Valkyrie feels... Pointless

Just scrap it. I can’t stand the thing. The only support ult I dislike as much in terms of engagement/fun is Rally, but at least with Brigitte I get to kick butt.


Probably mostly number tweak but redesign if needed.

The big feeling I get is that it’s too passive and safe and doesn’t have any real skill ceiling aspects.

Fade jumps, smarter positioning

She isnt. Thats why she deals damage herself. Lets not lie to ourselves with “she is only used int tank heavy comps” when her pickrate is sky high below masters.

With her recent buff its easier for it to be consistent.

She doesnt need a rez when she can keep you alive.

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It’s just another tool to enable what she already does, it isn’t going to have a real skill ceiling if it’s just an “improvement” of her base kit

The power of Valkyrie isn’t “press Q to win” like so many ultimates. It’s a fairly long burst of mobility and durability that enables Mercy to do what needs doing in pretty much any situation. Damage boost or heal the whole team, chase down a low health foe with no need to reload, nearly guaranteed escape from a bad situation, or pull off a critical resurrect that would ordinarily be suicide.

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I made a post about my proposed changes if you want more insight into my thought process:

In short though:

  • Valk heal increased to 65 hps
  • Valk GA speed restored by 25%
  • Valk cost descreased by 5% (only if we keep 50 hps on base kit)
  • Rez cast time cut in half and slow from 75% to 50%

That mean’s you are taking long periods of time to set up and allow healing for whoever is on the high ground. Unless you are going as a full unit, this is the wrong move as Moira. And she has no way of straight up going “up” like Mercy does.

The game should be balanced around the highest level. And her damage isn’t enough to offset what a Damage Boosted DPS can do.

Doesn’t matter, it is still much less consistent than Mercy, who has the healing beam.

This is a meta where Doomfist, Hanzo, and Widow are all extremely common, and extremely good, picks. Raw healing doesn’t mean quite as much right now; hence, why rez is still extremely useful.

This would make Valkyrie so intensely overpowered that all Blizzard’s efforts to bring other healers into the meta would be immediately undone.

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Because Blizzard hates support mains.

You do realize that almost every single meta in this game’s history has been defined by a support right

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Yeah but the thing is, Mercy’s regular healing (per hero) is her ult healing. The difference being it’s got aoe beams. Meaning mercy can’t save her teammates whether she’s ulting or not.

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Mercy won’t be balanced properly unless Blizz are willing to either:
A: Revert the rework entirely
B: Remove Resurrect as a standard ability

Remove Rez, and we can talk about buffing Mercy. Valkyrie does actually nothing because Rez warps every other ability on her kit because of how unbelievably broken it is.

Nah not really. If you think about it the only thing it achieves is making the ult actually impactful.

She isn’t really supposed to. She’s supposed to enable her entire team as they go in for a fight. As a fight saving ultimate it’s completely useless. As an engagement ult it’s actually pretty darn good.

Got anything more on the redesign angle?

For instance:

Mass rez couldn’t do this either. At least Valk has a chance to.


“Great mobility”. That is entirely team dependent. Unless you pop Valkyrie, her mobility is based entirely on if there is a teammate nearby or their soul corpse. Otherwise you have NO mobility at all. Unless you count a slow fall through the air as “great mobility”. Mercy is the only support in game who has a mobility option attached to a teammate.


Lol… I hope this is sarcasm…

man and here i was thinking a support ult should be able to at least somewhat help their team stay alive through regular fire