We need an Official answer on One Tricking. 🎲

They would just report using another category once they figured this out.

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if people care or not for reasons, thats on them. MY opinion is that its wrong and will inevitably lead to problems and conflict when several end on the same boat or another GM picks the mercy… and given they share the SR both are equally qualified to play her… then that team ends up with a crappy player on another hero.

IF everyone would be a OT this game would become complete garbage, no better than a QP match.

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Maybe the other team members are being biased and not assisting the one trick properly or working around the one trick? I have seen all kinds of situations like this.

I want you to adapt to our picks, but I wont adapt to your pick/strat.

Hate to break it to you, but a big percent of masters and gms are one tricks.

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Sooo, you want 5 other players to adapt to 1 person because of their self-imposed limitation of being able to only play one character on a 27 Hero roster?

Not true, and having a high SR doesnt justify anything. Thanks for skipping the rest of the post and what is really relevant though to bring an authority fallacy.

then why we don’t have role queue?
yes the game is not supposed to be about play a single hero or a single role, but if they keep ignoring the fact that is what actually happen well it’s like dev don’t know their player and don’t know the game.

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sadly most of the one tricks that get reported and banned get told that “They were found out throwing”

have you seen the video about this small streamer hanzo main?


The faulty thinking here is that 6 flex is better than a one trick.

It would be nice if 6 flex could play great. But that is not reality. Most players only play a master level of 1-2 heroes on average. But are mediocre with the rest.

So normally everyone hits P, looks at everyones “Mains” and then tries to let them go those heroes.

Now… if thats not logic for you, what is? They already support one tricking without even thinking about it.

But then you get the 6th guy on the team who only plays Mccree, but dam he is a good mccree. But someone took him. He now has to play something he sucks at. But lets say you guys let him go mccree. He does great, but sadly he was hard countered all game.

Report , report, report. Why? Because he could not flex and play like a master with 1 other hero like the rest of the team? lol

Like I said before. Biased thinking.


What happens when someone else picks McCree? Or they realize the McCree is a major problem and you know…switch up their Comp to deal with him?

Oh well, I guess they either lose the match or everyone else on the team has to build their entire team to support this one player who’s only capable of playing McCree at all times.

The majority of the Competitive Community does not support the practice of one-tricking. At all-levels and ranks. I don’t think that can even be debated anymore. In QP…I could care less. But in Comp Mode, we need more/better tools in place so players who don’t want to be forced to play with one-tricks don’t have to. and vise-versa.

I agree. There needs to be something in place to help players balance this.

Because of the biggest things I have seen is that the majority of the players who hate one tricks cant play more than 2 heroes at a master level themselves. So a two trick is better than a one trick, so the one trick gets reported?

This idea that people can flex to anything and be great is a false reality. We try to strive for the 2-2-2 master process, but we all know that you get rusty when not playing some heroes for a while and it’s hard to get back into the swing when you are fighting at high tier when you are forced to go on that hero that has webs all over him/her.

You can be a master rein. But if you have not picked him in a week, jumping back on him and thinking you are going to have perfect charges and aim is a false concept and lie when you need a warm up.

Our brains work in a specific way. Flexing is good, but creates a biased false illusion sometimes.

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Hasn’t Blizzard already said that you can’t be banned for One-Tricking ?
I think that’s pretty self-explanatory honestly.

Let people play what they want. You can’t (nor should be allowed to) get them banned for it. Simple. Case closed.


Case is not closed. Read the thread please.

Honestly, players don’t have to be able to Flex into anything. Just at least have one other Hero that you can play competently. A two-trick is better than one. At least you have another option. Heck, I’m a potato and even I have 4 Heros that I can swap into when one isn’t working. And I don’t need someone else to tell me when my original pick is not working either…I can figure that out pretty quickly myself.

So it feels a bit sad when players that have much better mechanical skill and game sense then I do can literally only play one Hero. Ever.

We also face another problem. Like my GM mercy friend. She hates playing any other hero. She only enjoys mercy and hates other playstyles.

But wants Cp. Also wants to rank.

So what the heck do I tell her? Stop being a one trick. Everyone hates you? Play other heroes despite you not like playing them.

She says, if she could not play mercy, she would quit overwatch.

What do we do with these people?

Tell her to stop being selfish and learn other heroes, you cant always do what you want, compromise, there are plenty of times when other people played heroes/roles they didnt feel like playing or something like that. Else… honestly, stay out of comp. Its not the end of the world to play other heroes every few matches if she likes ow that much, maybe she will try something that ends up clicking and liking to play.

What would happen when somebody else wants, with as much pasion, play mercy in the same team?


This is going to be an unpopular answer, but in my option, your friend should not be que’ing up for Comp Mode if she’s incapable of playing anything else but Mercy at all times. She should be sticking to QP/Arcade until she learns to play at least one other Hero.


So basically, she should quit overwatch? She afterall… is really good. So good that she made it to Grand Masters. Thats incredible for a one trick. But of course its mercy, still meta pick. So thats not really fair for me to use that as an excuse either.

But what if she wants Cp? She wants gold weapons too. Should we put a lock on the comp if you do not have a set amount of hrs on every category to enforce flex players?

I agree this is tough. But this is not your friends fault. Blizzard has been so scared of offending anyone that “Competitive Mode” has turned into QP+. So we get players like your friend who “want golden weapons” instead of playing a Competitive Mode for what it’s supposed to be: a mode for players (at all ranks) that take the game a bit more serious and want a real competitive experience.

Instead we get players that treat Comp Mode like it’s Quick Play but with SR and Comp points.


Doesn’t matter that one got banned, they need to learn to at least play 1 hero from each category, if not at least another in the same as their main.

Theres no reason why your Mercy can’t play Moira, and the Widow play McCree.

Not falsely, but if they are breaking the rules than yes, yes I would.


And what’s with this fallacy that if they play other heros they’ll suck on them. Literally it’s learning, at the minimum, 1 other hero. They should practice that hero some in QP, then go play ranked games where they can switch if necessary.

I’d rather have the widow switch to 76 is she’s already dying a lot to the enemy. 3/4 less/more deaths won’t matter if her swap is what gets us the win. But staying on a hero that you main but is not effective that round, to me that seems like gameplay sabotage since you’re doing very little to change the outcome, and yes staying on your main is doing very little.

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