We need an Official answer on One Tricking. 🎲

Sure, picking Sym on attack in the beginning isn’t throwing or feeding. However, it becomes feeding or throwing when they are constantly dying and unwilling to cooperate after realizing the pick doesn’t work. I don’t really know what’s so hard about this. I don’t even care if it’s a Sym, Hanzo, 76, Tracer, whatever.

If they’re constantly going in and dying repeatedly, how can we not view that as feeding or throwing? That’s exactly what it is. If you’re playing Overwatch and you’re not willing to adapt and work with the team, go find a different game because you’re playing this one the wrong way.

no it does not lol, you don’t get to ban people from playing a game they bought because they are bad at the game, the system already corrects this by causing people who cant keep up to drop.

Grow up and deal with it, deal with the fact that your teammates will be bad, on meta and on non meta heros, realize this. Then stop blaming your teammates, focus on your own play and get better.

that’s exactly what it is

People play meta hero’s like trash, contribute to the teams failure, drop, they aren’t mass reported. People can’t outright say “ban all players worse than me” so they scapegoat the more acceptable targets.

Mmmmm. 20 characters.

One-Tricks in Competitive Mode have one fact to back them up. It’s not reportable. That’s it.

Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should.

It just makes them look ridiculous when it’s clear and obvious that they are not wanted in Comp Mode. That Blizzard themselves have stated, it’s not reportable, but that one-tricking is not the intended way to play OW. Yet all they have to back them up is “it’s not reportable”.

It’s pretty sad and at some point, one-tricks are going to find themselves having a hard time finding people willing to team with them in Comp Mode and they’ll have no one to blame but themselves.


what problem?
sounds like the majority of the community is policing itself by reporting bad teammates.

blizzard will always be as inclusive as possible, but are obviously giving the community the opportunity to police itself.

maybe the bad teammates should modify their behavior or stick to qp

Hi, I’m just here to point out some hypocrisy. A few days ago, I posted in this thread giving my opinion on one tricking and what I would like the solution to be. Funnily enough, in a thread talking about how horrible false reports are, I was false reported for “trolling”. Even stranger, the evil GMs who you claim never reply to anyone and unjustly keep people banned responded to my appeal ticket and concluded that the suspension wasn’t warranted.

After reviewing the account’s record of forum violations, we would agree that the suspension was not warranted. The account’s posting privileges have been restored and you should be able to post on the forums shortly. We have noted the account and it should have no impact on future reported violations.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.


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It’s not feeding because they aren’t doing it intentionally. They always play Symmetra. They are trying their best to win. It’s not that hard.

the problem of being entitled brats unable to deal with the fact that your teammates are going to sometimes be not as good as the enemy and that this will result in losses

even league of legends doesn’t have this huge of a problem, its frankly embarrassing.

the community is scapegoating people, abusing the report system and doing things directly against the stated rules

the community isn’t mature enough to use the ability to “self police” responsibly, it will mass report anyone who draws thier ire, streamer said something unpopular but not against any rules? People snipe thier games to mess them up and harass, they get mass reported.

Its like you think the internet mob can do no wrong and is always justified in its targets, how can you possibly be this naive

“just don’t make yourself a target of internet harassment if you do its your fault”

we have a blue post in this very thread saying that it doesn’t, you are being incredibly dense and im, just, seriously not going to engage with you until you acknowledge what the, literal, actual, rules, say about the subject.

it will help you stop focusing on your teammate and move onto the next game, it will help you focus on your own play and learn to get better faster instead of spending all your time blaming your teammates and you will climb over time because the only consistent thing is YOU

This is a thing that many comp game communities agree with, league, dota, etc, they agree with this because its true.

so yea, deal with it. Once you start focusing on yourself you will have a much much more enjoyable experience.

Also hey saying “I am focusing on my own play” and then going “but my teammates though” is not actually focusing on your own play.

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they are using sym on attack, something that is already extremely foolish.
on top of that they are dying and having no success.

no they aren’t trying their best, they are being stubborn and sabotaging the game for 5 other people willingly. I hope this player is reported.

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No, they shouldn’t. And if you report them, you’re the one that deserves to be banned for harassment.

Uh yeah but if the ennemy Pharah is destroying your team and you definitly wont switch off Junk/Symm/Mei etc… Eh that’s not what I’d call “trying your hardest to win”.

Counters matter whatever people think.

It doesn’t mean off meta picks have to be yelled at the very begining of the game. But if the pick doesn’t work, even if you try very very very hard, press H!


People keep using this statement as a justification to send reports, because you brought up other extraneous information. Can’t you guys just make it simple and state that hero choice alone is never throwing? Because too many players like to twist that statement around.


(I added a lot of new stuff to my post above in an edit, but figured that would get buried, so I’ll just make a new post)

Also, you can claim Blizzard said this was an “inappropriate use” of the report feature, but that’s not what they said. What they did say was that you can’t report someone for trying to play with their team and you can’t simply report players for one tricking. However, they also reminded us that if you suspect someone is feeding or throwing, then you report them, one trick or not, and this is exactly what we’ve been doing.

It’s not a false report when you see a player on your team constantly dying and forcing your team into a 5v6 during every single engagement because they absolutely refuse to swap, they won’t communicate with their team at all, and show signs of incredibly poor teamwork. If they’re not even bothering to try and communicate with their team and they’re off just doing their own thing, you damn well better believe they’re getting reported because they’ve more or less gone rogue and are no longer a teammate.

If you don’t like the fact that these players are being banned for throwing or griefing, maybe you should take it up with Blizzard since they haven’t taken a firm stance with one tricking, one way or another. They say you can’t report one tricking, yet they encourage you to report those that are being detrimental to your team, which is exactly what one tricking is, 9 times out of 10. They want to give people the freedom of choice, but also want people to acknowledge that certain picks may not work at times and you should be willing to swap (this is more or less a friendly warning to avoid getting reported by your fellow teammates).

It’s better for you to swap off the one trick hero and avoid getting reported since you at least tried to win with your team, rather than stay on the one trick hero and suffer the wrath of your teammates for bringing them down (since you’ll probably get reported by every last one of them after the match). This street goes both ways. You can’t expect to play whoever you want and have your team build around you when you’re not willing to give the same respect and work with your team when they need you to swap.

If you want respect, you have to earn it. It’s a give and take scenario here. Any player worth their salt knows better than to stay on the same hero 24/7 because it just doesn’t work. Hell, even bronze players swap occasionally. There’s also a reason why you don’t see one tricks in OWL.

It’s not practical in this game. Never has been, never will be. I’m also speaking strictly regarding off-meta heroes by the way, so please don’t try to twist my words here.

Pretty sure it is actually, lol. Anybody here who has played with a one trick knows fully well their pick can constitute as gameplay sabotage because they are usually the deadweight in your team and refuse to play as a team player, and help the team by swapping. There’s a difference in being bad at the game and deliberately playing poorly.

If you go into the match and pick Torb on attack at Anubis, I’m not going to report you for that. You may just be playing poorly. However, if I see that you’re still on Torb even though we don’t have a shield tank and you have absolutely no place to set up your turret or get any value out of your pick, constantly getting killed while the rest of us have to push in without you, repeatedly putting us at a disadvantage, you will be reported because that is the very definition of gameplay sabotage when you’re playing against your team.

“Grow up and deal with it” doesn’t really accomplish anything though, does it? It doesn’t matter how grown up I am or how much I “deal” with it. If I see a Sym, Torb, and Widow on my team pushing on attack at Hanamura, no amount of growing up or “dealing” with it is going to help you there. That’s just a bad team comp, plain and simple. It’s easy to blame the teammates when they put themselves in these positions and make terrible decisions.

If I’m already focusing on my own play and getting better, then it’s up to you to do the same since I’m doing my part. That’s where we have the problem. Most of us are out there to improve, to get better, to win. Meanwhile, we have this one guy dragging his feet, forcing one of us to pick up his slack because he’s still running Sym on attack, even though we’re down to 2:00 left on the clock.

How about telling them to improve for a change instead of blaming everyone else on the team?

Of course they’re doing it intentionally. The moment they pick Symmetra in a situation that isn’t optimal for Symmetra, that’s a bad choice on their part. It’s like trying to forcefully push a square peg into a circular hole. Sure, sometimes you can make it work, but you shouldn’t have to. If the Symmetra could swap to a more viable pick, it would lessen the load on their teammates and make things easier not just for them, but themselves as well.

If they were trying their best to win, they wouldn’t be choosing one of the worst heroes in the game under the absolute worst conditions. Don’t sit there and try to tell me “Oh, they’re trying their hardest, so it’s okay!” when they’re getting bombarded by Pharah constantly and jumped by Winston, repeatedly dying. It would be like playing on a basketball team and one of your players always goes for the shot and never passes the ball to his teammates.

Sure, sometimes they score, but most of the time they miss the shot and the opposing team gets the rebound, and thanks to this, you’re constantly behind with no way to catch up. Now, do you substitute this player or do you keep him in because “he’s trying his best to win” ? The answer is pretty obvious.

Stop making everything so difficult. Your emotions can only carry you so far. After a certain point, intentions become irrelevant because all we judge you on are your actions and if you aren’t contributing, regardless of “trying to win”, all we’re going to see in the kill feed is you dying repeatedly and maybe only getting 1 elim every 3-4 deaths, which is god awful.

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And if the coach keeps playing that person, and the NBA says that they consider that person a pro-level player, then it really doesn’t matter what you think of your teammate, you need to grow up and learn to work with them.

Hero choice is never a reason to report someone, period.

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This ^^^^^ is basically what Blizzard is trying to say. They’re just kind enough to imply it in a more gentle way so it won’t hurt anyone’s feelings here.

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Actually, it does matter what you think of your teammate. If your teammate is playing on their own and being selfish, causing the team to lose, that’s not a teammate at all. That’s someone who wants to play by themselves and has no interest in cooperating with the team.

Hero choice is never a reason to report someone. I’ve never argued that it is. However, when that player begins throwing or feeding, then they will get reported, regardless of their hero choice (as stated by Blizzard themselves). Period.

Don’t want one tricks to be associated with throwers? Here’s a thought. Stop one tricking off-meta heroes which are only useful under certain conditions and tell them to one trick Mercy, 76, Genji, or Tracer where they can be used on any comp and any map. That or tell them to go learn at least one other hero in the game.

I’m tired of seeing a one trick either feed or throw because their pick isn’t working or seeing a teammate “steal” their hero, then just go Bastion or something to throw anyway because they “can’t” play anything else, out of the 27 heroes we already have in the game. Give me a break. Stop being an apologist for players making poor decisions and ruining people’s fun.

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

they aren’t feeding or throwing, having a bad game isn’t feeding or throwing. Not communicating with the team isn’t feeding or throwing (not communicating with your team is literally one of the things they specifically cite that you don’t send a report on as well), throwing is when you try to lose. If you’re trying to win, you’re not throwing.

You won’t come out and say you report for hero choice and then in the same breath say people should one trick Mercy.

It’s so transparent that you’re reporting for hero choice because you feel like they should swap, because you think the game won’t be turned around unless they do.

It’s obvious. And it’s promoting harassment of your fellow players.


I think the keyword here is ‘perform well’, not only ‘perform’.

Which means if you’re actively trying to perform by playing your hero with decent results, then yes they should not be reported. On the other hand if you’re actively trying, BUT it’s not helping the team, then no you probably want to do something about it by switching to another hero that is more useful.

Yeah when I have that kind of DPS I usually switch to Ana/Zen and keeps shooting at her 'till she go away/die/switch.

But of course, well, I don’t heal them. So they get mad and blame me for not healing them.

Funny right ?

Ho and if I play tank, I pick DVA/Winston, and jump on Pharah but it doesn’t kill her. Well I usually get killed like this then guess who’s gonna be blamed?

The point is I’m not blaming anybody here. I’m saying if an annemy isn’t countered, the “otp” excuse don’t work anymore. The team is more important than your ego actually.