Was Bastion's turret mode a mistake?

We’ve had 2 years to learn how to counter Bastion to the point where 95% of Bastions render teamfights an automatic 5v6. He is a sitting duck in his turret mode without 3 shields to protect him. Immobility is an instant death sentence in Overwatch. How do you fix a flaw so integrated in to his design? We tried Ironclad and it didn’t work to achieve a middle ground.

The immobility isn’t what made him less capable.

It was needing to rely on teammates since he could no longer properly defend himself.


It seems radical but I feel like he needs to be given his own protection which allows him to properly defend himself. The 90 degree shield doesn’t look so bad these days.

A shield would make sense in the current state of the game, But… a better form or defense… Is offense.

He needs to be Dangerous Again.

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You’re right there. I suppose a shield would add complications to an already complicated and graphically cluttered game.

Reduce of spread? Increased damage? Maybe a rocket burst?

Overwatch was a mistake.

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Time to move another ability to an ultimate lmao

Watch the PTR have high hp sentry that can crit as new ultimate

This is soon to be tested.

Headshot modifier, plus an ammo reduction would achieve this.

I would rather play forknife

I think this would only worsen the problem. Another ammo reduction could prove catastrophic as it weakens him as a shield buster.

Sentry mode and, by extension, his core design was a mistake. He’s just one of those characters that’s either trash or super overpowered, never in between.

Another? It was upped from 200 to 300 in the last rework.

I’m saying reduce it back to 200.

Also… He’s not entirely ONLY Meant to break shields.
MANY Other heroes do that, better than he does.


Sorry, got my facts wrong.

Who better than Bastion, a literal machine gun? It’s subjective but I believe he should be the best shield buster in the game.

Talk to Junkrat, Sym, and Everyone else in the game then.

That seems slightly aggressive. Isn’t shield busting what his kit is designed around? To be able to sit in front of shields and reduce them in seconds? Yes, Junkrat does it significantly better at the moment, but Junkrat was primarily designed for area control and denial.

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Literally switch those.

Doesn’t really seem like you’re up for a civilized discussion about this. Can you tell me how Bastion is not a shield buster and is better at area denial than Junkrat?

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Unfortunately this is his core concept.

I do think some sort of shield would be necessary for him, but that always brings the danger that he becomes oppressive. That being said I think a Zarya self bubbles could be a good idea.

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It’s not that i’m not “Up for a civil discussion” It’s that i’ve been explaining this for literal years… I’m just, Tired of trying.

Bastion is not currently, no… Did you play the version of Bastion before the rework?

His kit was never directly focused on “Shield breaking”

I remember playing Bastion before his rework and playing against Bastions. The previous version of Sentry melted tanks and shields, therefore making him a shield buster. How is he better at area denial than Junkrat, before or after the rework?

If his kit is not focused on melting tank defenses then how is he designed to primarily focus on area denial?

I understand it’s tiresome but you must realise most of it is subjective upon how you perceive it. For me his high rate damage kit spells out his intended role.