We CAN say that Sombras skin costs 40$

So many people white knighting for this anti-consumer practice it’s disgusting.


It’s in the shop in-app, I think?

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I’m only whining about this cos blizz have demonstrated in the past that they respond to whining e.g. Oni and DVa Cop skins (which you didn’t even have to pay for even when they were exclusive.)


There are some people only buy the ticket for the wow mounts. So it’s not uncommon for people to do that.

Yes sometimes it’s to entice people. But it’s up to you to decide what it is worth. Is the skin worth 40 bucks to you if that’s all you want out of this? Or maybe you use the to learn about the other games they offer?


You buy the pass on the Blizard page. And yeah, you buy it the same way you would buy something in their gear store. You need to be logged in.

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Ok, so if my sister wants it, I have to hook up her account to battle.net correct?

Sorry, I don’t buy it. None of you complained about the Bastion or Winston skin in the last 2 years. I guess ever since the Mercy skin came out, people have been getting triggered over “paying for skins”.

I haven’t purchased a single skin and it hasn’t changed my experience in game.


Multimillion dollar company incentivizes customers to purchase their goods with bonus rewards! Has capitalism gone too far?

Up next, people feel pressured to spend money on digital cosmetics. More news at 11.


Must protect the corporate overlords. Repeat after me: Micro transactions is for our own good. Save the small indie company from going under. :sob:


It’s easy to sling that word around when you don’t know what it actually means, huh lol?

I have a problem every time a game that I paid for offers exclusive content that only comes with a different product. When WoW started offering bonus items (mounts and toys and such) that came in packs of their card game I was incensed. Still a sore spot for me to this day.

It’s a sleazy business tactic and I can’t stand it.


I think so. Usually you can gift things by typing in the email of who you’re gifting it to in the purchase screen but I’m not sure blizzcon tix count. You’ll be prompted to it before you make a purchase, so I’d check for that first

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It’s not a micro-transaction though, lol.

Enlighten me senpai.

Nah. You do your own work since you seem so content in using it.

True, since it’s priced as an AAA title. You could actually buy x3 copies of OW for the same price as this skin… :thinking:

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Fair enough. You consistent with your views. I can get behind that. I am not always a fan of such practices but to when it’s bonus to product I was already buying then I am all for it. I was already going to get the ticket no matter what so it’s free stuff to me.

Just like the TV I bought. Came with a free Xbox one. Never planned to buy the Xbox but hey came free with the TV I got. I don’t play it really but still free.

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You’re not buying the skin only though, sooo…


Bundling it with the crap doesn’t make it a better deal. If you don’t play WoW the WoW rewards have 0 value to you. If you don’t intend to watch Blizzcon the streaming access have 0 value to you.


I might be wrong, but I think the deadline to get a virtual ticket is over. :thinking: