🥬 Vegan representation?

It’s the Overwatch forums, by far the most demands and expectations come from people who demand and expect buffs, nerfs, heroes being deleted and so on.

I think representation is not the biggest offender here, even if it is demanded, since it’s not like the people demanding are personally attacking or harassing anyone in particular. It’s just a public forum, most of these threads will never be read by anyone high enough to actually register the demands in question (unless they’re spammed, but as I pointed out, spamming is the main skill of people crying for nerfs).

And I’m against those groups of people that demand balance changes, as well.

:3c dad cattle best cattle

One of the pins on Roadhog’s vest(?) is a piece of meat with a ‘no’ symbol over it.


You forgot about Mei

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Are you vegan?

Maybe in diet but not lifestyle. He wears leather and shark skin. His tattoo probably isn’t vegan friendly either.

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Gimme representation for diet soda drinkers please, I need to relate to someone

Gorillas are omnivorous, and hamsters… sorta eat everything TBH, they’ll even eat their own offspring, but they’re also omnivores (also coprophages, which is kinda nasty but apparently works for them)

If there is a vegan, I’d like one that isn’t an extreme activist or “militant vegan.” Where I’m from (Australia, Melbourne), we had a group of really stupid ones recently hitting the news for blocking a city, tying themselves to farming factories and getting arrested. I.e. It would be more of a sensitive topic in some places. Maybe there’s a vegan there isn’t telling everyone they are vegan in Overwatch. :thinking:

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I disagree. 30 heroes is a lot of opportunity for diversity, and seeing that each one is from a different country (excluding just the shimada brothers, I think), characters can have different aspects. For example, Soldier represents America, but is also gay. Heck, it could turn out even Soldier is the vegan one!! but considering tracer is gay too, it’s not hard to imagine that one or more could be canonically vegan, canonically like blues music, canonically hate retail jobs, etc.

Some people speculate that Junkrat might be a vegetarian, because he has a “no meat” badge on his shorts. But then he also has voicelines about barbecue, so idk.

as a climatologist I would imagine Mei would be vegetarian at the least.

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You can barbecue non meats though.

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I don’t want to question a climatologist, but that does seem like a very counter-intuitive conclusion. Mei is used to cold, harsh climates (hence her look and cinematic), meaning that most edible plants stand no chance of surviving. Thus, eskimo/innuit diets will be more meat-focused. Heck, a simple google search just showed me that seal is the biggest staple of those cultures.

Nevermind, it’s Hog’s badge, I’m an idiot

Vegans are just humans, LGBT are just humans, omnivores are just humans, exc…

I prefer to keep my lore and stories this way since I can imagine it however I prefer as others opinions don’t mean much to me.

I don’t like things needing validation, through irrelevant labeling, but encourage people to live their best lives regardless of my thoughts.

Once something is canonically “something” they are kind of railroaded to be that after.

My best example is of S76, one of my fav heroes, before I thought of him as ‘a grizzled war vet looking to help people, in his own way’.

After he came out, I think of him as ‘a grizzled war vet looking to help people, in his own way.’

I would think the same of a Vegan hero, it is who the person is that matters and them being a Vegan is something I pay no mind too.

Long story short, think about what hero, you think, would be most likely to be vegan, if any, and enjoy the universe around that.

Sometimes less is more and I believe, in subjects like this, it is worth more to have less.

Bastion is vegan.


Roadhog is suggested to be at least vegetarian, if you go by the patches on his jacket. I’ll probably say just vegetarian though, as he did rob an ice cream truck, presumably to eat its ice cream.

EDIT: Junkrat also has the patch and steals from the same places as Roadhog.


There are no vegans in Overwatch because as we all know, Vegans will announce their dietary choice regardless of context.