Was Bastion's turret mode a mistake?

This forum just needs to stop talking about Bastion. It’s pretty clear that none of you have any idea of his potential, how to pilot him, and how not to pilot him.

Bastion is not just a shield buster
Bastion does not need shields, in fact, he’s more vulnerable if he spends too much time in the same spot, shield or no shield
Bastion cannot be piloted like Soldier 76 or any other traditional DPS for that matter
Bastion CAN flank
Bastion has to stay on the move
Bastion is an opportunist. He ambushes, flanks, and surprises
What Bastion is NOT is normal DPS that engages enemies head on
Pirate Ship is no longer a good idea most of the time
Junkertown is not the best map for Bastion
Bastion can easily get gold damage in almost every game

The people talking about Bastion on this forum obviously don’t have the first clue about him. But of course, I’m about to get criticized into oblivion for suggesting any of this.

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Then we’ll get nowhere, since the numbers make him incapable of filling those roles better than the current heroes in this game.

And for me, Being a large target which Gives up mobility entirely Spells out that he’s supposed to defend the area he is in.
Aka, Deny enemy presence.

That’s a compelling view. I guess we can just settle that he does both.

We should probably focus on how to improve his current roles.

You will be criticized in to oblivion for your dismissive attitude and lack of reasoning. Expand your points.


The only issue is… He doesn’t currently excel in any role, unless essentially lifted up by an entire team.

What if his passive is changed to put him on a ‘backup’ system when his health reaches 1, forcing him out of sentry and giving him shields that quickly deplete? That would greatly give him survivability while not making him crazy strong.

And he would still be pulled out of sentry every team fight, Ending in the same result.

It would allow him to return to the fight much quicker and contribute in recon while he backs up.

Alternatively we could go with the safe option and give him a temporary armor/shield boost ability like Overload. Only issue is that like 5 heroes have that ability or passive.

He doesn’t need more self sustain.

He needs more “You shouldn’t have tried that”

More… “Kill you before you kill me”

Then I suppose a tight spread and increased damage is the way to go :stuck_out_tongue:

Such as ammo being reduced to 200, and a headshot modifier being re-implemented.

Would be neat to have like a 15% chance to penetrate through shields or bodies on each bullet. I feel like that would be an amusing twist.

That works. I suppose anything that improves his Sentry offense is appreciated. I firmly believe he needs a tighter spread


Bastion is not just a shield buster
He picks problematic heroes, like Pharah.
That Hammond that keeps rolling into the backline and disrupting? Bastion can take care of that.
Brigitte being a problem in general? Bastion can help with that (More than just breaking her shield too).
Tracer keeps popping up in your backline? Bastion can handle that job. In fact, Bastion can be one hell of an anti-flanker if that’s what is needed.
Bastion doesn’t even need to always bust a shield either. Sometimes, flanking behind it and bursting their team down that way can help your team way more.

No need to expand on this at all. It’s raw truth. Bastion can’t stay in the same spot too long, let alone hang out behind a shield where the enemy knows where he’s at at all times. He’s just begging to get picked there, shield or not.

That means no rushing into the front-line and trying to burst people down.
That means only flanking when in a specific spot/area that enables him to do so.
That means staying in the backline most of the time
That means avoiding 1v1 in recon vs most heroes and in Sentry versus some (Like Genji, due to Deflect)
Honestly, I could keep listing things, but the better points have been made.

There are certain spots on certain maps that allow Bastion to flank, and when he can, he wrecks the opposing team. As I mentioned in another thread, one of my favorites is Nepal 3.

No need to expand on this. It’s true that in some very specific spots, Bastion can camp for a large portion of time, but these spots are rare and again, very specific.

I don’t know how to expand on this. Stop rushing into frontlines with Bastion, period. That’s not what works. It’s a no brainer.

I’ve already explained this.

If you got Rein, Orisa, and Mercy to pocket you, this might work. Otherwise, you’re just announcing to the enemy “Hey look at me, your enemy Bastion just waiting to get blown up!”

I don’t know why people keep saying it is. I find myself struggling on this map, offense or defense.

I seriously get gold damage in 90+% of my games on Bastion.

I think we are all literally on the same page.


  • Doesn’t work.
  • Is broke.
  • Plz fix.

We’re really not. He needs a little bit of something, but he’s not the trainwreck this forum keeps making him out to be.

Go play him.
I’ll wait.

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He’s my main…

It’s designed around tank busting but they said “shield buster” to justify his nerfs.

Ah, i see… I’ve been in this mess for a lot longer is all.

Turret mode is fine, but making static entrenchment the core of his kit and identity is not.