We need an Official answer on One Tricking. 🎲

Of course it happens that you get a bad team which makes it nearly impossible to do your job. Those matches do happen, as frustrating as they are. And in those matches, getting little healing done,or fighting for your life isn’t a reportable offence.

However, the real problem is with the battle mercy that chooses to use their gun over healing people. They have the option to heal, but choose not to. The mercy that will ignore injured teammates and focus on shooting instead. Not just in self defence, but openly going for offence as well. Those people are the problem, and I firmly believe that this should be reportable.

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I don’t understand how they aren’t, could you explain that ?

though ,not working together isn’t reportable ,otherwise pretty much anyone below diamond (or even masters) would be banned.

For the rest of your post ,if the team is doing so badly that you have to battle mercy 99% of the time and you’re actually not healing a single teammate, then don’t play mercy ,you’re better off playing DPS or zenyatta.

To quote who I was originally replying to “I go battle-mercy in QP when the team is trying something ridiculous like 5 DPS” ,obviously playing mercy with the intention to DPS instead of heal ,not because they’re in a sticky situation.

I’ve said this from the start. Battle healers need to have their weapons NERFED A LOT. With great-drop off on longrange shots.

I saw this issue just as much in Team Fortress 2. Battle doctor going in with his syringe gun and UNLOAD on players. Because healers regain health during firing and/or just walking around in general, they can be difficult to kill. It kind is a bit fun to troll the OTHER team with this mechanic. I never understood why devs from ALL games left this kind of a flaw in. So I guess shame on them!

It IS fun to play “battle mercy”. Go in and wreck the other team with valkerie running, swoop in, get in their face and blast them with the pistal. Yes, my team mates are MAD that I didn’t heal much, and/or someone had to go play lucio, BUT mowing down the enemy team, and carding at the end was just as fun.

The bottom line, it’s in her kit, fix it or forget it.

Can we just agree that if you are forced into support to pick moira? She can do both things. Problem solved.

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Uhh, why the battle mercy thread was merged here?


Not sure why this Battle-Mercy thread was moved since this isn’t related to one-tricking… anyway…

6 Supports team will eventually be a thing in competitive, would not using your entire kit be considered a reportable offense when literally everyone is supposed to heal, no.

For the, just swap to DPS then, this isn’t helping much, because people just gonna report you after for some dumb reasons such as “purposely not staying on support”.

Not playing as a team in a team game isn’t reportable, but really the game should promote it way more, but like almost the entirety of the SR system in comp only promotes self-based performance rather than team-based effort.

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Not sure, I guess the two relate in some way regarding one tricking? I don’t see the relation personally but I guess whoever moved them did :stuck_out_tongue:.

That’s an entirely different story, maybe in that situation pistol is better than healing

But when you’re in literally any other comp ? not healing as a healer is bannable.

Then appeal it if you get banned ,that’s obviously false reporting, or if you’re so concerned about it switch to Moira ,Zen or the coming soon brigitte ,who can all heal and deal damage at the same time.

They should ,but that’s another story for another day.

It should, but if you check the categories for reporting, it isn’t. so just like as much as I would want to report problems as a team, it isn’t reportable neither. So in theory, we both can’t report those, but in theory it should be in such a game.

Since I never got into such a problem in nearly 2 years, but has seen a lot from others, the appeal is generally biased to both side of the medals like I said earlier, one could argue that it is reportable when it shouldn’t, while another could argue it’s a non-reportable offense but should be. That is because it seems there isn’t such a clear thing about “rules” within the game other than what one is thinking vs what should be done.

But that’s where I disagree. Someone will be reported for being a one trick by people, of course, but they will only be actioned against is there are either enough reports or genuine issues.

It’s the correlation not causation arguement again. Someone can be reported fo rone tricking but they wont be suspended unless there’s a genuine issue outside of the one tricking.

So you’re telling me if I go S:76 and only drop biotic fields all game ,that would be completely fine ?

Purposefully not doing your role is throwing.

Throwing is bannable.

If you won’t do your role ,switch to another role you want to do.

Purposefully not doing your role is throwing ,if someone thinks throwing shouldn’t be bannable that’s on them.

By the reportable category offenses, this is absolutely fine

Here I quote :

Gameplay sabotage is :
Actively harassing or disrupting your own team through the use of game mechanics or player actions. This includes placing a symmetra teleporter exit at a cliff edge , or intentionally allowing yourself to be eliminated by the enemy team (I.E. Feeding).

Gameplay sabotage is not :
Simply making a mistake, playing poorly or an unwillingness to switch heroes.

The other categories for reporting doesn’t include “throwing”. But I agree with you at a certain extent that it should be, but it’s not on me to decide that, the game states it and it should be applied as is.

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This fits most closely to what we’re talking about. If a support refuses to support then it’s like they’re inactive.

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I posted it earlier and it still holds true because players on here are incredibly hard headed.

There is no conflict. The only conflict is within yourself. You want this magical version of the game you made up in your head.

Blizzard gave you the answer. It’s not “optimal” to cook a turkey with a lighter, but it’s completely up to you if you want to do it. You can dig a hole with a spoon rather than a shovel if you merry well please. And that’s the facts, pure and simple.

You aren’t going to force people into a meta or to pick certain characters. Period. Ever. You need to either accept that or to move on to a different game. This is their game and they made the rules clear MULTIPLE TIMES. They also give you the tools of grouping up with friends and a LFG section on the website so help you form a team of like minded people.

So you can accept reality for what it is and play the game knowing you’re going to encounter a team of Sym, Bastion, Mei Soldier Rein and Zen on attack, or you can move onto another game. Period. End of story. It’s been 9 seasons and they’ve made it perfectly clear. If you don’t like that then there’s hundreds of other games out there you can buy.

If you believe your friends were suspended because of false reporting from teammates, I would recommend you advise them to submit an appeal request here 15. That will assist our CS team in investigating this issue that impacted their experiences. Our reporting system (including false report detection) isn’t perfect, but we’re always working hard to improve it.

Except that your team won’t do anything about it. I’ve been reported hundreds of times by people who simply have it out for Sym mains and have been banned twice because of it. Appealed twice and received automated messages both times that pretty much told me to “go pound dirt.”

You can START to improve your appeal and reporting process by removing the entire thing to begin with cause one-tricks are STILL being banned for hitting report limits cause people in said “community” are buttholes who like to snitch.

winston auto shutting down your turrets.

i didn’t know winston had infinite attack range and unlimited ammo AND invulnerability! gosh golly gee!

Recently i had a symm who put teles in the same location, and the enemy team was literally farming anyone who came out of them, and they have so many ults because of it.

I’m willing to bet that was because you or one of your mates didn’t take the tele after they respawned and it caused you all to lose tempo b/c that person was running back to point while the rest of your team was wiping. I’ve seen it happen a million, billion times. Can lead a horse to water but you can’t make 'em drink. You run past tele: you lose spawn advantage.

for the love of god don’t onetrick

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I’m sorry, but mods and devs can say whatever they want about one tricking but it’s not true. The fact of the matter is you can definitely be suspended for one tricking. The report system is automated. If you get enough reports, even if it’s only for one tricking, you WILL be suspended. Period, end of story, it will happen. I have first hand knowledge of this because I one trick bastion. I even appealed and it was upheld. Actions speak louder than words, and suspension for one tricking happen.

This is highly doubtful. With as forgiving as even Moira is with her M2, her TTK is far too high for an entire team of Moira-like supports to be effective. Not when a hero like Soldier:76 can kill you in 1/6th of the time.

I’ve done it. It’s not that bad. Team average was around 2400 if I remember right, equal mix of gold/plat on both side.