Making Valkyrie feel powerful

Disclaimer (click me!)

Alright, before I get started, Im not here to argue whether or not Mercy needs more specific and drastic changes. All Im going to discuss is her current version in-game and how to improve her ultimate without making Mercy overpowered. Lets try and have a good conversation shall we? ^^

Let us begin,
I think it is clear at this point that Valkyrie did not achieve its original purpose, which was to make mercy feel powerful during battle and empower her base kit as seen in november patch notes last year:

As of now, it feels empty with few notable aplications and the 50hps nerf only made things worse for this so called “ultimate” ability. So, why not try and improve it with a few changes while also keeping mercy in line with other supports.

I will showcase my proposed changes in a list and then explain why I made said changes!


  • Healing per second during Valkyrie increased to 65

Note: If mercy is keeping 50hps as her standard healing number on her base kit, Valkyrie should allow her to protect her teamates more reliably during mid fights and thus enable them to do work easier.

  • Guardian Angel speed restored by 25%

Note: Previously, Valkyrie used to increase GA speed by 60%. It got nerfed by 50% in the process but part of what made Mercy feel powerful was the extra boost her ultimate gave to her mobility. I am not restoring the speed back to what it used to be but a total 35% increase on its own without insta cast double rez isnt anywhere near as powerfull. This increase in speed, again, allows Mercy to reach her teamates more reliably and reposition for more opportunities to escape danger

  • Cost decreased by 5%

Note: Since in her base kit, Mercy will still heal for 50hps this is a small change to help her keep up with other ults. Current ultimate charge: 1925 points. After 5% decrease: 1828.75 points

  • Resurrect cast time reduced by 50% and slow from 75% to 37.5%

Note: Before you point your gun at me, I am sceptical about this change. I am not giving her instant cast but a 50% reduction means it goes from 1.75 seconds to 0.875 and the slow from 75% to 37.5% (half of 75 basically hehe) is meant to make it feels less slugish. It retains its cast time and slow while also adding benefits to its base kit version, without reseting it, making it instant, adding extra charges etc. It should feel improved and better to use but not overpowered.

To conclude, my goal with these changes is to make Valkyrie feel like an actual ultimate ability, that empowers her and makes her feel stronger during battle, while also giving her opportunities to save her team as well as herself.


There’s a very simple solution to Make Valkyrie feel more impactful
Nerf it’s duraiton and give compensation buffs

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I am not changing how the ability works entirely as I explained in the disclaimer. I only recommend stuff for her kit as it is now. Nothing ground breaking.

Spoiler: you can’t. From day one mercy 2.0 was grating and annoying to play as. Blizzard just refuses to admit how hated it is by even pros.


Im just recommending things to make it feel stronger than it is now at least. I am in favour of bigger changes but I want to try and give feedback on what we have now since thats the version we will most likely gonna stick with for the most.

We’ll just slum through this mess of a rework until they see sense and give her a second :man_shrugging:

As it stands now, Valkyrie has absolutely no impact in a game that surrounds Ultimates.

No part of her ultimate feels like I’m even contributing to a push or a team fight. Every other support ultimate can basically save your team, or help with a risky team fight.

What does Mercy have? A bit of flying and mobility to escape. Wowza.

I really like your ideas, although I feel that resurrect could be left the same as it is now. What would be nice, would be the second resurrect. Same slow speed, but you’d actually have a benefit to popping your ultimate.

That way you’d still be vulnerable, but able to possibly bring back another teammate.


Why doesn’t res give ult charge?
Seems like getting a res off should give you some ult charge, but eh

Thanks, but I think improving a solo rez is a better idea. Double rez may be too much even with cast time. I dont want mercy to stil feel slow and clunky while using it even in her ultimate.

Uh-oh. Wintermute is writing. Prepare yourselves for “Mercy is fine, ugh. If you feel bad playing her, change” (I suppose)


She can escape dragonblade and riptire with it. She can damageboost her entire team to sway the fight her way. She can reach out to that Widow or Pharah high above and take them out. She can maneuver around to go for rez normally inaccessible.

But most importantly - she can stay alive through the fight with it, where Ana or Moira would perish with their respective ults.

It may not be the most fun ult in the game - but it has impact, and pretty good one at that.

You know me so well :stuck_out_tongue:

Quick suggestion.

What if Mercy’s initially target received 65hps while the chain target receive 60hps to add target prioritization?

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That suggestion was made months ago, and ignored as usual :man_shrugging:

While other ultimates (like Lucio’s) completely block both of these.

Orisa has a better protected dmg boost and is a bigger one at that. Also while dmg boosting orisa can still do her job (tanking/dmging). While mercy can’t heal while dmg boosting (not like it would help with the miserable 50hps).

If you are under 2900sr, yes you can. Otherwise both of these 2tap/headshot you.

This I agree with. Cuz thats the only reason I use valk for.

Well. Ana maybe, but moira oh boi. Ball+ult gives increible healing and if moira keeps her range from CC-ers (which she very well can with the 30m range ult) would be more than fine to heal her team like crazy.

It has some impact. But it is the lowest impact ultimate in the game (excluding Widow’s ult because it is dependant on how good the widow is)


Damage boosting the entire team for a second and then swaping to healing for the rest of the ult because they take damage?

Going out of your way to kill the widow or pharah is the same as throwing though. You gotta keep healing the team.

Yes she can reach that person far inside the enemy backline but it really isnt worth going for that rez unless that mercy likes feeding the enemies ult charge when she dies and puts her rez on cooldown.

Unfortunately its not impactful. The things it does can all be simply done better by other characters that provide even more insane benefits to the team than what valk does.

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5 hps won’t make a difference. Numbers should be smth like 60-30, 80-40, 70-35.

Would something like 75hps for main target and 50hps for chain targets work?

Possibly? I still prefer the 50% version as it makes target prioritization so much important

Ah, I get what you mean.

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