We need an Official answer on One Tricking. 🎲

It’s not. And the devs have said so many times before (That is just the most recent one).

If any player is performing badly (with any hero), their punishment is losing more games and dropping in SR. It’s not a bannable offense perform badly in a match. I’m sure 100% of the players had at least a bunch of games where they said to themselves “I did nothing at this match”. Everyone have their bad days. What matters for the competitive ranks is consistency. If you win consistently, you climb. If you lose consistently, you drop. If you keep an average 50% winrate, you stay where you are.

Throwing requires intention of losing the game. Someone that is inactive at the base, or jumping in front of Oasis cars, or running towards the enemies without shooting at them.

FYI, I love a good Torbjorn. Torb is one of my favourite heroes too! I don’t play him as often as I’d like to. But a good torb can be brutal to play against.
Sometimes I like to scare my friends when we are grouped by picking torb on attack, just to hear them scream (though, I usually switch off before the match officially starts).

Actually, recently I played with a few attack torbs that destroyed the enemy team (with one, we got both points on Horizon lunar colony with 6mins 14secs remaining).
For me personally, I’m okay with anyone picking anything, as long as they switch off if it isn’t working. :smiley:

Keep up the good Torb! :smiley:

PREACH, THIS x1,000,000

Seriously dude? Seriously? You haven’t been playing Blizzard games for long, have you?

Appeals do not work. Perhaps in US, i don’t know, i tend to see a lot of US server players claim that sometimes appeals do work, but in EU they NEVER work because GMs don’t ever examine replays pure and simple.

GMs are there just to provide the illusion of support. They just don’t bother.

The only solution is to remove the report system altogether. You can mute toxic people and you can avoid playing with them. That is enough. We don’t need a nanny state Blizzard in an online competitive game. It creates far more problems than it solves.


this is a discussion forum. you’re saying there is nothing to discuss and video game with a zillion different in game scenarios and contexts demontrating intent and poor teamwork is black and white…ok then /ignored. :crying_cat_face:

Please everyone. Stay on topic and try not to Argue or become toxic. It is easy to accidentally become tilted on a thread and get sucked into an argument. IF you find yourself in this situation, just ignore the current conversation and move on.

Thanks for your understanding.



Thank you for your post!

I agree, chat abuse (voice and text) and cheating should be the only report feature at this point. Performance reporting is starting to become an issue and for shareholders of Blizzard’s parent company stocks, it is something that makes shares less valued. Investors want a game where everyone plays, buys content and the troublemakers that CHEAT/HACK should be perma banned, and the individuals that spam, or abuse chat should start facing Mute-bans (NOT account bans).

The one thing I would like to see, like what they had from WoW was the “report AFK”. This system worked FLAWLESS. If the player was NOT in motion at the time, when the AFK report went out, it gave you 20 seconds to begin moving, if it did not, you were ejected from the game and received a 5 minute or 10 minute re-que penalty. If the player was moving, the system was smart about it, it realized that the players were GRIEFING their team mates.

Other strats such as “team tricking” should not be reportable as a “throwing games”. For example. You are sitting outside enemy spawn, waiving “HELLO!” at them, and you get killed right away. Sometimes this is can buy your team ENOUGH time to get grouped up, because you drew the attention AWAY from them. There was an EXAMPLE of this in an actual high school game, and here is the story…

Since I don’t know basketball well, here is the story. I played in pep band and saw a player do this. So the opposing team has a player on the free-throw line, he got a free shot because the other team had a foul against him. SO the players are surrounding the player that is about to shoot the ball. Well what did one of the teammates do that had to wait until the one player got his free shot, the player on the right side of the hoop, below it, suddenly got on his hands and knees and started acting like a dog (barking like him too). The player that was having to take the free-throw shot , MISSED because of the distraction. This type of gameplay, though is shady in practice, is NOT against any rules and the team won because of it. The state’s athletic association had NO rules against this behavior.

i believe that if we structure this game TOO much around rules that state “EXACTLY” how you have to play. Than it removes room for creativity on winning matches.

Overwatch team: I respect your company model, but most online games aren’t this way. Overwatch is a new, unique game out there and it’s still in it’s infancy at 1.11 years total of running. I believe that players should seek to build groups prior to matches if they are seeking out a specific type of player performance. Otherwise their outlook on a match leading to mass-reporting is causing your bottom line to shrink. This means fewer lootboxes and content being purchased.

I hear it is rumored that Overwatch has a potential community size of 35 million players? Congrats. :slight_smile:

I would like to see, is an OFFICIAL release on the game’s client, pertaining to the OFFICIAL rules that Competitive players must abide by, when a player clicks that mode. This should be a ruleboard that is displayed to players before each and every competitive match. We did this when we ran Team Fortress 2 servers. The player opened the game’s match, the rules were CLEARLY and ACCURATELY displayed to the player. If there IS such rules, they need to be OFFICIAL rules, written in short-text to players that they can read.

I am not saying Team Fortress 2 is better than Overwatch, as I have left the game myself, and feel as though this game’s developers have EXCEEDED Valve’s game, by MILES ahead of them. However, Information needs to be presented to players IF you are going to be handing out account bans.

If there IS community actions that should be taking place. It should be Competive mode lock-outs, NOT full-bans. However, with the player being able to still log into the game’s client, purchase lootboxes, play quickplay, arcade and work with profile stuff. It should prevent someone from turning off the game and never playing it again.

Thank you for reading this response, With sincere Great Respect;

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It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if the mass reporters ended up switching to the ‘cheating’ reason if the other reasons were removed. I’d bet that if avoid slots could be increased a little more then the number of reports for one tricking would drop.

So even though Jeff Kaplan jokes about battle mercy in developer updates, playing battle mercy is bannable as i just found out. Yet if you were to choose a moira or zen and prioritise damage over healing this isnt bannable, or play lucio and have nothing to do with the team so you can get ‘sick boops’ this isnt bannable, No transparency or clear limits once again by blizzard.

If people want context, i was forced onto support as people didnt want me to play any of my main heroes as they are all ‘off meta’ so i played mercy, I had zero help from my team vs a tracer and genji so i started taking matters into my own hands, every time i saw them flanking i instantly started shooting at them to scare them away, only to find out i am much better with my pistol than they are at killing me.

So every time they came for me, i killed them, simple enough. Occasionally a soldier died because i was killing the flankers. it got to the point where i had gold damage because of how often i was killing the flankers and our dps insisted on shooting an orisa shield only.

Next thing i know, account suspended and the only scenario blizzard mentioned was playing battle mercy and not staying to my role.

Does this mean that because i play hanzo, blizzard say i should never play support or tank?

Edit 2:
I informed the team i have never played mercy before but i am willing to try as they also flamed me for picking a 4th dps for those saying just pick dps, dont play healer if you arent going to heal, so i tried to flex, i had gold healing and gold damage for some parts of the game when we also had a moira.

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because ultimately those heroes can ‘multitask’, so they gain the benefit of the doubt. Mercy doesn’t have that luxury.


Mercy has a pistol for a reason.


Nothing will stop me from pistolwhipping people and taking names in QP though.


Sadly, yes.
Because a lot of people think that it is trolling, just as people think picking certain characters on attack are trolling.
It’s why there were one-tricks who were banned, because their team mates didn’t like them playing those characters, and thought they knew what characters they should be playing.

Part of playing Mercy is knowing when to heal/boost, and knowing when to get out your pistol and pew pew away.

she can’t heal while doing damage.

Zen and Moira can.

big mood tbh




I’ve played with quite a few Lucios who never go off speed :confused:
You sure are helping.

(And it’s usually in places where we don’t need the speed.)


They’re the worst
20 characters

we all have, don’t get me wrong.

that being said, they have the capability to multitask, whereas Mercy does not.

I don’t think it’s fair, but I can see their reasoning on the matter.

  1. Zen is literally designed to do damage. Unless he wants to get 1 Transcendence per game.

  2. Moira has to cycle between healing and damage to maintain her healing supply. There is a fine balance.

  3. Mercy’s win condition is her healing, damage boost and Res. If you are only shooting your pistol, you are denying yourself two of the win conditions of your character. Therefore, yes, that should be reportable.