Using Keyboard and Mouse isn't bannable on console?

I’m not sure if this is correct but Blizzard are currently working on a solution to the problem of MNK users on console. Give them some time and they’ll fail to disappoint.

Inb4 Blizzard announces cross-play and Overwatch themed Mouse/Keyboard packs for consoles. xD

It’s fine that things take time. I don’t think anybody can argue there; especially those that can relate in some way.

But in all honesty, do you really think they should be taking 6 months to figure this out? Or more importantly, do you really think they should be taking 6 months just to give us an update on this matter?
(Yeah, the last time they responded on this was January 18th, 2018.)

As a KBM user on the ps4 I can proudly say that, it is no help.

Few friends who really tested in PS4 told me the same, that could be actually uncomfortable. May be if you get use to you can take some advantage at the end. But nothing to do with the game in PC. Lot of console player think it’s like playing in PC but it’s not.

I really think without the support of Sony & Microsoft could be really hard to detect this devices. How much time has COD in console and seems today still working this devices…

Except, depending on what console you’re on, you need to pay for the adapter, and it isn’t cheap. AKA there’s a pay wall. The whole point of console is to play against/with players that have equal hardware and similar accessories.

Having a scuff controller is no where near as bad as having a Keyboard and mouse, especially when you can use aim assist along with that.

But to the OP, it’s nothing Blizzard can do. That’s all on the manufacturers (Sony/Microsoft) to deal with it. Which sucks, and it’s one of the biggest reasons why I left console. Was absolutely annoying.

ooof this topic is so boring i dont get why people keep brining it up every time like their life has ended.

even if M&K exists it does not stop you to get to silver, gold, plat, diamond, masters, GM or top 500.

also half the time people dont use M&K it is that people have that good aim by changing their aim setting.
or the other times people move like a bots

The problem with MKB on console is not MKB itself, it is aim assist.
I agree to play against MKB while using controller but pls disable aim assist for them.

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Impossible to aim on console? Rofl if you’re bad yes im sure. Theres a lot here who think if there was native support for kbm it would be fine but i disagree. It would only be fine if ow auto disabled aim assist from you while playing kbm and even then it’s not fair but at least not complete bs.

Because consoles does not have support for playing with it.
You MUST buy “adapters” so your console think a M+K is your controller.

I’ve talked about this in another thread, so I’ll just copy-paste the part of my reply relevant to this thread:
“Also, using M+KB isn’t that big of a deal as people make it out to be. A diamond M+KB Widow on PS4 is of the exact same skill as a diamond controller Widow on PS4. If they weren’t, they wouldn’t be in the same rank.”

If you think that a diamond M+KB Widow should be in GM, then they will climb up to GM. And besides, most people on the Top 500 leaderboards don’t even have Widow in their top 3 most played, so I don’t think there are that many people using M+KB.

The bottom line is that Overwatch on console is intended for controllers only. This is Blizzard’s position and if you’re using 3rd party hardware that isn’t a controller on a console, you’re exploiting a loophole and playing the game differently than it’s intended to be played.

Why isin’t it bannable?

Because people are guessing and most of the time, it’s just pure callouts of rage. Not even the system can tell.

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Let me start to explain why M&K on console is something that shouldn’t be banned ever, and why it ISN’T an advantage.

I have a friend who works in construction, prior to his 6th year working there, he was in an accident with one of his machines. His left thumb was completely torn off… I played Xbox with him almost everyday after we got home from work, and Overwatch just made that even more common for us. Buuuuuuuut you’re probably asking how he’s still playing? And how we can still continue our ritual of Overwatch comp when he can’t even move his character?.. He got a Xim…

I’ll first give some backstory on the Company; I’ve personally thanked the creator of the Xim and have spoken to him about why he made things like the Xim4.

“It was originally made to use a Wii remote on Halo.” After asking why he decided M&K was the way to go; “There are a lot of disabled gamers around the globe, millions of people who can’t hold a controller, and who had the delight of playing console with friends ripped from them thanks to said disability. I wanted to give people something to allow them to have fun playing console again. There are misconceptions about it being an advantage, and I can’t deny for some, that’s all that matters, but this product wasn’t for people who want that, it was for people who felt more comfortable gaming with a M&K rather than a controller, or for people who couldn’t use a controller. Console games have limitations even when using a Xim. The Xim can’t do anything a controller can’t, meaning, you can’t pull off PC actions like doing an instant 180 in under a millisecond unless that games look mechanic and sensitivity cap allows it, which, most don’t.”

My friend was able to get a part of his life back and have fun again because of that man. I can play with him again almost like that accident never happened. People, however, like you, think it’s like an aimbot since it can use aim assist or that as soon as someone plugs it in they can’t be killed and will hit every shot they take. That’s like saying the Pro’s like Taimou just hopped on Overwath on day 1 and were immediate gods destroying everyone in their path.

A mouse and keyboard still take skill, even on console. My friend never used one before the Xim and couldn’t play right for months until he got used to the controls.

He gets harassed by people who think it is an advantage non stop, reported, threatened, etc, all because he has a disability. So what you’re saying is my friend needs to be banned because he can have fun again? Is this post serious or are you just salty that someone had good aim and immediately went to the conclusion that it’s a mouse? Do you not want people like my friend to be able to play console and talk to other friends like myself? Just because someone can aim? Does this Xim give you godly senses? Does it make you hit T500 instantly? Do you magically hit every shot as soon as you plug it in even though you have NO prior experience with a M&K? If the answer is no to any of these questions then please, grow up and learn that everyone is here to have fun, everyone wants to play Overwatch. He isn’t using an aimbot, or hacking, or stream sniping, he’s playing the game with a M&K that he paid for, on a console, that he paid for, on a game, that HE PAID FOR.

End of rant.


This is where you lost me. This whole “but I paid for it” argument is deeply flawed. I can buy a car, that doesn’t mean I can go over the speed limit. I can buy a gun, that doesn’t mean I can start shooting anyone anywhere.

Of course, video games aren’t the same as cars or guns, my point is: paying for something doesn’t give you absolute control over that thing, specially when there’s other people involved.

About your post as a whole, though, it’s indeed a situation where such devices can help someone, BUT your friend still had to buy that device, which is a barrier. If you story is true, I see it as yet another reason to have native M&K support, like Fornite.

Well then… Here’s something we can both agree on :slight_smile:

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I am shocked anyone would post something like this without at least doing a little bit of research on how console OW works. Keyboard and mouse aren’t actually supported by OW on the console you have to buy a XIM to even do that.

You can’t just plug in your keyboard and mouse and play with one lol christ man…do a quick google search before you post.

I have been killed by Xmb and aimboters on Xbox for a long time and no ones does anything about it. Just today playing some games and had two hackers so I went REEEEEEE and got out of the game lol

it is not free it cost a hundo for the adapter

Reading comprehension level: Zero.