šŸ„¬ Vegan representation?

Imagine Plantmancer character that donā€™t eat plantsā€¦ Much cooler idea than some veganā€¦

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bruh this isnā€™t like the 1600ā€™s, people in the middle of continents can eat fish daily right now, despite having no real source for it locally.

by 2070ā€™s? easy to assume they can grow their own food and arenā€™t so reliant on meats.
mei drinks tea in the rise and shine short, I doubt they sourced that from the barren icy wasteland, you feel?

Can still bbq non meats.

I was going to say, he strikes new as vegetarian. Mostly because he likes sushi, seafood, ice cream, etc which some vegetarians eat. I had a French teacher who I didnā€™t know was vegetarian until I was stuck sitting next to him on a plane ride for a school trip. He ate fish because ā€œit was the only meat Jesus ateā€. He was very religious.

Others I know only eat fish, dairy products, and eggs because the animal isnā€™t hurt and fish donā€™t think like complex animals do.

So with that said I think heā€™s more vegetarian than vegan.

vegans are just food cult zelot lunaticsā€¦ its more about dogma and emotion then reasonā€¦
vegetarians i can respectā€¦ vegans not so muchā€¦

I imagine that Winston is probably vegetariansā€¦ no one has seen him fishing up termites with a stick for a quick snack as far as i know lol X3

Also i find the climate change angle of vegeterianism most convinsingā€¦ not gonna stop eating meat thoughā€¦ &%Ā¤% that noise!

I am rather hopefull of lab grown meat thoughā€¦ that could if done right be cheaper and more efficient a source of meatā€¦ so it would hopefully get cheaperā€¦

and if i can eat more meat then i am happy :slight_smile:

iā€™d probably try a carnivarian diet just to annoy vegans except i cant stomach eating raw liver to get vitamin C :stuck_out_tongue:

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this was the least productive post here.

I could see him being a proletarian, or whatever the one that eats fish is

vegans are obnoxious extremists vegetarians i can have a discussion with.

Also it is a food cultā€¦ there are may food cults including various religions with irrational food hang ups.

add too that the mentality many vegans have that owning pets is a form of slavery or similar and yeah where in crazy town.

I dont approve of lunatics like PITA who are so dead set that people should not have pets that the kidnap peoples pets and kill them not to mentiom that they consort with actual terrorist organizations.

Vegetarians are saneā€¦i dont mind themā€¦ principly i can even agree on some pointā€¦ but vegans are mad!


The vocal minority always spoils the mass of them. Iā€™ve met vegans who are ā€œsaneā€. Iā€™ve met some who arenā€™t. Iā€™ve met some nice vegetarians, and Iā€™ve met a few nastys. Iā€™ve run into many Republicans who are normal, and Iā€™ve run into fanatical conspirists. Iā€™ve talked to many Democrats who are sweet, and Iā€™ve run into bullies.

Every single group has a vocal minority that doesnā€™t represent the masses of the group of people. Most people want to live their lifestyle, a few want to force others to live their lifestyle.


Pescetarian is the word.

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Overwatch is a global game, that addresses how every country and different people live in the aftermath of a huge, devastating Omnic Crisis. Itā€™s going to pose social questions- how do you deal with a rise in postwar crime syndicates? Is it ethical or correct to engineer sentient animals/machines, and how do we treat them? These questions have already been introduced with Overwatch, the organization, and Winston, Wrecking Ball and Zenyatta. If the question being asked is, how does a country respond to a shortage of food, the answer may well be examined through a vegan character. The questions of love and responsibility are also addressed through Tracer and Soldier: 76, albeit somewhat briefly, with Tracer sacrificing her time and happiness to help the man in the store and the robbed family on her way back to Emily during Christmas, and Soldier having to abandon Vincent to keep it out of harms way. Representation does a lot for people, both the ones being represented and others observing it. It should be important, though a proper story should accompany it as well.

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Vegans are annoying pushy trash! vegetarians you can have a discussion with vegans on the other hands are just total fruit cakes!
*goes of to cook some meat just to spite any vegans around*

Yet thousands of Dolphins who are proven to have complex social lives and feelings die everyday trapped in fishing nets.

Vegetarians who refuse to eat meat for the animalsā€™ sake but are ok with fish are just fooling themselves.

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Oh my god please tell me this is a troll. Look, irl I work at sanctuaries and have been fully vegan for over 3.5 years. Please for the love of god keep that stuff out of the game that is my escape. I appreciate representation on things you cannot choose like race/ sexuality. I do not want any chosen beliefs like religion in this game please. Please delete this. All it would do is make people more inflammatory okay so please just stop.

Like I said, Iā€™ve been vegan for over 3.5 years and I really donā€™t want it in the game. Mercy being a pacifist is enough to represent the stance of non-violence, as well as Zenyatta. But the word ā€œveganā€ really triggers a lot of people. Instead of giving it a label I think itā€™s more important to explain the general ideology behind non-violence and kindness, which characters in the game already do.

People like to generalize vegans, they get so triggered by our existence. Exactly like how religious people get triggered by the atheist minority.

Itā€™s not emotion or dogma. There is absolutely no good reason to eat animal products, so why should I? I am taking a non-stance. And any justifications given literally fall into categories of logical fallacies. And now that Iā€™m disputing what you said, Iā€™m gonna be seen as the preachy one.

To follow the religion parallel: the majority of religious people are decent people parcticing their faith relatively privately. And then there is a very vocal minority that feels the need to convert everyone.

Itā€™s the same for vegans and itā€™s this vocal minority that gives them all a bad image.

Trust me, most us vegans never ā€œcome outā€ to people.

But please empathize, at least try to understand, those people doing that because they see a cowā€™s life as precious as any dog. You donā€™t have to agree but please understand. If you were in a place killing dogs, wouldnā€™t you want to stop it instead of sucking it up? They just want to end unnecessary violence. Most of us are pacifists, please try to understand that. Thatā€™s why we choose non-violent protests against violence. I donā€™t think itā€™s wrong or ā€œmilitantā€ to do that. To us, our right to throw our fist ends where anotherā€™s nose begins. And most of us have seen horrible horrible animal cruelty in slaughter houses. Some of us even have PTSD. I donā€™t think itā€™s bad to want a kinder world and striving for that with non-violence.

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Non-violance is the key. I actually work for humanitarian and animal rights was one of them as a contractor (RSPCA). But no, ā€œmilitantā€ vegans in recent news had stolen things from farmers, chained themselves to machines and caused illegal blockade. Guns were aimed by farmers and charges were laid to these vegans. I think that warrants as violence and gives other vegans a bad name. Thereā€™s a right way and a wrong way to voice an opinion and protest. But letā€™s agree to disagree.

My problem with vegans is that because they are picky eaters they somehow think they have hte moral high ground.

They often express themselves in terms of disgust more then terms of logic or any serious moral argument.

Vegetarians i can respect because they often take a more logical non extreme practical stanceā€¦ vegans are extremists in my book.

Iā€™m even swayed somewhat by the purely logical greenhouse gas argumentā€¦ but i still wont give up meatā€¦

the only solution is for lab grown meat to solve the problem. when you can grow a steak then iā€™ll convert :stuck_out_tongue:

Not a day before that.

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Symmetra very well could be a religious vegetarian given that sheā€™s from the continent of India.

iā€™d bet moira is vegetarian or vegan

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