Was Bastion's turret mode a mistake?

Or… we could just recognize and fix the issues that were never there before the rework.

Sentry is not for being a sitting duck, it’s for tactical damage boosts at opportune times and at opportune positions.

If you’re sitting in sentry for more than a few seconds, you’re doing it wrong.

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It takes about that long to transform.

Oh come on with the fallacious logic. You know what he meant. Don’t dance around it.

I’ve been trying to get this point around for so long now. They don’t care. If they can’t sit in Sentry and spam 3 clips for 30 seconds without dying, then Bastion is trash to them. Period.

Pharah hard counters Bastion…?

This part is accurate

This part is kinda false… Tracer is very skinny and fast, Bastion struggles with both of these things.

Bastion is not a very good flanker. I don’t recall what rank (or QP “rank”) you said you were in the last time we spoke, but I want to say it was gold, yes? Not to dismiss you for being low rank, but you can get away with a lot more in lower ranks than you can in higher ones. Flanking isn’t going to work in higher ranks.

This is true, though his playstyle doesn’t support moving around as much as it should. It encourages staying in one spot for too long.

Yes, but if he’s meant to be in the backline, then he needs a lower spread. That’s like saying Sombra is meant to stay in the backline, only Bastion’s spread is worse…

Sometimes, very rarely. This shouldn’t be taken as part of his kit though. It can be a good play, but you’re not meant to be doing it a lot.

No (yes to the “don’t rush the front line” part, but no to the Bastion is meant to flank). Again, he can, but he’s not meant to be a flanker.

For the pirate ship and junkertown comments, yes. Pirate ship isn’t nearly as effective as people give it. I like Bastion on Junkertown, but it’s not as good for him as people seem to think. I like him on other maps a lot more. Like King’s Row.

Do you get gold elims though? Gold damage doesn’t mean too much if you’re not killing as well. If that’s the case, you’re just feeding their healers.

Yea… That’s why i was kinda being all sarcastic.

Sentry mode is meant to be his main source of damage.
The only reason people think you should “Try to use it less”
Is because of how genuinely useless it is… and the fact that usually you die no matter what, when attempting to make use of it.

If you can’t sit in Sentry and spend one single clip There’s something wrong.


YOU usually die when you use it.
I don’t.
My elimination to death ratio is 3 to 1.

You sucking at not dying in Sentry doesn’t mean everyone does.

Oh… ok.

No civil conversation to be found here.

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I feel like mobility could help his kit still kinda. Just let him turn into a car on E so he can bail quickly should it look ugly. Every other hero has some kind of incredibly reliable or semi-reliable way of escaping an engagement. Bastion is just kind of defenseless if he’s in wide hitbox recon mode. He moves at like, 2 mph. I just want the ability to setup quicker.

It’s hard to be civil when you post a wall of text literally explaining why… everything… and it gets ignored.

We’re literally all saying Bastion should be encouraged to use Recon to move around more. That’s why we want a revert, because you couldn’t play old Bastion as a static gun, you would just instantly die. Ironclad is what broke his kit. It was unnecessary, and it just encourages players to sit still for too long, and actively discourages players from using Recon because they lose the damage resistance.

All he needed with his rework was the Recon and Repair changes. He didn’t need Sentry touched at all.

It really is isn’t it.

Blizzard buffed his Recon primary, which I think is the right direction for him. It gives him more flexibility. The best Bastion players I’ve seen constantly switch positions and alternate between Recon and Sentry. So they should continue giving more buffs to Recon mode to encourage more use of it.

Also, he should have an E ability.

I responded to it… :man_shrugging:

Is it? Are you sure about that? Sentry is his main source of damage?

Funny how getting better results and more total damage output from not dying immediately by camping in sentry might contradict that?

Sentry is a tool. A powerful one. Use it accordingly, and don’t use it when it will get you killed.

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I was getting around to it. You weren’t my original target audience either.

I’ve got 700+ hours on this game.

I think i know how to play it.

Yes, Sentry is meant to be his “primary fire”. If he was meant to be in Recon for a majority of the game, then he would just be a worse version of Soldier. Sentry needs to be his primary fire because that’s what makes him unique. He shouldn’t spend a majority of the game in Sentry either, but it’s not meant to just be a side ability.

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