Valkyrie Playstyle

Guess that’s ad hominem then :stuck_out_tongue: . It’s a logical fallacy btw.

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I’m not attacking him personally, I’m attacking the validity of his claim and the lack of logic.

By bringing up (what you believe to be) a false claim she made previously that’s not relevant to the present claim she made. Think that’s the third variation of ad hominem; tu quoque. Then again I may be wrong. I’m not entirely sure tbh so don’t quote me on this. :sweat_smile:

Oh, so you have evidence that the number of nerfs literally mean nothing? Great! Please provide me documented evidence that the number of nerfs to Mercy “literally mean nothing” as you have previously claimed. For a second there, I thought you were just giving an opinion that wasn’t backed by fact. So yes, let’s see this “evidence” that isn’t just your opinion.

Subjective opinion. Are you making a claim? If so, then prove to me that what I’ve stated as facts in my previous post are indeed - wrong. [citation required]

And nothing you have ever said, Quest, has ever struck me as well argued. You have always appeared as a biased and emotional advocate against Mass Rez. Oh what fun, I can share opinions too!

I like how you constantly add how hard it is for people debating you to “understand” things. When in reality, this whole discussion has been you brushing off facts and giving nothing but opinion. You are once again, weakening your argument there Quest. You need to work on that.

-Has been almost a year since the rework-
-Mercy still has higher pick and winrates than her previous kit-
-Has had way more nerfs to her kit than buffs since the rework-
-Was an “answer” to the “Hide and Rez” myth, when you still need to hide and rez to be effective-
-Winrates are once again rising-

Hmm… Yes. Do continue to see into this development and keep us all posted in how great it’s going for you.

Let me ask you directly, since you love being seen as so “obvious” in your statements. Do you believe that the Rework overall has been a success? Yes or No?

I disagree, that is your subjective opinion again. Facts are extremely helpful and informative. I’ll never stoop as low as to find actual data annoying or childish. Afterall, fact are facts, whether we like to hear about them or not - it doesn’t make them any less true.

Oh, so you’re just projecting again off of subjective opinion that is irrelevant to this discussion? Got it!

And side note: Even though you say you have no reason to prioritize what I say over anyone else, when I talk to you, you respond, and you actively take part in the threads I make? Hmm, yes… I’m sure that I am low on your list of priorities. You must be inherently bored. :smirk:

Oh, you’re not discriminating you say?

And let’s jump forward a bit in your post!

Want to explain any of these past bigoted statements then where you blatantly are discriminating against Mercy mains? I’d love to hear how this isn’t you being bias against Mercy mains. :slight_smile:

I’m sorry, do you know my age to make such a statement? Or are you making another bigoted remark to try and belittle someone you disagree with when they prove you wrong? Do confirm. :blush:

“I won’t disprove you, just insult you. Because I have no rebuttals left.”

I find it cute that when you can’t prove a point, you resort to insulting people. You really are making solid arguments there. /s

That isn’t an answer to my question Quest. That was a bigeoted remark. Answer the question please, thank you!

Let’s do this again:

So what do you suggest they nerf this time to make Mercy “balanced” again while still keeping her fun to play? I doubt you have an answer to this question, but if you do, let’s hear it! :wink:

Oh that’s just Undertone. They still truly believe that a “Mercy main cult” exists and that my thread is still up because I have a secret group of “reverts” doing my bidding (despite openly falsely flagging my posts as spam, and even admitting to doing so in the past). I wouldn’t take anything that they say seriously, considering their past toxic statements towards Mercy mains as a whole. The majority of the threads / posts they’ve made is anything but constructive overall.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


I started actually collecting posts just in case:

Get off your high horse and martyrdom. Nobody discriminates against Mercy players, I’m a Mercy player myself. There’s a specific sub-group of Mercy players that the community dislikes and for good reasons - they spam/false report people and they are toxic. This thread is precisely that. But it won’t get flagged when it’s blatant obvious spam.

Um no… I’m pretty sure it wasn’t get flagged because… It’s not spam… And now you’re just here being frustrated because your plan of “closing this thread” has backfired on you. But hey, you keep wearing that tin-foil hat of conspiracy theories eh? I could always use the extra popularity :smile:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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Mercy could have easily been reworked into this current version from mass rez instead of the numerous iterations of Valk we went through. In one scenario you have just 1 change, just 1 nerf. In the other, you have 10+ or whatever. Hell, you could have 60 nerfs. It doesn’t matter. In the end, regardless of number, the end result was the same. And maybe she can be considered as balanced now. If that’s the case… Then the number doesn’t matter.

It’s a basic af form of thought that leads one to thinking that the number of adjustments matters. It’s petty and vindictive. It’s just wanting to paint one party (in this case the devs) as ignorant to what they’re doing, and use that as some form of leverage to make a compelling argument.

I ain’t here to defend the devs. Valk was a joke when it dropped. Completely busted and obviously af to see. Doesn’t matter. They took the baby steps, the small adjustment approach that SO MANY OF US DEMANDED THEY DO, instead of sledgehammer breaking her like they did Bastion or Sombra or whatever.

Your argument is weak and honestly starting to annoy me. I hope you can understand why, otherwise I have no reason to even respond to you.

Begone with your noise, thot. It’s clear the topic in discussion, these sad little talking points that you’ve found compelling are really just annoyting to me. My claim is clear. 1:1-5 rez has no place in this game. Embrace 1:1.

Ofc my opinion of the nonsense you continually bring up is subjective. That goes without saying. You’re not making an substantive point you’re just being contrarian.

It’s annoying.

Cool kid. Give me reason. Your basic af approach thus far has failed to do so. Hope you can step it up.

What facts have I brushed off? I don’t gaf how long it has been since the rework, all I care is that it is balanced. I’m happy that Mercy is more relevant since the rework, I just want it balanced. I don’t care about the number of nerfs, because the number is irrelevant when it comes to balance. Hide and Rez was not a myth. I’m glad win rates are rising again.


Depends on your definition of success. As far as removing the fundamental problems that are involved with the 1:1-5 operation of rez, yes, it was a success.

You really underestimate how factual what you say is. Please, give me your facts. Give me these amazing statistics that prove Mass Rez was somehow healthier for the game as a whole. I’d love to see them.

Uh huh… Sure, child…

I really am. As you seem able to only approach this topic in the most repetitive and basic ways. It’s unfortunate.

I’m down for discriminating, so long as you give me a reason. You give many reasons, child. Many… Many reasons…

Ummm… I have nothing against Mercy mains. I’m calling out naive and narrow minded individuals that continually present to me weak and weightless arguments that really have nothing to do with the topic at hand.

No problem with Mercy mains. Many problems with forum dwelling Mercy mains that seem to be incapable of letting go of Mass Rez due to some addiction it seems. There’s a difference.

U have said nothing worth rebutting. You are just being a contrarian and trying to construct arguments that appear from a… ignorant point of view somehow invalidating of mine. Nothing you have said invalidates a damn thing I have. Legitimately.

I’ve proved many points. I fail to see a single point you have made. I think you are fatally failing to understand what is taking place rn.

I owe you nothing.

This is childish nonsense, please stop bringing it up.

Sylvanas to me is some sort of combination between undead and BE. Kinda like the Brother Council and The Blood Queen in the ICC raid


  1. I knew it’s not going to get closed, even said it.
  2. It’s not going to get closed because your specific sub-group always up-votes Revert threads and falsely flags/silences any opposing opinion.
  3. That tin-foil conspiracy :rofl: We know you have a Discord and you coordinate there, people ain’t as dumb as you think.
  4. You use alts to up-vote specific threads, accounts with literally 0 posts and below 100 level.

People are not stupid man, there’s a reason, the community dislikes your specific sub-group of Mercy players. You make constant spam/troll threads, you do mob justice tactics of up-voting your threads and reporting/false flagging everyone with a different opinion. And you totally coordinate off the forums in Discord, stop pretending mate.

Ok, you can’t possibly prove this…

[quote=“JǺMĔŜ-2347, post:294,
topic:191605, full:true”] The discord server isn’t like that. It’s just a place for us to chat In, a lot of the discussion is just balance ideas or generally talking about Overwatch and other games. I don’t recall anyone ever discussing your
rank in the server, so sorry someone said that to you.

Yes, I can :smiley: Here you go. This was after several of their members hi-jacked my Symmetra thread.

EDIT: First quote is messing up for some reason.

What the heck is wrong with chatting in a private environment with people that you are more comfortable around? My original point still stands, you can’t possibly prove that we are coordinating something forum related.


Name them.

See for yourself, necro-ed one month old thread and then got his Revert buddies to derail the thread on purpose. Then another one falsely-reported me for real life thread when that didn’t work so I had to get a moderator to prove me innocent and remove the silence. Got quote for that too in case you wonder. :grinning:

None of them are in the discord I’m in…

Than they are in another one, but they are absolutely coordinated outside the forums. You will find generally always the same people up-voting, flagging, there’s a trend. I’m sure there are some random Reverts out there or outliers but there is definitely a specific coordinated group pushing the Revert agenda.

How exactly are we coordinated if some of us are in seperate discord’s?

Usually because these said individuals usually agree with the OP they are usually up voting… What you’ve stated just sounds like a slippery slope fallacy.

Seems unlikely if we’ve already established that most of us are in different discord’s.

Never said it’s one unified block. Always said it’s a specific sub-group of Mercy players.

Then we aren’t exactly coordinated, are we?

Come on red-coat you know what I’m saying. :grinning:

  1. There are Mercy players.
  2. Among the Mercy players, there are the Reverts.
  3. Among the Reverts, there’s a specific sub-group that pushes their agenda and is coordinated.
  4. Are there outlier Mecy players? Yes.
  5. Are there outlier Reverts? Yes.
  6. Do all Revers behave the same way? Not to my knowledge.
  7. Are there specific Reverts that falsely-report people, spam/troll? Yes.

You can’t prove that reverts are the people false reporting you though… Again, this is just a slippery slope fallacy.