We need an Official answer on One Tricking. 🎲

i think they actually might not understand what you were saying, im not 100% about what you were saying myself but at the same time i can’t understand a lot of what they are saying either sooooooooo shrugs

they are also not helping by getting frustrated and insulting you while making no sense or really explaining what they don’t understand clearly

i think they are saying its the syms fault for let the enemy pharah get on fire???

and then you say well sym isn’t the only factor there could also be a tracer heckin stuff up and killing people who aren’t just sym???

and then they don’t understand that apparently

edit: and now they are making it worse by insulting you more lmao

my friend, your answers weren’t entirely clear to me though lucky’s weren’t either but they were more clear, if you actually wana have a discussion it would probably help to calm down and get to a point where you can both understand eachother


Worst part about this is that the GMs are the END OF THE LINE! There’s no higher power you can goto to FIX THINGS! IT’S SO INFURIATING! (Especially because if you don’t know…they’ll only review things twice, and the GMS are the first and only line.)

(I REALLY loathe this customer support. It’s so bad when you actually have problems to address.)

or maybe help your team instead
dude this is a team game.
if pharah is giving you too many issues and your team cant get rid of her, you are better off picking a pharah counter lol
you can say “well i blame my team for not killing her” but you’d be also at fault for not contributing in any way to solve the problem, in this case, “pharah countering you”.
srry but thats just how team based games work
not to mention that heroes in this game are almost like weapons, and some were designed to be more versatile than others.
a perfect example is moira, and another one would be sym.
ironically moira destroys sym if shes aggresive enough. (the moira lol)


Here, I think we found the reason why people want one tricks to be bannable.

Of course it would be greatly appreciated if one tricks are willing to learn and play other heroes, but I guess in the end of the day it’s their choice whether they would stop one tricking or not.

But yeah, I’m glad our conversation is a pretty positive one in the end:)

Oh yeah, for sure, I understand that completely. If someone wants to argue that one-tricking isn’t selfish, I’ll argue with them all day about that. If they tell me that they can’t play anything else, I’ll tell them that the negative consequences of their actions can’t be used as justification for that action.

And so on, and so forth. Ya know? I didn’t do anything besides placements this season, but if you look at my comp playtimes, they are all over the place. I’ll play what I think we need. Funny enough, I actually had a couple of minutes on attack Symmetra this season. It helped us break through being spawn camped at the first point of Junkertown, but I swapped off once we finally got free of it. Haha.

I’m glad we could have a civil discussion too, it’s nice to see someone else who also gets frustrated at one-tricking be reasonable about this whole thread.

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If someone plays Widowmaker and does absolutely nothing the entire game and won’t swap off, isn’t that just as bad as someone who plays Junkrat and doesn’t even touch M1? I’d rather have someone who swaps off and does SOMETHING like maybe Junkrat spamming a corridor so they can’t come through there over someone who does terribly on one hero and refuses to swap off, it’s just as bad as throwing. Also, people who just only play DPS should get penalised, this game has a core part of it which is teamwork and people that only play one hero pool don’t play as a team either.

grouping with 3 other players means you are consenting to have two other random players fill up. This is the first and foremost rule you have to abide to.

Can’t wait for them to come up with a Stacked group competitive mode so they can leave solo queues alone.

the “entitled brat” in this scenario is the 1 player among 5 other that are begging them to coopoerate? ok, if you say so.

regardless, bliz is letting the community police the game. we are deciding what’s toxic. and sorry, poor teamwork is toxic.

i find it hard to connect reporting selfish game trolls with internet harassment but hey, free country

my interpretation is that they aren’t trying at all. trying would be changing heroes. im sorry you don’t agree, but huffing and puffing isn’t going to change the opinions of thousands if not millions of players.

nothing you say or do is going to stop people from reporting players for poor teamwork. its best just to move on

Just give us an LFG, then you can make your own teams.

“5 other people that are scapegoating them based upon community perceptions and not the players own merit” is often the case, Thats one of my big problems.

yea that’s incredibly dangerous for the health of the game, there’s a reason we don’t have vote kick, theres a reason we shouldn’t have mob rule reporting, this reason is because they get horribly abused.

so is trickling toxic lol

do I get to report a soldier who is too intent on chasing kills

i’m not exactly arguing that its better to not flex, still don’t think they should be banned for it though. You aren’t going to agree with this and it will end up with us both repeating the same thing again and again and again. So lets just, talk about something else related but not exactly the same as that.

I think mob rule reporting sets an extremely bad precedent because you might end up with people being reported and banned simply because they are bad at the game which i think is a real danger.

You seem to be completely oblivious to this? Do you not think report abuse is bad? Actually I think i know the answer is yes.


here are some questions

Do you think people should be banned for being bad at the game?

Do you think its fair to report someone who has switched to whatever thier team wants but is still being harassed because they are just bad at the game?

Do you think its fair to report a onetrick who is performing well but getting flamed because of community biases against the hero they are playing, like they are objectively carrying the team.

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perception is reality. the community has spoken, are you onboard or not?

you can report him you want, im not sure how it works in low bronze.

well thats the way it is. if you dont want poor teammates banned, dont report them. meanwhile the rest of us will continue reporting teammates that sabotage games by their actions.




no because its not based in actual reality and gets off meta heros who are performing well banned unfairly, you don’t think this is an issue even though you don’t think these people should be reported?

so should he be banned for doing this and should my team be banned for trickling.

should people be banned for reporting for anything they like or no reason at all, why or why not.

why don’t you think people should be banned for being bad at the game

I can’t control it if people report others before the game starts; I also won’t defend it since I don’t do that.

youre still conflating multiple examples and contexts.

no, being bad isn’t a reason to be reported.
that has nothing to do with players that choose to not try, , not communicate, not collaborate, choose to feed and choose to jam a hero despite it not working and the team asking them not to.

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Nah. They don’t have to communicate, and they don’t have to listen to a teammate’s request to switch. That is not feeding or throwing.


Basically some players think that One Tricking DPS is bad but one tricking tank or support is not, unless ur losing people will keep reporting one trick dps rather than one trick support or one trick tank.

you know that “poor teamwork” isn’t an option for reporting anymore, right?

and yet you skipped:

for the millionth time, people are going to report teammates when they are intentionally sabotaging the game.

you’re not changing anyone’s mind by pasting quotes without any in game context

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Silence is not the same thing as abusive chat, that is why I didn’t post it.

Here’s the rest of that paragraph, FYI!

A one trick who is actively trying is playing the map objective, whether you think they are doing a good job of it or not, they are not avoiding the map objective.

If Blizzard’s own policy won’t change your mind about abusing the report system, then I hope that they start handing out bans, maybe then you’ll get why they called it harassment and griefing to report a person for that reason.

Because you sure are going out of your way to ignore the follow-up to that which actually address one-tricking in specific.


The Final solution to the “One trick pony”. Wait for it…


If you do NOT like other player’s for their play style. Play the game with a group of people that you came to, not pugs. The top tier players are not PUGGING with randos. They are forming a Clan, group, guild (w/e) and entering the match. You can see this on OW League and Youtube.

The only problems that should technically be reportable in comp is Voice and match-chat abuse. If you pug into a match and accuse a player of throwing. That risk you take should be accountability on your shoulders, not the other player’s.