAYS killed their Tracer and Doomfist and even solo-pistoled a Hog to death. I never got any help from my team, they were busy shooting at hog or the Orisa shield.
Almost every push we had numbers advantage because I killed their Tracer and Doom that were too greedy, but we still lost (3.5k SR BTW). I was apparently the reason according to my teamā€¦

Iā€™ve heard a lot of times that Iā€™ve been reported for going DPS Mercy, havenā€™t been banned yet soā€¦
And sorry guys, if yā€™all so incompetent in killing a Widow/Hanzo/Doomfist, I take matters in my own handsā€¦

Oh and a tip for ā€œpsychological warfareā€. If you have a Tracer, Genji, Doom or Sombra greedy for you, kill them and teabag them (even if you had help or didnā€™t do the final blow). Repeat if necessary. They get so tilted, they will literally forget everything else and hunt you down. All you need to do then is bait them into your team. 90% of the time they will follow you into a 1v4 and get instagibbed. Enjoy the salty tears :wink:

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I donā€™t think u can get banned just for doing this in a single game, you probably racked up a ton of reports.

Then again, if it was just one game, then thatā€™s really unreasonable, unless thereā€™s some greater context.

You can check my overbuff page Sunni#21723 i have only played 1 game of mercy ever

But after the mercy nerfs she wants everyone to

and yes i do ship reaper and mercy and u canā€™t stop me

neopets > fortnite :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Seeing your most played heroesā€¦ I got a feeling it was not just the mercy report.
Itā€™s never easy to go against societyā€™s norms and live a good life unless you are exceptional anyway.

I find it peculiar youā€™d get suspended for only one game of Mercy that fast. Even with an automated report system.

Either way, you were asked to fill, and even if youā€™re trash with support, you can still put in some effort to heal. Simply going Battle Mercy is not only annoying, but also ruining your own chances of a win.

Any good Mercy uses that pistol and not just for personal defense. Yeah, youā€™re primary job is to heal up people and boost appropriate heroes, but there are plenty of times where a quick flip of the mouse wheel can help you finish off a low health enemy more effectively than just mindlessly boosting someone.

That pistol is GREAT.

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Except it isnt just battle mercy, its the fact my hero pool is entirely off meta, but this is the only reasons blizzard provided

But of course.
Nothing is ever wrong with the site.
Not at all. :angel:

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Are you sure about that? Off-meta excuses sometimes get de-bunked whenever a blue name shows up to lay down the facts about someone claiming this.

Either way, if youā€™re innocent, that sucks you got the suspension. What exactly did they give you as a reason?

Using the pistol is fine as long as you dont prioritize doing dmg over healing. If a tank dies you could have saved but didnt because you were shooting makes your team justified to be mad.

Why wouldnā€™t playing DPS Mercy be bannable?

Honestly, tebagging is one of the best diversion tactics.
I was playing Blizzard World defense, and i teabagged pretty much everyone.
Guess what their new objective was? :wink:
The Victory was so sweet.

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Because not playing a character how YOU think they should be played isnā€™t reportable.
It was one of the examples in things not to report.