We need an Official answer on One Tricking. 🎲

“Actively trying” is the keyword there. Trying not succeeding, not getting results, but trying.

Hero choice is not a reason to report someone, and reporting someone for it is harassment.

You guys are just trying to nitpick because you don’t think it should be Blizzard’s policy that one-tricking is allowable. But that IS the policy and it IS allowed.

I used Pharah as an exemple dude.

A Free DPS, whoever he is, is a nightmare. Countering it is the key.

yup it comes down to people wanting to ban others for being bad at the game, which is, yaknow, incredibly toxic, golds want to ban silvers, plats want to ban golds, diamonds want to ban plats, because they are all “bad at the game” in the eyes of people better than them.

With no moderation this situation results in everyone being banned and the last person sitting in an empty lobby, alone, the victor, the true best overwatch player who is the best at the game and not a trash noob casual player who should uninstall.


You can’t kill their Mercy first if yours got killed by their non-countered DPS.

Like if ignoring an ennemy Tracer/Pharah/Widow on fire etc was a good choice ? Are you really telling me that ?

It IS allowed, because you bought the game and that’s your freedom to play any hero you want. But imo whether you should or should not in certain situations (e.g. when it’s not helping the team to win) that’s a different thing.

I’m not trying to nitpick, I don’t even play Comp and I personally do not hate one tricks nor I report them. I’m only joining the discussion here.

Honestly, toxicity is a hell of a lot easier to manage and deal with as opposed to one tricks. At least I can mute and block the toxic player as they just do their thing. What can I do about the one trick? Avoid as teammate two times until the next one pops up, then have to replace one for another?

I’ll tell you right now… I’ve been playing since 2016 and I have won a HELL of a lot more games with a toxic teammate than I have with a one trick, so playing with a toxic player instead of a one trick is no contest for me, easy. Also, why should I blame myself for their mistakes? I don’t mind blaming myself when I screw up, but if I’m sitting over here doing everything I possibly can, but we’re still not able to push because of the one trick, I’m sure as hell not going to take responsibility for THEM not doing THEIR job. Why should I?

There’s a difference in “having a bad game” and feeding/throwing. I’ve had bad games before. We all have. However, when the one trick is “having a bad game” every other game they get put in, that can no longer be used as an excuse. It’s their poor decision which is being masked by the veil of “bad gameplay”. They’re trying to force Sym into a situation where she simply does not work.

You can argue it until the end of time, but it will never change the facts in front of us. There will always be a certain threshold you can’t pass with your hero. For Ana, it’s trying to play against a dive meta. It doesn’t matter how good you are or how much you’re “trying to win”. It’s a terrible idea because:

A. D.Va is going to constantly be eating your sleep darts, grenades, and shots
B. Winston is going to constantly be jumping you to harass you and dropping a bubble so you’re unable to heal teammates

It doesn’t matter how you slice it, as I said before. If it looks like throwing, it’s a reportable offense. If your Ana could have swapped to a Mercy, Zen, Moira, anything but Ana… Maybe you guys could have stood a chance. You can’t blame that loss on a “bad game”. That was just you trying to will a win and force your pick into the comp and you just cannot do that in this game.

If you’re trying to win, you wouldn’t be playing the same hero over and over again under the worst conditions. That is throwing when you do that.

You’re right. I said I won’t report for hero choice (which basically means I’m not going to report them in spawn, even if I see a Sym or Torb on attack at Hanamura since I give everyone the benefit of the doubt until it doesn’t work any more). The reason why I said you could one trick Mercy is because she’s actually viable on every single map in the game. However, you can’t one trick a hero like Torb or Sym and expect them to work on every map.

This is why we have meta picks and non-meta picks. Don’t misunderstand though. I’m still not reporting them for their hero choice. It just so happens that their choice happens to be the most popular when it comes to gameplay sabotage reports because it’s easy to throw or feed with Sym or Torb, due to them not being viable under most circumstances.

The main takeaway here is that, as I said before… I report any player, regardless of hero choice, if I suspect they are throwing or feeding. It just so happens that a majority of those reports are towards Sym and Torb.

Yes, I do feel like they should swap, as would anybody. If I see the enemy McCree has a good feel for our Genji or Tracer, I’ll ask them to swap too if they’re losing that matchup. If you’re not adapting to your ever-changing circumstances in Overwatch, you’re probably not going to win games. Going under the assumption that both teams are of equal skill, if you don’t swap, you will lose, plain and simple.

This game is built around counters and when one team decides to make that swap to counter you and you keep running the same comp, without adapting, you’re going to be digging your grave. The only time stubbornness like that pays off is that if the enemy team is so horrendously bad, you could play pretty much any comp (even 5 DPS) and still beat them, so you didn’t have to swap anyway.

Please do not confuse the exception for the rule though.

The only thing that’s obvious here is that one tricking is considered harassment against your fellow players since it forces everyone to play around you and you demand people to be flexible while not providing any flexibility yourself. It’s an incredibly self-centered mindset and I will never support it since not only are you hurting your team, but you’re hurting yourself as well by doing this.

Anyway, it’s obvious that much like one tricks, you’re going to continuously pound your head against the wall here, hoping that your strategy will work, even though you’re losing this argument and you’ve been losing since you took that first step. So, I’ll just do what I do in-game and move on. Good luck out there and I wish you the best.

clicks Avoid as Teammate


I don’t think you should one-trick. I don’t like one tricking either. But this topic is about them getting banned for one tricking. And Blizzard has said on multiple occasions that you should not be reporting them and that it’s not a bannable offense. They even said they consider those false reports to be griefing and harassment.

Given that, people really need to get over themselves and stop reporting one-tricks and stop trying to twist the definition of throwing to justify their harassment.

Not everything that is irritating, selfish, etc is against the rules.

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I wonder how long this one’ll go. My guess is a few months

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Where did you see insults ? I’m starting to believe you’re really drunk because what you’re saying doesn’t make any sense RN.

you try to work with them, if it doesn’t work you move onto the next game and stop focusing on your teammates choices, because makes you a worse player.

I do this all the time, i think, well, if the dps could just get more kills, we coulda won! if they coulda contested the point, we coulda won! but they didn’t or couldn’t and i accept that then i move the heck on to the next game and work on having enough of an impact to climb

it would help if people were able to consistently climb with a 51% winrate or higher below diamond but thats a different issue.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Don’t play torb, sym, hanzo, widow, doomfist, and you won’t get auto banned.

Basically just don’t play blizzards failed attempts at making decent heroes.

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i don’t actually think? its ad hom because they are not using it to specifically try and invalidate you they are just using it to say “thats ridiculous you would have to be drunk to think that”

ad hom would be like “you are gay so you are wrong” or “you went to jail so you are wrong”

i say “i think” because i don’t actually understand what they are saying…

I don’t agree with them I just wana make sure we aren’t throwing around logical fallacies incorrectly.

Boy, Bye. :wave:t6::wave:t6:


but they did attack your argument didn’t they? I don’t think it counts if they actually attack your argument in addition to insulting your character?

I can’t exactly tell because I legit have no idea what they are talking about lol but if thats what they are doing i don’t think? its ad hom, im sure there is somewhere this can be looked up

again im on your side and i may be wrong.

I see your point. So would we agree on:

A) We should not be reporting one tricks no matter what the result is by the end of the game, and one tricking is not bannable;

At the same time,

B) One tricks should take their time and pick up other heroes as well, so when their main is not useful in certain situations they are able to switch and thus, helping their team to win

hmm yea i think in this case it was used as emphasis and not actually trying to attack your argument?

ok i looked it up

"Ad hominem attacks are strictly fallacious when the attack has little or no bearing on the argument at hand. For example, dismissing a female scientist’s opinion on a subject because she is a woman would be a fallacious ad hominem argument. Dismissing it for being incorrect with relevant evidence or reasoning, but making a sexist comment at the same time, would not employ formally fallacious reasoning. On the flip-side, dismissing that evidence or reasoning because it came packaged with a sexist comment wouldn’t follow.

Though the fact that something is not a logical fallacy does not automatically make it a desirable debating tactic. Even if the underlying argument is sound, snide remarks and obnoxious insults can form an effective part of the rhetoric and cause people to dismiss an argument as the incidental attack triggers their own prior biases"

from “rational wiki”

i really wish i could just link stuff

so simply insulting someone while you attack thier argument isn’t ad hom, its rude and unnecessary but its not actually ad hom

if they said “you are legit drunk and therefor you are wrong” that would be adhom but if they then go and say something that isn’t ad hom the ad hom doesn’t invalidate the actual attack they made against your argument.

I don’t understand how Blizz could be so clueless about this.

Yup. I can agree with that. Now that Blizzard has stated multiple times it’s against the rules, I see no reason anyone should report about it ever.

I can understand wanting the rule changed because of reason B, because I totally get why it’s annoying. I get annoyed by it too.

I just cannot and will never support getting people banned for something that is not against the rules. I think that type of malicious enforcement of your opinion over policy should never be encouraged or rewarded, and in fact should cause you to be the one to get banned.

I have very little tolerance for that type of behavior.