We need an Official answer on One Tricking. 🎲

The only real way to climb SR is OT though, so I don’t really understand Blizzard’s stance. And hell, the in-game report even states that “playing a hero you don’t think is competitively viable is not a reportable offense.” If that’s the case, how could they possibly be against it?


Oh man, you just made yourself the target of all the 2-3 hero tricks since you took the stance of One Tricks.

Like I have been saying all along, they have made themselves crystal clear on the matter. Now with yet another blue post on the subject in this very thread, do you think it’s time to accept it?

This was initially a reply to someone, but I think it can be said in a broader sense too:

The majority of people also would like less or no IRL taxes if you ask them their opinion. Ultimately it would also mean a breakdown of every government system in a country, and turns out to not be such a smart idea to actually do this.

This is where democracy fails: if the majority of people are just plain stupid, misguided, misinformed, and believe opinions and emotions are more important than blunt facts… that’s where it breaks down. It’s called “tyranny of the majority”

So no, please don’t fool yourself into thinking that just because there is a majority opinion or agreement on something, it’s automatically right. Please do bother to learn from mistakes made in the past, IN REAL LIFE, WHAT PEOPLE DIED FOR.
It has been proven over and over again that listening to ONLY the majority is not going to work and leads to oppressive systems that should not exist in the first place.

In this regard, one-tricks are a minority player group that is being discriminated against, and it is NOT okay.

Blizzard’s half-assed politically-correct reply that is a long wall of text but ultimately says nothing definite and tries to speak to both sides at once without calling either one wrong… and the fact that they apparently don’t bother to look into false reports as much as they claim (because one-tricks, while not reportable, still get banned for false reasons that are not being looked at).
None of that helps to solve the problem.

Maybe the game is not designed that way. True.
But it’s not like it makes switching heroes without punishment either. You lose ult charge and flexing has been proven to absolutely demolish your SR gain when you’re still being affected by PBSR. So yes, a reluctance to switch can have very much personal ingame considerations that go beyond just winning or losing a match.

The problem isn’t that we don’t have our answer.
The problem is one side of the community does not like that answer and would rather obstinently be against blizzard, while hypocritically abusing blizzard’s report system, rather than actually try to change the rules.

Most all players that think one-tricking should be against the rules aren’t trying to actually change the rules. Instead they just go, ‘haha xdXD lel 4head kappa reported anyways enjoy your ban’ – no interest in actually fixing the system.


If 75% of your team is agreeing on a strategy, a comp and a plan, and 15% of the team is completely ignoring the plan, dying out of position (because they’re not listening), and getting hard countered wouldn’t you call that gameplay sabotage?

You’ve officially started your 5v6. Unless your team starts playing around this self perceived god of a player, you’re fighting in a 5v6.

Let’s pretend he’s not a one trick, and let’s pretend he’s not out of meta. Call him a soldier… There is a big underlining issue of what One tricks do, how selfish and inconsiderate they are, besides the fact that they’re “out of meta”. Anyone can play good, but if you’re not coordinating your widow pops those kills don’t mean anything. Mercy rezzes, and your team being down a player stagger your team as much as your “kills” are staggering theirs.

Farming fake damage, false teleports, and being positive in your k/d doesn’t contribute anything if it’s not done appropriately in your team fight. A thing you can’t do when you intentionally throw the game by ignoring your team, their needs, and appropriate picks in reaction to the enemy. Remember; this isn’t a game of skill. It’s a game of witt. It’s a game of who can out play the other. Most one tricks in their own SR range aren’t any better than their partners next to them (otherwise they’d be in a different sr to begin with) . They’re in the same SR range that a flex character of the same skill can swap to a hard counter and shut down. They just can only play one character. and for that they are of no use to the team


how is it a non-answer… They said it’s not reportable… That’s their answer

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Yes, it’s not reportable. But then they release statement after statement saying that one-tricking is not the intended way to play OW. Especially in Competitive Mode. See the conflict there?

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The thing is what they say on the forums and how the GMs handle it when you appeal the suspension are 2 different pair of shoes.

As far as I’m aware GMs dont have detailed insight to your matches. They can only read chatlog etc. If you have enough reports they automatically assume they are justified just based on their number.

If people not straight up admit that the report was based on hero pick, they can convince any GM that you were throwing/griefing etc.

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They normally do have at least one hero they can play (should their pick be stolen).

The issue with it is, most I meet play that hero so much they know how to easily beat their counters. Even if they have a pharah and you’re Junkrat, you could mine leap into the air air hit er with a mine+nade, I’ve seen it done.

Even some of the most infamous of One-Tricks, such as Stevoo, can swap to another hero should they feel the need to.

Why would you make a post about this? All we ever get on one tricks are PR responses.

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I believe this to be a pretty clear statement. It is up to you to decide when or if you should swap, meaning that you cannot report someone for not switching.

Does it suck if they are being a handicap to the team? Yes. Does it make it OK for them to be banned for it? No.


im not saying you are bad, im just saying the reason everyone hates the hero, she is easily countered and is a very niche pick, thus people hate it if you play symmetra

There is NO META in this game.

How many posts and statements from Blizzard do you need to get this through your heads? You can play any hero at any time. Hopefully a player will use something that is working, but if it doesn’t, then you need to suck it up and move on. Period. Get a group together if you want to force a meta. This isn’t a fighting game where “heavies are slow and garbage and mobility always wins.” There is NO META. PER-I-OD.

I don’t see what is so difficult to understand. It’s been 9 seasons. It’s not the answer you like, it’s the answer you’re gonna get. If you want to force 2-2-2 “viable meta heroes” then get your pals and make a pre-made team.

Holy moses.

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no i don’t, just because something is not intended doesn’t mean it’s wrong. It’s also not intended to play ‘defense’ heroes on offense yet people still do it. You can try spinning their words however you want but their statement is clear as day. You can one-trick all you want even if it’s not the optimal way of playing the game and you shouldn’t be punished for it. The fact that yyou can’t make peace with that is your problem and your problem alone.

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There is no conflict. The only conflict is within yourself.

They gave you the answer. It’s not “optimal” to cook a turkey with a lighter, but it’s completely up to you if you want to do it.

You aren’t going to force people into a meta or to pick certain characters. Period. Ever. You need to either accept that or to move on to a different game.

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For the record, the GMs implemented the automated system in place and have sent out e-mails regarding these bans, stating they won’t overturn the decision if there is enough evidence against the player (basically, if enough people are saying you’re throwing). I know how the system works. It’s not my fault you still don’t understand it.

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I agree on what you’re saying here, that’s why I think people should at least try out a few heroes from different categories. Picking up 2-3 heroes from a total of 27 really shouldn’t be THAT hard imo.

Except it’s not just my problem alone. The large majority of the Competitive Community has made it perfectly clear how they feel about the practice of one-tricking.

So this will be everyone’s problem until Blizzard implements a solution that allows players an easy and consistent way to avoid being grouped with one-tricks in Comp Mode (and vise versa).

but it’s never going to happen because onetricks aren’t doing anything wrong as per blizzard’s own words. You can avoid players you think are causing you to lose games but that’s it.