you forced a overwatch disconnect by not logging into the game for long enough? can you clarify I’m unfamiliar with some of the language here
So i booted up the game to menu. Left the game open on the console and went into console settings forcing another “application” open at the same time. So it disconnected overwatch from the servers. I then exited the settings and opened the game again to a “youve been disconnected from the server” error message with “press a to reconnect.” So i reconnected and voice chat worked again
Tldr. Force your game to reconnect to the overwatch servers. This isnt the same as unplugging your wifi
glad it worked for u, it didnt for me what console are u on?
Switch pc and xbox.
I am still having this problem.
Right after i started the game my vc works fine but after at least 1 round of playing, my account somehow disconnects from voicechat and a mute icon hovers over my Microphone symbol. Im not getting any notification when this happens and it can happen literally any time. From then on im not able to reconnect to any vc’s without restarting the game, which will also give me vc for an estimated 1 round again.
This error code -1002 also appeared just ONCE one week ago and im having this issue around 1 and 1/2 months already!
Yeah and i’ve already tried almost everything.
1.My microphone is working in every other game aswell as discord.
2.My ingame Sound settings are set on default.
3.My Windows Sound settings are also fine.
4.I even tested if its been my firewall blocking something of the game but no luck.
5.My friend also told me that my antivirus could be blocking anything of the game accidently, but that was also no solution.
I’d be very happy if anyone can help me fixing this, since the Blizzard support seems to not care about this issue. Thank you
Still have the Problems, Blizzard, Overwatch-Team pls help
Same issue here. Was absolutely fine for a few hours and then got booted out halfway through a match
(PC) I had a similar or the same issue where OW wouldn’t pick up my mic or play other’s audio, I have no clue what caused this but what I do know is that Voice Chat started working again after I closed all programs currently running then launched only OW. With OW running I was able to launch discord and firefox and VC was still functioning hope this helps at least someone.
TL;DR Close all programs then launch OW and only then launch other programs
This started happening to me few weeks ago. Its consistent too like itll kick me out in maybe 1hour of playing. Id have to restart to join vc again.
What fixed this issue is me connecting to my phone hotspot! I dont know why this happened cause i didnt change anything on my router
Hey there,
So this voice chat issues can have numerous potential causes and with a player base as large as the one for Overwatch there are almost always going to be some posts reporting issues.
That does not indicate an actual service issue with voice chat (though it doesn’t rule it out either)
In most cases however issues connecting or staying connected to the voice chat service are local to the system, network or connection. This means in many cases the issue can be solved via direct troubleshooting (as opposed to waiting for a server side solution which would not fix a local issue)
It is definitely good to report the issue just in case but to also go through and troubleshoot the issue locally (as again most of the time that is where the issue lies.)
As mentioned in this thread several have found solutions that worked for their particular case.
Shutting down other programs. (could be a resource allocation issue for the mic or conflicting settings between the game and those other programs trying to take control of the device)
Trying an alternate internet connection like say a mobile hotspot. (This is not a solution but a way to determine if the issue is with your local network or how it is connecting to our services.)
I will include specific steps you can try so definitely give them a shot and see if hey help:
(These steps are all for PC only, some of the network steps should work for console since they are for your network and not the console itself. For consoles we recommend disconnecting the second controller if it is connected since it can complete for control of the mic, you can also reinstall the game or factory reset the console to see if that helps.)
Try doing an extended power cycle on your system. Turn off all devices including the modem. Wait 30 minutes, turn on the modem, wait 5 minutes, turn on any network devices, wait 2 minutes, turn on your computer and try the game.
You can try switching your DNS settings to use a free public DNS servers instead of your ISPs Servers:
We do not have individual steps for specific modems or routers so if you need assistance accessing or updating the devices, contact the device maker/provider.
Sometimes firewall or routing software/hardware will have some advanced settings to prioritize and manage types of network traffic. Normally that is not an issue but we have seen situations where it can intefere with the delivery of the data for our games/voice chat.
Let’s try turning off these features:
RoG (ASUS Routers Only)
Security firewalls (Some ISP provided modems)
Not all devices will have these options and the steps for turning these functions off will be different depending on the make/model/software version of the devices and programs involved. If necessary look at the documentation for your security and routing products to find out how to turn these options off.
In some cases there is a corrupt or misconfigured setting within the router or modem. We cannot say what that might be offhand but the easiest way to resolve these conflicts would be to factory reset the router and/or modem.
You may need to look up your specific model for the steps on how to do this and in some rare cases you may need to have this done by the ISP. Feel free to reach out to them for assistance if necessary.
Some folks have reported that a VPN gets them around the issue. Please note we do not support VPN usage though we do not prohibit its use with most of our games. Some countries around the world, do restrict VPN usage so you will want to research these restrictions for your country before attempting to use a VPN.
Many VPNs offer a demo or trial version of their service to allow you test without commitment.
If a VPN solves the issue for you then the issue lies with your network, your ISP, or the path they send you through to get your data to us. You can work with your ISP in these situations to help them hunt down and address the routing issue.
Do you have the ability to connect the system to a mobile hotspot?
We do not support this setup for playing but it can provide contrast to your normal connection. If you go this route make sure you are on mobile data and not on your wifi network and if you have a limited data plan, restrict your testing to prevent excessive data usage.
There are online guides for most smartphones on how to do this and most carriers can guide you through the setup process as well.
Do you have the ability to try a different computer on the same network? Or, the ability to try your current computer on a different network? This can help us determine if what you are experiencing is due to an network issue or something specifically with your system itself. Give it a shot and see what happens.
Let’s reset the in game user options:
- Right click Windows Start
- Open File Explorer
- Open Documents
- Delete the Overwatch folder and empty the Recycle Bin.
(This will deleted any unsaved/saved highlights so if you wish to preserve those, save and then move them from the videos folder before deleting the OW folder.)
The Spring 2018 Creators build of windows added some permission options to allow you greater control over what apps on your system can do. In some cases these permissions are turned off by default even though the option itself might be on. You can turn them on as follows:
Press your Windows key or activate Cortana
Type then select ‘Settings’
Go to ‘Privacy’
Select ‘Microphone’ on left hand side
Toggle ‘Allow apps to access your microphone’ off and back on
Make sure both the recording and playback devices you are using are set to Default Device in windows. You can check this by:
- Right clicking on the sound icon on your taskbar
- Choosing sound settings and maximizing the windows
- Choosing sound control panel
- Choosing recording (and then repeat with playback) devices, selecting the device in the list and pressing the set default button below the list.
Once that is done go through and disable every device except the ones we will be using for testing in the client. Click on the device on the list, then right click. Choose Disable.
We will want to disable any enhancements, exclusive modes and volume reduction settings that might be active.
These options are found under the properties of the affected devices. Select the device, click properties and then switch to the Advanced, Enhancement and Communication tabs to make the necessary changes.
Disable Volume reduction:
- Hit Windows key and type sound.
- Go to the Sound options.
- Click the Communications tab.
- For the setting “When Windows detects communications activity”, set it to “Do nothing”.
Check the application specific volume settings both within the game options and in windows options to make sure your microphone or headset is not muted for Overwatch. You will need to have overwatch running, tab out, open the volume mixer via the sound icon on your windows taskbar, and scroll to the right through the various volume controls.
Try running your system in selective startup mode:
Create a new administrator account: Creating a New Administrator Account - Blizzard Support
Once the account is created, shut down the computer, wait 60 seconds, restart, log into the new profile and try the app/client.
Now if none of that helps, I recommend contact tech support directly (As the forums are for community led support and will be limited on troubleshooting compared to submitting a ticket.)
Hey, so finally a Developer helped me and made me get rid of this issue:
[Mirkath] :
Overwatch servers and the voice servers are different from each other, so a disconnection with one won’t usually disconnect with the other.If possible, try connecting in the game with a different connection, hotspot or free VPN should work. Test that new connection and see if the voice chat gives you any errors.
After this response, I downloaded a free VPN and now i dont get kicked out of VC anymore. Finally after 2 months i can use my VC properly again.
Hope it works for you too
I’m not from an English-speaking country, but I’ve been suffering from this problem for over two months now.
Using a VPN may be a temporary solution, but I don’t think it’s the root solution.
Blizzard should fix this bug or come up with a radical solution.
I would like to see it work as soon as possible so that I can enjoy playing OverWatch. Even if it is a bug that is happening to few people.
Hey there,
So if a VPN solves the issue then the root problem is in the connection to the service.
It could be a local network issue where the modem/router is not prioritizing VoIP data connections properly. Since using a VPN will encrypt that data the router/modem won’t treat it like it is treating VoIP data transfers.
It could be an ISP issue with how that particular type of data is being transferred through their network. Again VPNs encrypt your data so it won’t be treated differently by the ISP.
This could be a routing issue either with the ISP or their peering partners. Using a VPN changes your routing from what your ISP or their peering partners would use.
In some cases specific countries will restrict VoIP traffic especially encrypted VoiP traffic. This is a government issued restriction implemented at the ISP level.
This brings me to a specific point about VPNs. Some countries restrict vpn usage. We also do not support the use of VPNs. We may suggest them for testing purposes but that is intended only to troubleshoot and confirm the nature of the issue you are experiencing. It is important that you research local laws regarding VPN usage before you use one.
That said, if a VPN works, and is not restricted in your country you are welcome to use it. If you experience a connection related issue while using a vpn however, our only troubleshooting advice will be to not use a vpn.
I’m sorry, I don’t know much about networks and my English is not that good, but are you saying that these problems are with the ISP and not something that we or Blizzard can fix?
So I have to use an unsupported VPN to work around this problem?
They are saying it could be a home network or ISP issue. The game client is not preventing voice chat from being used.
Most likely, unless the problem is in your house. They don’t offer help choosing or setting up a VPN, and they don’t know the laws of your country (some don’t allow VPN access). (That’s what is meant by unsupported.)
Thank you for answering each question so succinctly and clearly.
I’d like to check my home network once again to see if there are any problems.
But it’s going to be very hard because I don’t know what’s wrong with my home network.
I haven’t done anything - the 1002 error is not showing up and voice chat has been working since last night with no problems.
I don’t know if this is due to yesterday’s update or ISP fixing the problem, but I’m glad it’s back anyway.
I wonder if other people who were getting this error are getting it fixed…?
Ive had a similar issue that started on Tuesday the 15th, I played Overwatch for a couple hours early in the day, voice chat was all good and I had no issues, I got off for 3 hours and when I got back on my voice chat is broken I can’t hear people talk even tho I am in the voice chat and can see them talking and my mic doesn’t work so I can’t say anything. Everything else works fine, I can hear game sounds and it seems like this issues is just in overwatch, I’ve restarted overwatch, restarted my xbox, and have tested my internet and have had no luck getting it fixed. I Tried redownloading overwatch and it still didn’t fix it, so now I am stuck without any game chat. Any ideas on how to fix this, On Xbox one if it helps. I will also say when I played early in the day it was after the update and I was fine, so I don’t think it has to do with the update.
I’m stuck with this issue as well and am unable to resolve it. I really dont think its a home/internet based issue/general connection error because i’ve tried every suggestion here including using a VPN/Mobile tether connection and nothing has worked thus far.
Voice etc. works fine on other games
Have also noticed issues where in addition to not having access to voice that the sound sometimes alternates between being very faint (to the point where its impossible to hear what people are saying) to normal.
Including my voice chat log for good measure
[8432] [ERR] [bnl] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:01.048Z]: PathOps: [20220319T15:16:01] {402c} ERR: .. is the leading path component: /../
[8432] [ERR] [bnl] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:01.048Z]: PathOps: [20220319T15:16:01] {402c} ERR: path normalization failed: /../
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:02.983Z]: ==[VC] Client initialized
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:03.663Z]: ==[VC] Devices started
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:03.665Z]: ==[VC] SetTargetOutputDevice Headset Earphone (CORSAIR VIRTUOSO SE Wireless Gaming Headset)
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:03.667Z]: ==[VC] SetTargetInputDevice Headset Microphone (CORSAIR VIRTUOSO SE Wireless Gaming Headset)
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:03.667Z]: ==[VC] Client started
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:03.790Z]: #=[VC] ResponseGetOutputDevices 01 0(0:811c9dc5) (Default System Device|Default System Device) ({}.{1310eba3-9122-4c6f-aeb1-5b2bc020219f}|Headset Earphone (CORSAIR VIRTUOSO SE Wireless Gaming Headset)) ({}.{1310eba3-9122-4c6f-aeb1-5b2bc020219f}|Headset Earphone (CORSAIR VIRTUOSO SE Wireless Gaming Headset)) ({}.{1310eba3-9122-4c6f-aeb1-5b2bc020219f}|Headset Earphone (CORSAIR VIRTUOSO SE Wireless Gaming Headset))
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:03.790Z]: ==[VC] Output devices added [(Default Communication Device|Default Communication Device),(Default System Device|Default System Device),(No Device|No Device),({}.{1310eba3-9122-4c6f-aeb1-5b2bc020219f}|Headset Earphone (CORSAIR VIRTUOSO SE Wireless Gaming Headset)),({}.{942f7dc4-c67f-41dd-a57f-adfdf2395a59}|Realtek Digital Output (Realtek(R) Audio)),({}.{dc5e3cc1-7851-41a5-a211-16a4bc060b9a}|AORUS KD25F (NVIDIA High Definition Audio))]
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:03.792Z]: ==[VC] SetTargetOutputDevice Headset Earphone (CORSAIR VIRTUOSO SE Wireless Gaming Headset)
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:03.796Z]: ==[VC] SetTargetInputDevice Headset Microphone (CORSAIR VIRTUOSO SE Wireless Gaming Headset)
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:03.796Z]: ==[VC] New active output device (Default System Device|Default System Device)
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:03.839Z]: #=[VC] ResponseGetInputDevices 01 0(0:811c9dc5) (Default System Device|Default System Device) ({}.{70c6d5a0-f315-49a2-9b10-572a5772fa6a}|Headset Microphone (CORSAIR VIRTUOSO SE Wireless Gaming Headset)) ({}.{70c6d5a0-f315-49a2-9b10-572a5772fa6a}|Headset Microphone (CORSAIR VIRTUOSO SE Wireless Gaming Headset)) ({}.{70c6d5a0-f315-49a2-9b10-572a5772fa6a}|Headset Microphone (CORSAIR VIRTUOSO SE Wireless Gaming Headset))
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:03.839Z]: ==[VC] Input devices added [(Default Communication Device|Default Communication Device),(Default System Device|Default System Device),(No Device|No Device),({}.{70c6d5a0-f315-49a2-9b10-572a5772fa6a}|Headset Microphone (CORSAIR VIRTUOSO SE Wireless Gaming Headset))]
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:03.841Z]: ==[VC] SetTargetOutputDevice Headset Earphone (CORSAIR VIRTUOSO SE Wireless Gaming Headset)
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:03.843Z]: ==[VC] SetTargetInputDevice Headset Microphone (CORSAIR VIRTUOSO SE Wireless Gaming Headset)
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:03.843Z]: ==[VC] New active input device (Default System Device|Default System Device)
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:04.068Z]: #=[VC] ResponseGetOutputDevices 01 0(0:811c9dc5) (Default System Device|Default System Device) ({}.{1310eba3-9122-4c6f-aeb1-5b2bc020219f}|Headset Earphone (CORSAIR VIRTUOSO SE Wireless Gaming Headset)) ({}.{1310eba3-9122-4c6f-aeb1-5b2bc020219f}|Headset Earphone (CORSAIR VIRTUOSO SE Wireless Gaming Headset)) ({}.{1310eba3-9122-4c6f-aeb1-5b2bc020219f}|Headset Earphone (CORSAIR VIRTUOSO SE Wireless Gaming Headset))
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:04.105Z]: #=[VC] ResponseGetInputDevices 01 0(0:811c9dc5) (Default System Device|Default System Device) ({}.{70c6d5a0-f315-49a2-9b10-572a5772fa6a}|Headset Microphone (CORSAIR VIRTUOSO SE Wireless Gaming Headset)) ({}.{70c6d5a0-f315-49a2-9b10-572a5772fa6a}|Headset Microphone (CORSAIR VIRTUOSO SE Wireless Gaming Headset)) ({}.{70c6d5a0-f315-49a2-9b10-572a5772fa6a}|Headset Microphone (CORSAIR VIRTUOSO SE Wireless Gaming Headset))
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:04.152Z]: ==[VC] RequestSetActiveOutputDevice ({}.{1310eba3-9122-4c6f-aeb1-5b2bc020219f}|Headset Earphone (CORSAIR VIRTUOSO SE Wireless Gaming Headset))
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:04.152Z]: ==[VC] RequestSetActiveInputDevice ({}.{70c6d5a0-f315-49a2-9b10-572a5772fa6a}|Headset Microphone (CORSAIR VIRTUOSO SE Wireless Gaming Headset))
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:04.182Z]: #=[VC] ResponseSetActiveOutputDevice 02 0(0:811c9dc5)
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:04.182Z]: ==[VC] New active output device ({}.{1310eba3-9122-4c6f-aeb1-5b2bc020219f}|Headset Earphone (CORSAIR VIRTUOSO SE Wireless Gaming Headset))
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:04.182Z]: #=[VC] ResponseSetActiveInputDevice 02 0(0:811c9dc5)
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:04.182Z]: ==[VC] New active input device ({}.{70c6d5a0-f315-49a2-9b10-572a5772fa6a}|Headset Microphone (CORSAIR VIRTUOSO SE Wireless Gaming Headset))
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:13.633Z]: #=[VC] Auto-Join Enabled Flags 0000 -> 0007
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:13.633Z]: #=[VC] Channel Enabled Flags 0000 -> 0005
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:14.402Z]: ==[VC] Request login 101b0fb4
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:14.402Z]: ==[VC] Login credentials requested
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:15.279Z]: #=[VC] LoginCredentials 3 0 101b0fb4 d7fe4a62 7d33d227
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:15.280Z]: ==[VC] Connect requested 080206e9 7d33d227
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:16.425Z]: #=[VC] ResponseConnect 03 0(0:811c9dc5) 080206e9
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:16.442Z]: ==[VC] Login requested 080206e9 9bd5d047 d7fe4a62 101b0fb4
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:16.725Z]: #=[VC] LoggingIn 00 0(0:811c9dc5) 9bd5d047
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:20.045Z]: #=[VC] ResponseLogin 03 0(0:811c9dc5) 231c559b@4a95b6d2
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:20.045Z]: #=[VC] LoggedIn 00 0(0:811c9dc5) 9bd5d047
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:20.060Z]: ==[VC] Login complete 101b0fb4 d7fe4a62 9bd5d047
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:20.077Z]: ==[VC] SetPushToTalk (true)
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:20.077Z]: ==[VC] SetPTTVADProperties
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:20.093Z]: #=[VC] ResponseGetVADProperties 05 0(0:811c9dc5) hangover 2000 sensitivity 43 noisefloor 576 auto false
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:20.127Z]: #=[VC] ResponseSetVADProperties 05 0(0:811c9dc5)
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:20.127Z]: ==[VC] SetVADProperties success hangover 2000 sensitivity 0 noisefloor 576 auto false
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:20.127Z]: #=[VC] SetOutputVolume 04 0(0:811c9dc5)
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:20.127Z]: #=[VC] SetInputVolume 04 0(0:811c9dc5)
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:20.127Z]: #=[VC] MuteInput 04 0(0:811c9dc5)
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:35.806Z]: #=[VC] Auto-Join Enabled Flags 0007 -> 0002
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:35.806Z]: #=[VC] Channel Enabled Flags 0005 -> 0000
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:35.806Z]: ==[VC] Request logout
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:35.806Z]: ==[VC] Logout requested 9bd5d047
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:35.970Z]: ==[VC] Request stop
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:35.970Z]: ==[VC] Cancel all queued trackers 1
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:36.141Z]: #=[VC] ResponseLogout 06 0(0:811c9dc5)
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:36.141Z]: #=[VC] LoggingOut 00 0(0:811c9dc5) 9bd5d047
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:36.141Z]: #=[VC] LoggedOut 00 0(0:811c9dc5) 9bd5d047
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:36.182Z]: ==[VC] Disconnect requested 080206e9
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:36.191Z]: #=[VC] ResponseDisconnect 06 0(0:811c9dc5)
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:36.199Z]: ==[VC] Disconnect complete
[8432] [NRM] [VoiceChat] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-03-19T07:16:36.199Z]: ==[VC] Stop complete