Was Bastion's turret mode a mistake?

So he’s not supposed to be in Recon for a majority of the game, but also not supposed to be in Sentry for the majority of the game.



Better defense or a better way to escape an engagement gone south. Is that so bad of an idea?

“An engagement gone south”

The majority of them.

I know. I’m just trying to sound reasonable here. I want more than just that for him too. Pls no snap at me.

I do like the idea of letting him escape an engagement. I would like if they let him “eject” from Sentry mode by holding a direction and pressing shift. Something kinda sorta like his highlight intro with the tank jump thing.

But seriously though. Don’t you think some mobility would help? I feel like thats the core thing he doesn’t have everyone else has to some extent.

He has very limited options on how to place himself positionally. Especially in an elevated manor or at more unique angles.

Tank exists…

I guess technically you’re correct. I meant a somewhat large majority, like about 65-70% of the match. Not just 50% + 1

It’s mutual. Bastion can be a “Pharah hunter”. If picking off Pharah can mean the difference between winning and losing, Bastion can do the job. He just has to play peek-a-boo with her and be extra careful. That often involves constant healing and trying again. Catching Pharah off-guard isn’t that hard though, either. Bastion can take her out in 2 seconds.

He struggles to finish her off, but just keeping her busy is still effective. Denying a good Tracer value can be a huge service to your team, and killing her isn’t THAT hard either, as she has such low health.

It makes you WANT to, but that doesn’t mean you should.

In most circumstances, he isn’t… but in some, he can be.

I never argued against this. I did say Bastion needed a little something. I’m just saying that he’s not a trainwreck that needs some big rework.

I don’t care what is meant or not meant to be. I only care about what works. If I play Hammerdin on Diablo II, I will desynch. Doesn’t matter if the Hammerdin wasn’t meant to do it or not, desynch works.

If I get gold damage, I usually get at least silver elims. Rarely bronze elims.

I like the idea of some sort of escape method, but basic mobility would make Bastion OP.

It’s kind of ridiculous the most use he can get out of his ult is rocket jumping with his tank. I don’t see how escape or minor mobility would make him overpowered tbh. In the current state his kit is in he’s still a massive target and it doesn’t take much effort to inflict damage on to him. The worst I think could happen is that he’s simply more annoying, which people hate him for anyway.

How about give him back his old useful turret mode?

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Make Bastion Sentry mode have a tighter grouping when firing, crits on heads. Sentry Mode is stun/cc/boop/halt/hook/uppercut proof.


It’s almost like this is a logical course of action or something.

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This guy gets it. He is supposed to be dangerous. He is a gosh darn turret

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I’m on mobile now, and trying to quote sucks…

Bastion can be a decent answer to Pharah in Recon, but not really in Sentry… unless the PTR changes are good. (They’re up by the way)

Stalling a Tracer is okay, but if she gets pulse bomb, you have to watch her.

No, you shouldn’t, but it’s kinda a psychological thing… and a passive damage resist is kinda OP anyway…

Can be, yes. He shouldn’t really be thought of that way though. You shouldn’t go “I need to flank a bit, I’ll go Bastion”…

Yeah, were on the same page about not needing a massive rework. Just buffs should do fine…

Can’t be bothered for the rest of that post at the moment, might edit later…

As for the next post, yeah. Mobility would be OP, an escape option would be nice, we can agree on that part too



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