We CAN say that Sombras skin costs 40$

Thank you for sharing your wisdom with me senpai, you truly are the beacon light for us poor brainwashed mortals.

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The skin is much more important than Blizzcon itself, I mean unless you’re not announcing new games it is ZZzz levels of ‘entertaining.’

Far from it, you will be able to buy the ticket even after the event is over if you want to watch the rerunning of the videos.

Also… I feel like Blizzard might actually decide to sell the skin separately as well.
As seen by the reactions so far, a lot of people who’d want the skin won’t buy it because of the paywall… kind of how it’s been with the Lucio Emote… they’d likely do make more money if they decided to ship the skin seperately for a cheaper price sometime later… again as they are doing with the Lucio Emote

That’s true. I actually forgot that I still had access to mine last year after the event was over (I think it was a month). And where you could still purchase it before it ends.

Gotcha! Thank you Winston :heartpulse: I think I set my sister up with a battlenet account a long time ago but I don’t remember her email. She has her tag number though. Is there a way I can retrieve it? Sorry for bombarding you with questions aha Sombra’s her main so she’s excited.

The difference is that Sony invests into its exclusives because they realize you need more than just ‘live services’ and the occasional big RPG for a healthy games catalog. The most successful gaming platform is always the one with the most best games and since publishers are not up to the task nowadays, they (feel the need to) step in themselves. Sure, it makes them money too but the primary goal is to provide a better service because it sells more PlayStations.

Meanwhile, Blizzard is just monetizing the heck out of everything Overwatch while (seemingly) doing the bare minimum to improve the game.

ehh wouldn’t get my hopes up. They never did it for any of the wow mounts and trust me people where more up in arms than the overwatch community is and blizzard never budged.

The Lucio emote is tied to the owl so I can see it being different and bringing it back. It was like early access if you had the all in twitch pack since they did add it later on.

This is like saying Bloodborne costs $280 becuase its the only game you’ll play on ps4

or that my Ryzen 7 sticker cost $300 because all i wanted was the sticker and not the cpu.

Just because something does not have much value for you , does not mean the bundle itsself is not good value to others.


What? the demon hunter sombra skin? But it has the same metal/leather style as van hesling McCree?

If they attach it to a 40$ paywall, all hell is going to break lose…

This is a link to blizzard account recovery, your best bet. Otherwise, you can make a support ticket if that doesn’t work.

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I like when Sombra shows skin, so I’m glad they didn’t give her a sexy costume or I’d actually be angry about this. I’m not a fan of the mythical type stuff. I’ll keep my $40 because I don’t care about Blizzcon either. I just want some Halloween event announcements!

But I can play Bloodborne and, after I’m done with the game, sell both PS4 and the game – I will get at least some money back, so it will significaly lower my costs.

As always, simply announcing that the Sombra skin will be available for purchase separately at some later date is the customer-friendly thing to do.

It’d allow them to have their cake and eat it too. I don’t get why devs like to dive headfirst into bad PR so much for very little monetary gain.

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Correct, if the only way for you to acquire something is to purchase it in a bundle with things you don’t want (and let’s be honest: things Blizzard damn well knows you don’t want; that’s why they bundle them with things you care about), it is reasonable to say that that part costs the full amount of the bundle, because it’s the cheapest (and only) way to acquire it.

Even if I were to accept the analogy to other bundles where you can turn around and sell the parts you don’t want - which doesn’t realistically soften the blow, especially if you hate selling on eBay - the cost of these BlizzCon codes typically goes UP, not DOWN, when they’re sold separately by scalpers.

Sony invests in exclusives because every console company sells their consoles at a massive loss. They make up for it through game sales and licensing fees. There’s no reason outside of Sony having financial interests in locking a game to a console in order to get people to purchase the game and play on it, which leaves them more likely to purchase other Sony-related/invested/licensed items.

They’re cosmetics. You are losing nothing by not purchasing any of these things. I lose out on an experience not purchasing a game that I’d like to play, whereas you lose out on a fancy overlay that you see maybe 10% of for the entirety of its use.


Thank you so much :heartpulse:

So is the virtual ticket out yet?

It’s an exclusive bonus for people who purchased a ticket, exclusive is the key word.

You made some good points here but the purpose of the skin is to essentially reward people who purchased the ticket


I think they’re for sale after the announcement stream at 3pst today

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Thank you love! :relieved:

Much appreciated!

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