Literally no problems before the recent update to voice chat. Now I can’t even communicate or hear people in-game. What the hell happened with this update that causes this???
I’ve been having this issue as well as the other sound topic below this, but usually it doesn’t even give me the error code. Very frustrating.
Exact same issue, definitely not on my end as OW is literally the only thing whose VC isn’t working for me, even tried resetting the net and everything
Same issue here on xbox series x.
Getting this same problem. It makes comp nearly unplayable in high ranks. At least now I have a reason to play DPS in comp lol.
Same issue here. It lets me join but says no one else is in the voice chat, the game doesn’t even do the confirmation thing to say I’ve joined. I also can’t talk or use my mute key on open mic.
This past week I keep getting kicked in and out of the voice chat channels with my group, the mute button hovers over my icon but I can no longer hear my group or even the voice channel.
And usually I have to restart the game and the voice settings but it last for one round then back again to mute
im having this issue currently, still same for you?
Still happening for me here, it seems like something causes the issue because it can last two whole games or just short out in the middle of round 1.
Same for me. I made a post and a dev responded looking for more info. It’s the one under thiccthighs. If they give me some new info I’ll let yall know
I am also having the same -1002 error. I cannot hear anyone or speak in voice.
I opened a thread yesterday to describe the problem:
The Blizzard Tech Support folks responded but I went through all of their steps and nothing changed.
Can you link the youtube video or tell me the title so I can see if it’s the same issue I am having. Mine shows as if I join voice chat but doesn’t actually connect me to it in a weird way. It shows as if I was alone in voice chat and I can’t use push to talk or open mic to speak.
Have the same problems.
Blizzard pls Help. we want to play the game and having fun.
I have also had this issue since the last update (PC). It says I’m in voice, but will not work for Group or Team chat. I can’t hear anybody and they can’t hear me, but the clicking noise is made.
When I test my microphone in the Blizz launcher, it works perfectly. It also works perfectly in tons of other voice applications I use daily. I have tried setting the exact device as well as changing the system default to something else and then back again. Nothing works.
I’ve been having the same issue as desribed here since the end of December or so as well (i see no error it just stops working after a few games normally)… Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? I tried reinstalling, but no luck.
So I’ve been getting the same issue (i’m on PS4).As soon as it auto joins into either team chat, match chat or group chat it eventually kicks me out but shows me that I’m still in there.but I can’t hear or talk and this is the first time it’s ever happened to me before.I’ve tried everything thing to fix the problem.plz fix this issue Thank you.
i am now having this issue. but im able to do some trouble shooting on my own since i play on multiple devices and have multiple accounts
i have 2 nintendo switches. an xbox and a pc.
i have 3 accounts on each platform all tied to the same 3 emails.
my switches can both use the same console log-in so the 3 accounts on 1 switch are the same 3 accounts on another
i logged into nintendo switch overwatch today and got the “youve been removed from voice” error 1002 so i logged into my other accounts. but to my surprise all 3 accounts had the same error.
then i got on pc. andi could join voice chat on all 3 pc accounts. and i did the same for xbox.i could join all 3 xbox accounts.
but THEN i got on my other switch to try it out. and i could join vc in all 3 of those accounts. (which are the SAME accounts but just on a different switch) so why am i being voice chat blocked only on one console?
every device uses the same wifi and the same account logins. so the only difference between the accounts is the console used.
literally having the same issue
I’m having the exact same issue as well (on switch). The lack of response from Blizzard on this is blaring. I’ve done everything (console resets, trying different mics / wifis / accounts) even re-installing the game. Nothing
so mine finally got fixxedi. i forced a overwatch disconnect by staying out of the client for long enough. and forced a server reconnect by reconnecting within the game. then restarted the client it wasnt console specific it was client specific.