Valkyrie feels... Pointless

I think ultimate diversity is a good thing. Ana’s ult is pretty much useless for that too, for obvious reasons. It certainly is helpful in a firefight, but the chain healing/damage boost is super helpful on engagement, not to mention her constant self healing makes it difficult to punish a Resurrection attempt unless the corpse in question is completely surrounded by enemies.

Redesign? Aight. Mercy is a solo target healer

  • Give her 60hps back
  • Remove Valk chain beams
  • Healing in valk increased to 90hps
  • Increase GA speed by 15%

This isnt very well thought out but my goal is to make her more active during valk and allow her to quickly fly from teamate to teamate and top them off.

It is a panic button to enhancing your own survival when the things get dicey. On top of being hard to kill, you can also rez above ground and much easier.


Both Hog and Tracer’s ult have insane potential. Hog’s does crazy damage, as does Tracer’s. And they feel rewarding, but on top of that, their kits are also powerful. Hog can still one shot kill people after hook, Tracer can one-clip people given practice.

Mercy’s is just doing the usual healing and boosting, except this time, more flying! Wow.

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Not really. Mercy diving in for a risky rez is still very much punishable.

And easier time rezzing.

And chain healing

And hard to kill

And chain damage boost

And for 15 seconds (an eternity in this game)

Hog can hook people off cliffs (and interrupt ults).

That alone gives him a lot of fun-value.

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It is,
20 nerfs later.

As long as the team fight is messy it’s not hard to get it off. Pro Mercy players get off Mid-fight resses while in Valk all the time.

I’d like to point out that for 3 of your 5 points, Mercy can only do ONE of those things at any given time. It’s not like she’s some crazy supercharger-transcended-resurrection god

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True, but the fact that she has all of them available as an option makes the ultimate useful in the right situation.

If the enemies have decent awarness its actually very risky. Youre making it sound way easier than it is. Its actually not worth going for most of the time. Pros also know how to analyse every single situation and find just the smallest opening to get value. This means nothing for ladder.

Rezzing in Valkyrie loses fights in an instant.

Healing has been nerfed, and again has been proven that the healing in Valkyrie is garbage. Upon Mercy’s rework her average healing barely rose.

Being hard to kill doesn’t make the ult powerful.

Damage boost is only useful when someone ults on your team, otherwise you should be healing or else you risk someone dying.


Yeah I agree that Valkyrie is very versatile because there are so many options available to Mercy at any time. It’s just very easily outshined by most other ults. I personally dislike that, but some players think that’s okay, which is fair.

I personally enjoy it. I can see why some other people may not though. And it’s ok to feel that way.


You enjoy playing against it I assume? Because it cannot possibly outheal normal enemy fire?

Wait, Nanoboost can’t do this either.

This is true, although Nano always was a huge exception. At least now it has enough burst and strength to virtually guarantee the survival of one teammate.

Maybe you’re not healing enough? When I get her I get it pretty quick.

It’s pretty nice when the other team makes a push. You can heal your entire team. Also don’t be one of those battle only Mercy’s when you use it.

Yeah IF most of them are all lined up. Moira having to keep changing targets to heal is a waste most of the time.

I much prefer playing new Mercy to old Mercy. So no, I actually like playing it. And in my experience it just isn’t as bad as you are making it out to be.