Valkyrie Playstyle

Let’s be honest here, Valkyrie promotes a counterintuitive playstyle. It did. Without a doubt, it did.

Between the amount of times you had Rez on E with a cast time that killed you more than helped you, to the amount of times that your team mates yelled at you for more healing as you watched them all die right before your eyes in spectator mode. It promotes a toxic playstyle.

This is one of the main reasons why almost 40% of Mercy’s pickrate disappeared. It is one of the main reasons why Mercy is being less and less played right now.

But there is hope. Because if you think Valkyrie is unfun to play, it’s your fault, not Mercy, and not the devs. Yes yes, my child. Yours. You’re simply not putting enough into it. You got to feel it, like really feel it. And if all you’re doing is using it to enhance your current range and not get shot at, well… my child… you’re doing it completely wrong. It’s that simple, my child. You’re doing it wrong.

Her ult buffs some of her kit, and makes other parts of her kit worse, but instead of simply not using rez during valk and dying like a good little lamb, you’re voicing your opinions on here explaining how horrible the mechanic is?

Sounds like a problem with your playstyle and not Mercy’s kit imo. Rez being even slower during Valk is not bad balancing, you’re just bad at… not dying. Git gud. - In my most dearest opinion.

Remember, “This rework was a huge success.®™” And this current Mercy is absolutely perfect. Like, I love dying when I valk, it makes me feel alive. I love not being able to heal through team wiping ults. NIRVANA! Yes!

INB4 Non-Mercy’s come at me saying I’m an ignorant cultist and I don’t have an opinion.


~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


You’re supposed to get a 6k with her pistol you absolute 4Head


In the very least, while maintaining 15k healing, 5 medals, a POTG and 20 minutes objective time. All gold of course.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Thank you for proving my point. And you too my child, you too. :slight_smile:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Frustration detected.


Wait… are you saying that Valkyrie should do the same thing as trans or sound barrier? Not every support ult needs to do the same thing.


only if mercy had a unique ult that wasnt just a worse trans or super charger… /s


It makes her invincible, and supercharger is situationally made of paper.


You forgot to put /s


You are mistaken.

I am saying that Valkyrie promotes a suicide playstyle, with the cast time on rez and weaker healing being the main culprit.

We are in harmony. :wink:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


That’s it, just switch mercy’s valkyrie with Reinhard’s earthshatter, both hero mains will be pleased. :upside_down_face:


Well, I suppose you can still get 1 shot by Hanzo and Widow. Outside of that, you can rapidly re-position and move away if someone wastes their time shooting you. The problem with Valk is not that its suicidal, its just not better than her normal beam against a single target. The 50 hp/s really hurt her ult.


My problem with valk was never that it was suicial my problem is they dumbed it down so much that its basically useless every time i use it i feel like my ‘game changing ult’ does nothing to sway the tide of a fight it either makes everyone die a little slower before the inevitable team wipe or helps the already won team fight


I agree that Valk can feel un impactful most of the time.

At least you get a great view!


This is gold.


It’s funny because this is a parody of my post, which, was true. How many other abilities require the entire ally team to die?

If this isn’t a Acting as a cult now, then I don’t know what is.

I’m reporting this topic for trolling as it’s clearly a parody of a post that’s trying to be edgy or just upset users.

Edit: @OP, I was okay with what you were saying. But you aren’t promoting conversation like this. All you’re doing is increasing the divide. You seemed nice on my post, but here, you seem to be hostile towards me through the parody.

Edit 2: My post for reference

Edit: Changed what some players thought was a personal attack/insult.


Yep, flagged for spam as well. Just another spam doomsday Mercy thread.


mas rez literally works the best when everyone dies on several ults

you trade off 1 ult for 3 or more which was a playable playstyle which then lead to the devs to change it

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Look at his nickname

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This post is just a sad attempt at pointing out “truths” and is obviously meant to upset those that participated on my thread.

It’s literally a carbon copy of what I said except with things replaced to fit what OP’s agenda of “reverting mercy” (which is never going to happen – Quote jeff).

This isn’t okay.