We need an Official answer on One Tricking. 🎲

I guarantee you this issue is not going away. Most Competitive Players do not want one-tricks in Comp Mode. The Avoid As Teammate feature is just a band-aid fix. Especially with only being a 2 player limit. My guess is that there will be some type of IN-GAME Group forming feature that will allow like-minded players to form groups and not be punished for 6-stacking.

It’ll be interesting to see how many one-tricks are actually able to find other players that are willing to group with them in Comp Mode when they say, “I can only play Hero-X. Ever.”

The second part of your point is exactly why they can’t implement the system like that so freely and why they haven’t done so so far. It’s alienating the base and would drive off way more players than it would attract, it’s a bad business model and even if they implement it it won’t do anything about onetricks as blizzard will make sure they don’t alienate a large portion of their playerbase. You’re not thinking rationally.

I understand your concern and personally I don’t play Comp so I don’t have much of a hate towards one tricks, but at the same time, what if other people also WANT to play e.g. Mercy? What happens if there’re 2 Mercy one tricks in the same team? Someone have to compromise at some point, and it’s not guaranteed that the other person is kind enough to let your friend play Mercy. Or actually, nobody is responsible for switching off a character just because you’re a one trick of that hero.

I’m sorry but this sounds really petty and selfish to me.


I’d tell her that she’s missing the entire point of this game and she should invest her leisure time in a video game that she doesn’t hate

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I am thinking rationally. Their current approach with Comp Mode and One-Tricks is exactly why we are in the current situation we are in.

As I stated earlier in this same thread. You can’t release a Dev update that literally states:

  1. You should have more than 1 playable Hero in your Hero pool.
  2. Playing a single Hero wholly and solely not only damages the experience for yourself, but for your teammates as well.

But then out of the other side of your mouth say you can play any Hero at any time. See how those two ideas are mutually exclusive?

Comp Mode should be treated as the name suggests. It’s a Competitive Mode for players (at all ranks) who want to take the game a bit more serious. Instead, we get a overly sensitive version of Comp Mode where they try to make everyone happy and it’s just turned into QP with SR points.

Also, the fact that you admit that one-tricks would be “alienated” and would indeed have trouble finding groups in Comp Mode just goes to show that they should not be one-tricking in Comp Mode in the first place.


Still such a none answer. If it is not reportable as you say, maybe the people that review reports and appeals should actually try a bit. Seems they are really phoning it all in

im not admitting anything i’m not a one trick i don’t really care i’m just telling you how it is. Alienating fanbase is bad for business and is the reason why they haven’t implemented changes you’re suggesting so far and will have trouble implementing them if ever.

On your other points: No i don’t see how they’re mutually exclusive because they’re telling you you ‘could’ flex but you don’t have to. It’s preferable but not mandatory. Just like 222 comp isn’t mandatory, or how having one healer isn’t bannable and you’re immediately disqualified from the match. You ‘should’ do this, but you ‘don’t have to’ It’s not that hard to understand.

And when you don’t, (in Comp Mode), we get threads like this because the majority of Comp Mode players do not want one-tricks on their team in Competitive matches regardless if it’s reportable or not. That is not too hard to understand.

The majority of player base of this game plays QP, not Comp Mode. So take the % of players who play Comp Mode and slice that down even further to the ones who still one-trick.

I think the Competitive portion of this game would be more than fine if one-tricks were removed from the equation.

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Except for one tricks of the 6 safe meta heroes. That is ok, right?


you guys understand that the report system is automated?
so untill thy change that (since it can be abused) there is nothing you can do.

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The blue response must have been a dagger in your heart eh?

but you’re not getting it still. It doesn’t matter if it’s right or wrong. It’s in the game and the nature of the game is that people will one-trick because of numerous reasons. Maybe they like one hero, maybe they have an illness that prevents them from playing other heroes who are aim intensive…

The nature of competitive is that everyone can play it, and if they’re playing with you it means you’re at the same skill level and have about same winrates even if they play just one hero. Top 500 onetrick is there because of their skill on that hero. They have same winrates as other players in the same elo meaning they belong there whether you think their pick is justified or not. Same goes for your elo and mine. Yes sometimes i think we lost because of a one trick but in the end if i was way better i would have carried and gotten that win for us. But i’m not, meaning person playing sym or torb or idk mei is not the one holding me back considering i’ve lost games with good comps as well. In the same elo.

This one-trick crusade is just a scape-goat mechanism for blaming other people for your losses. That’s what’s stupid imho.


Yeah! Especially the part where they said that playing as a team was important because this is a team game! Not once did they say you weren’t allowed to report people for throwing and/or griefing though. They did say one tricking wasn’t reportable, as we’ve been over before, but one tricking is generally synonymous with feeding and/or throwing since the player isn’t contributing to the team (which the good old blue man agrees is working against your team and can be seen as throwing or griefing).

You keep grasping for those straws though, man. You’ll run out soon enough.

EDIT: Oh and it also doesn’t help that he suggests you appeal the ban with customer service, yet most one tricks have already said appealing doesn’t work since they just give you an automated message, basically saying the account was flagged for griefing, feeding, throwing, etc. So yeah, good luck keeping up that defense of yours when even the guys upstairs are standing in quicksand themselves.

It’s over, man. I have the high ground.

I never blame others for my losses. At the same time, I also don’t believe one-tricks belong in Competitive Mode. And obviously, I’m one of many other Comp Mode players who share the same opinion.

One tricking isn’t reportable and is NOT synonymous with feeding and/or throwing. That isn’t what he said, you’re reading what you want to read.

If you report a person for one-tricking, you’re part of the problem. I hope Blizzard starts handing out ban hammers for these false reports.


It is synonymous when the player isn’t contributing to the team and they are DISRUPTING the game. They’re no different than any other hero throwing or feeding. The only difference is, one is a one trick and the other isn’t. That’s literally it.

They’re both throwing or feeding though when they begin having a negative impact on the team and absolutely refuse to work with their team.

I don’t report a person for one-tricking. I report people who feed or throw. It’s just that more often than not, those happen to be one tricks (see: Sym and Torb). You can slice it any way you want, but a Sym trying to attack on King’s Row or Hanamura is going to get melted every single time and force their team into a 5v6. If that player refuses to swap, that’s when they get a report because they’re the sole reason why we’re unable to push and are being detrimental to the team. Not only that, but they’re going against the spirit of the game, which is teamwork, when they refuse to work together and just play with their own selfish interests in mind.

You can sit there and try to defend it under the pretense that they’re “trying”, but at the end of the day… You and I both know they aren’t trying if they’re repeatedly dying because they’re being hard countered and every other teammate has already swapped to adapt to the situation but them. I’ll never understand this mindset of wanting to protect the freedom of someone who couldn’t give a damn about you or me, and just plays the game with their own rules, and expects everyone to follow them, rather than trying to play by the game’s rules which specifically state:

Work with your team if you want to win

Case closed.

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Except you need to realize when your character isn’t doing well at all in the composition and switch. I don’t care if you’re really trying.

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Playing an attack Symmetra is not throwing or feeding. The blue post said it. They need to start handing out bans because they can spell it out for you and you still won’t listen.


not the point or the issue.
it’s not ill-advised to play your best character. certainly that holds true at higher levels.

this isnt about merely being a onetrick. it’s about circumstances where a onetrick refuses to change heroes and not sabotage the game. it’s also pointing out the inherent problem with onetricks and what happens if two mercy one tricks are on a team.

at high levels, sure they main a hero. but that doesn’t mean they won’t switch, or can’t switch.

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Blizzard cares and said it was inappropirate use of the report feature. What is hard to understand about that?

Anyone who reports someone for one-tricking and then that ban gets overturned should be banned for the same length of time the one trick was unable to play, and it should escalate from there.

I’m getting really tired of reading this nonsense. It’s a false report. You’re trying to bully someone and get them banned for something Blizzard has said is against the rules. If you don’t like that, get Blizzard to change the rule instead of abusing another player.