Can we stop with the Mercy spam?

This honestly shows that the megathread was the lesser of two evils.

(Seriously, who is wasting their time flagging that?)

without getting involved in this argument I’ll post the gif you probably seek

Already read your thread (nice self-promotion). Your suggestions particularly for her ult are OP as hell. Couldn’t disagree more.

I’m playing OW since beta bro and I’ve played more than you on top of that, nice try. Claiming Mercy was troll pick is out right delusional and completely out of touch with reality. Maybe you wanted to write Symmetra. :rofl:

Nope. Mass rez was unhealthy for the game = hence why it was taken out.

If she is, they will nerf her again. Problem solved. And then we’ll get the next round of 10 thousand threads from Revert Mercy cultists like yourself.

That is hilarious. Mercy was objectively outclassed by Ana in season 3, who was busy generating the tank meta. Lucio and Ana were the go-to healers at the time, and Mercy was considered a troll-pick. “Switch to Ana” was a common greeting for Mercy mains, speaking from experience.

As for the stats, you don’t need to take them from me. You can take them from Jeff Kaplan:
Overwatch Forums

"But looking at Competitive only… here are the top 6 picked heroes: Mercy (by a long shot), 76, D.Va, Lucio, Ana and Genji. Interestingly, number 7 is Reinhardt. Next tank after that is… Wi… no Roadhog. So in the past month in Comp, that’s what you’ve been actually playing.

But let’s talk about the elite players… maybe the top 3rd of all MMR. Their top picked hero over the past month was…. Ana. Yes, Ana."

If Mercy truly was a must-pick as you say, that would have been reflected in high tiers… but it wasn’t.

See that post I linked before? Read it. Shoot down some of those arguments. Then come back here.

“The developers did it, therefore it is justified/correct” is hilarious considering their track record.

I can that see you didn’t read the post.


Yes. By the Pro players and only in the highest tiers of competitive play. Which are tiny percent of the OW population.

You literally prove my point with your own quote - for the majority of the OW population Mercy was the to-go support because she is the most consistent highest utility character for the least amount of skill.

Thanks for actually proving my point. :rofl:

I don’t need to. All those arguments were shut down back when mass rez was taken out.

And in Gold… because that’s where I started in season 3.

“Switch to Ana”.

Reading is hard.

I don’t think you know what utility is…

The only utility in Mercy’s kit at the time was damage boost.

How is mechanical skill relevant to balance?

Balance is based upon… balance. Not how how “skilled” a handful of elitist players think a hero is.

You’re making a lot of statements that have already been shot down…


Pretty much, hide and rez was only affective against bad teams. Smart ones would pick up not seeing Mercy healing her team.


If you have to ask how is mechanical skill relevant to balance than this conversation is pointless.

What does that even mean? :rofl: The amount of circular logic you #Revert Mercy cultists use to justify wanting an OP over-tuned hero is just insane. Thank god Blizzard doesn’t listen to you when it comes to balance. Have fun in your echo chamber, I’m outta here.

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Agreed, starting to hope they rip blondie out of the game, that really would have a funny reaction.
After all they did hint they might retire heroes, I see no better place to start.

If balance was based upon how “skilled” a hero is, the only viable heroes would be Widowmaker, McCree, Genji, and Tracer. Blizzard would alienate well over half of their playerbase by balancing around “skill”.

So no. “Skill” is not relevant to balance. The fact that you think it is, or should be, tells me that you don’t actually care about the health of the game.


It means that balance is designed to reach towards an equilibrium in individual viability and a fluid meta. Pandering top “muh aiming skills” does not move us closer to that.

This is hilarious, being that the statistics clearly show that Mercy was fine pre-rework.

Ironically, this was your echo chamber. Me driving you out is a pretty clear signal that you have no backbone to your arguments.


The moment you said something like this is the moment I realized there’s no basis for a conversation here.

You didn’t drive me out of nowhere son, it’s just pointless to talk with a delusional human being. So I choose to walk out of it.

Can you articulate to me why that assertion is wrong?

Otherwise, you are just looking for an exit. It’s pretty obvious.

If you guys want an answer, spamming about it is never going to get you anywhere.

If they want a answer - being quiet will not help them
If they want a answer - asking for answers will not help them
If they want a answer - posting threads, some with really good informations, views - with no reponse from Blizz - will not help them
Maybe spamming is really only last thing they can do?

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The moment you take away mechanical skill out of the equation you stop talking about balance. You cannot have a hero with non-existent mechanical skill have more impact/output than a hero that requires mechanical skill to perform. Why? Because that hero would be more consistent every single time. This is simple logic.

You clearly have demonstrated that you fail to understand this simple logic and therefore have already proven you are completely biased, subjective and incapable of having a dialogue. At this point talking to you is pointless, it’s like expecting a toaster to get consciousness (Plot twist: It won’t).

Well, in my defense, some of us just hang out in the Mercy fan club and don’t bother anybody.

Also, keep in mind that there’s this crazy hate for Mercy mains, who get called all sorts of things for watching over you.

You know, in the wake of the failure of Obamacare, we now have Mercycare, where a gorgeous Swiss doctor patches you while you wonder how a supermodel made it through medical school, and yes she has the best bedside manner.

ALSO, we thank you for flying Mercy Air, the safest and most friendly airline on the planet.

Now, be honest, doesn’t that justify some spam? :smiley: Of COURSE it does.

Take the mechanical skill out of the equation, and you are talking about nothing but balance. Leaving the mechanical skill in there guarantees bias in balancing.

And the bias lies here. You say that hero X should not be more powerful than hero Y… but is it okay for hero Y to be more powerful than hero X?

That is bias, and will result in further imbalance.

Hero X and Y should be balanced based upon each other’s power, not how “skilled” a hero is.

Ironically, the method of balancing that I have removes bias from the equation. Yours artificially adds it.

They could leave the game? If it’s making them this unhappy, it’d be better for them and the community if they’d leave Mercy or the game entirely.

They clearly aren’t having fun anymore.

well, i left
only spreading seeds about Blizz really weird reasoning

It’s not weird if you’ve designed really any game.

It’s not really weird if you’ve played a wide variety of games either.

And it’s clear Most Mercy mains just want her to be incredibly strong again, providing evidence from a completely different time as proof to why she won’t be OP.