Valk and Res: What people aren't getting

That isn’t what makes it op. Valk with 2 insta casts plus ga speed was far more unhealthy for the game. It let her fix mistakes she shouldn’t be able to like dying so far into the backline you could have sworn they walked to the point with the enemy team.

This rework was a mess and going back to a version that was still unbalanced won’t fix it.

You know something about when Valk was tested with 2 insta rezes? when we removed the insta rezes and nerfed Valk’s duration all in one fell swoop, she went down and then.
well look where we are now, she went back up to 14% pickrates suggesting the dual rez wasn’t the problem.

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Hm, usually people argue the opposite heh. But yes in that case I think she should go back to her season 3 version without immunity on rez and be balanced from there.

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The whole rework was the problem. Bliz keeps saying that they don’t buff out weaknesses but that is exactly what valk is on top of rez being a cd ability.

Mobility that requires an ally. Valk doesn’t.
Single target healing. Valk is aoe.
Self regen that needs to trigger outside of damage. Valk powers through damage

Rez as an ability is already bad, but placed on top of valk with an instant, she has no worries. I played her during that and I never had to think about dying, it was the farthest thing from my mind because I could live through so much.

The only reason she’s bad right now is because 1) they nerfed her main job which is healing to nerf valk 2) her entire kit is watered down to make room for rez and valk 3) people are tired of playing her

Mass rez used to cause mercy to die and leave her team down a healer, mass rez used to be a poor ultimate until Bliz granted invul. It was balancable before this rework.



  • Press Q to toggle between chain beams, and focus beams.
  • Focus healing beams have 80 heals per second, heal only one teammate, and the shorter basic beam length.
  • Focus boost beams have 40% damage boost, heal only one teammate, and the shorter basic beam length.

Secondary Ultimate: Resurrect

  • Ult Charge high enough to average 5 ults per game
  • 0.5 second cast time

80 healing… on one person. is supposed to feel impactful…
god are you intentionally daft, my god 80 HPS is not enough to get a lifesaver worthy play,
If you don’t want her to have a decent rez then make Valk comparable to coalesance, maybe a little less to account for the bonus survivability but seriously.

and single rez on a Q, impossible to balance to feel ult worthy with how little it does with a single ult and not be granted enough to be oppressive.

Well then, what number would be appropriate?

With the condition that we nerf her Self Regen, burn the very existance of chain beams from the game and at least half the duration of Valk
Somewhere between 120 and 200

Well once you start tossing in more tradeoffs, it can get rather interesting.

so… fun mode and boring mode?
I think we know which mode would be more used. I’ll give you a hint, it’s not the one blizzard came up with on their own

Think of it more like “easy mode” and “expert mode”.

so you even admit you see the problem most people have with Valk, it’s nothing but EZ mode

I think the problem is more aesthetics than balance.

Current Mercy is impactful.

She just doesn’t feel as impactful, because it’s not an instant impact.

like literally every other hero in this game has and she had when she was “frustrating” but somehow a D list hero the moment her High skill floor and recently gutted by nerfs competition became playable

Well like I said, current Mercy is impactful and balanced. Statistically.

She just doesn’t feel like it.

So if giving an expert mode would fix that, then there you go.

I mean removing the option for EZ mode and making the Ult a more expert mode would fix a lot of things. namely not trying to balance the former with the latter, keeping Mercy with the weakness of single target healing and making it so the ult dosen’t just replicate what a good Mercy can do with beam swapping.

Well one way to get around that is to make it so you can only switch from easy to expert once. So that it’s all or nothing.

look you and I will never agree on this
I want EZ mode Mercy burned from this game entirely with no hope of returning and I most certainly don’t want the risk that EZ mode gets more power.
so agree to disagree, I like your idea but I think it should be Mercy’s only ult, none of this garbage.

I think the devs like having Mercy as an entry level healer.

and her base kit does exactly that. we don’t need an ult that makes her even easier by removing the skills your picking up by using the base kit like healing prioritization.
hence Chain beams, burned in whatever fiery hell mass rez and scatter arrow was burned in