We need an Official answer on One Tricking. šŸŽ²

Pretty much that.

But I wish they could get bans too, itā€™s awful having a dps moira, a 1v6 booping lucio or a dps sniper ana on my team. Makes everything more difficult.

As for Zenā€¦ Lol dude, his task is actually to help on damage, his healing is almost his secondary job.

But really there are people in comp thatā€™ll start screeching the moment you take out your pistol.

McCree: ā€œMErCy wHy ArE yoU uSiNg YoUR piStOLā€
Me: Has to kill the Sombra before she kills me because he isnā€™t peeling at all

Itā€™s pretty funny because in that game I kept killing the Sombra and heā€™s still in VC complaining even though Iā€™m doing his job for him.


If youā€™re clearly winning the fight, iā€™m fine with battle Mercy. If your team is dying left and right because you decided to use your gun, then i donā€™t know about bannable, but reportable for sure. If you want to dps pick a dps, not Mercy.

picks the fourth DPS
ā€œWe need a Mercy!ā€


Choosing Mercy is the guarantee you will get heals as she is the ultimate healer. When Mercy uses her pistol she cannot heal, and you literally would be better off choosing a dps if thatā€™s all you will use, and let someone else use the healer to heal.

If youā€™re not going to heal as Mercy then yes, you might as well pick another dps.


She also has a staff for a reason.

Quite frankly battle Mercy should be a punishable offense. Not self-defense, but prioritizing damage over healing.

Zen can get away with it because his damage is much better than his healing and he can do both at once. Moira is the same to a lesser extent in that she can go from healing to damage very quickly and do both at the same time with her orbs and ult (although her healing is much better than her damage).

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I honestly doubt you were only shooting when the flankers came for you if you had gold damage.

  1. No, not playing a character how other people think they should be played isnā€™t something that should be reported. It was legit one of the examples of why NOT To report someone. Iā€™ve been called Battle Mercy before, because my team seemed to forget about me, and I was left with flankers all over the place. Or the person I was healing would fly off, and leave me. There are times when you need to be a Battle Mercy because thereā€™s no other option except die :confused:
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I can change back and forth really fast.
Does that count?

I think it really depends on the team you have.
In a perfect game, there would always be someone there for Mercy to fly to and there would always be a tank or someone protecting her.
But, not all games are perfect games.

Iā€™ve played some games where the team hasā€¦ questionable judgement. And likes to scatter. So Iā€™m left flying all over the place in high stress situations. And sometimes, I need that gun over the heals because I need to keep myself alive.

It would be nice, but Iā€™ve been the position wherein Iā€™ve been accused of DPSā€™ing on support. Itā€™s just too iffy. I donā€™t know why theyā€™re DPSing-- they could be in a tight situation, that hero may be low, etc.

A mercy who is strictly using their gun the entire fight, though? Thatā€™s fairly obvious.

if I see you with ur gun out im reporting u ):<
so it better be REALLY FAST!!!

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Iā€™ve gotten gold heals and healing before.
Granted it was like once, but it did happen!

But thereā€™s a clear difference between a Mercy fighting to literally survive, or even help secure a kill as backup, and a Mercy pew pewing away while her teammates are begging for heals on their deathbed in her direct line of sight, or a Mercy charging head on into the enemy by herself and dying.

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Iā€™ll switch so fast youā€™ll be thinking Iā€™m shooting from my caduceus!

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Read what I wrote one more time. Did I say you can NEVER whip out your pistol? Or did I say if you ONLY use your pistol?

Ah, okay.
I just looked it up, and the actual definition of Battle Mercy is different from what I thought it was.
(I thought it was a Mercy who was shooting for a longer amount of time.)

like this?


Ah man, I always wanted to get that glitch, but never did ):

I actually got it myself a couple of times on console. It was pretty hilarious.

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