You should read more carefully please. Im saying Blizzard CAN’T detect it as much as it’s just an EMULATOR. And seems Sony is not giving inside information about users using it.
There was a rumor Blizzard already asked Sony to give the information of thoose player using M&K and Sony didnt want to.
Can you block a device from been used in your game? Of course. But you need to detect it!!! and they CAN’T!
If they could, no one could use thoose devices. Then if they ban you for using it, is just suspiciues, but none probes. Because if they really knew whoever is using thoose devices they could block them off the game!
you have to use a third party device to get it too work AND blizzard has said many times they dont want ppl to use mouse and keyboard on console
it would be different if overwatch (and the consoles) just had native m+kb usage. but they dont
they have controller settings and thats it
the items like the xim4 simply trick the console into thinking the mouse and keyboard are the controller, and you tweek the settings too make it as close too mkb playstyle. (theres also aim assist ingame btw to help players with controllers…that a mkb could abuse)
it is fundamentally not fair, consoles do not use mkb for anything. meaning a person playing on console has the right to expect the ppl theyre playing with use the same style of hardware
it gives people a competitive advantage beyond what is ‘legal’
imagine if for 1 second
someone found away too use a gaming pc to power overwatch through the console.
so not only did this player have mkb but 144+ fps vs a bunch of controller using 30 fps locked ppl
I started talking about licensed by Sony because people start talking about banns and cheating. That’s ridiculous. That’s not possible from a supported and Licensed Sony accesory. Sony wouldnt allow any cheats in their console. Blizzard can have other point of view but If they can detect it they could just block it from the game. And THAT’s why they probabbly dont want to give inside information to detect it. Because they want to give more choices to PS4 players. The key part in all of this is Hori Tac is officially licensed by Sony, then Sony seems to not agree to block it.
That’s why I said Blizzard should talk with Sony for something more flexible than just block the device! If that’s so, M&K will still be using and Blizzard CAN’T do nothing about it.
All I can say is most of them at lower ranks (below master) are afraid to go into competitive for fear of false reports and play QP. I have only run into one in platinum (who sucked regardless, he probably thought he would just dominate with Widow without realizing that she requires more than just aim) and one in diamond who was okay-ish, I would not have even noticed unless he said he was using KBM to be honest, compared to the dozens in QP.
Because Xbox and Playstation designed their consoles for use with a controller, not a keyboard and mouse. Microsoft and Sony do not make or sell keyboard and mouse devices intended for use on console.
If you really need to use a mouse and keyboard, get a computer like everyone else.
Also don’t be a wuss and play Mcree or Widowmaker vs people using controllers, be a man and try to win vs other mouse users on PC. Using a controller is a handicap, why would you enter into a foot race with crutches against fit athletes? Everyone uses a controller on console, its a level playing field.
Controllers require a lot more mechanical dexterity than a mouse to become good at these types of games, put the mouse down and see if you can keep up with the other controller users.
It’s not a trick. Hori Tac is licensed by Sony. 100% fully compatible with the console. Sony want to give the players more resources to play and that’s not a bad options at all as much as are racing wheels and so on…
What is fair or not is part of a debate. It’s fair to use a Sony licensed input device you paid for. There should be a different matching for thoose users? yeah, could be.
Consoles have multiple input devices, not just the controller. If you have just controller don’t asumme the whole world is in your same situation.
Not only I can imagine that but in PC this is the daily reality. Bringing up the fairness of this situation…
Is it fair to play in 30fps against 200fps??
Is it fair to play in a notebook against an OP PC?
Is it fair to play with a gamer mouse against a regular one?
Probabbly not. You can buy new equipment? Sure, but if not you will still been matched with all this guys with better PC than you.
An Hori Tac cost 150usd, just a small part of what it cost a new graphic card to play at 144fps and then you will need a 144hz monitor, motherboard, memories and micro…
No. That is a 3rd party manufacturer which pays Sony to use Sony’s license. Sony doesn’t sell or manufacture keyboards or mice intended for Playstation, and profits only from licensing.
Playstations and Xboxs don’t come with a keyboard or a mouse, they come with controllers.
Consoles are not sold with a M+KB, so you’re giving yourself a advantage over the majority of people who play with controllers.
And Overwatch on console has AIM ASSIST, which helps with controllers but gives a even larger advantage when used with a M+KB, which was never its intention and is why they removed it on PC because it was being exploited with M+KB.
Do you understand what a license is? Do you understand that Sony earns money from each sell Hori does? Do you understand that Sony itselfs is promoting in his websites this product?
Sony not making directly the product doesnt mean is not supporting the use. wtf?¿?? what’s the point of license something you DONT support at all???
Of course is a third party. As much as there are third partu products ofr phones, PC or whatever. But it’s a third partyu licensed by Sony. It’s not something tricky or sort kind of exploit or cheat… It’s official. You like it or not.
Ask racing gamers if they do not use racing wheels. If you are in a competitive scene you want to use as much resources as you can. In PC i dont have the fastest PC and that’s a big issue against other ones. Can I ask Blizzard to bann people with 144hz monitors?
There are many different ways to execute a licensing deal, we don’t actually know whether or not Sony gets a take of anything Hori sells that has a Sony label on the packaging somewhere.
Because they licensed a Playstation logo to be put on the cardboard box, yeah.
Why you getting all butthurt? Relax. Sony is in it for the money. Also, Microsoft and Sony make a killing in selling their own Microsoft and Sony console accessories, such as controllers, etc. Why aren’t they getting in on that action?
I don’t play competitive games on Playstation, everyone is casual. Sony is generally more casual than Microsoft.
So you want to give yourself an advantage instead of a level playing field? You could have gotten a perfectly fine gaming PC for the cost of your Playstation console, Playstation Overwatch game, and the Hori mouse. Not my problem you don’t know how to invest your money. Also not my problem if you can’t keep up with the cost of using a mouse and keyboard on PC. That’s all your fault. Competitive PC gaming at higher levels becomes a pay to win scenario, you are at a disadvantage when using inferior hardware to play. Console gaming doesn’t have that issue.
I dont play this game in console since a year or so. I play it just in PC. But once we understud Sony has an agreement with Hori Tac and it’s official I can follow your same asumption…
If you can’t keep up with the cost of using a mouse and keyboard on Console. That’s your fault not from the ones who can buy it. So, whatever you are casual or competitive, deal with it.
I’m not against Blizzard blocking thoose devices at all. Im just saying while thoose devices are not blocked there will be always people using them. If you’r really tilted about it, just buy one as much as you did in PC.
Are you 12 years old? That’s irrelevant, but since you brought it up, I play Overwatch on Xbox. I usually use my Astro A50’s, Elite controller (sometimes the Scuf), on an Xbox One X. The TV I use for my Xbox games is 55 inches and natively supports 4k. Its also very fast, I can barely notice the difference between its speed and the oldschool cathode ray tube TV’s analog input, which has 0 input lag.
So, If I use the same argument you used to explain why Blizzard dont need to care about different pc configurations but I used for console…im 12? wtf?
Dude, let the people play whatever they want. If you are just casual for console you shouldn’t care but people in console in hhigh ranks also play comp very seriously. So may be they want to use as much resources as they want. Same you did in PC.
If Blizzard could block off all thoose devices from the game then yeah, im with it, but if not, I really dont like this witch huntings…
edit: There IS a big difference in a competitive scene playing at 30fps against 200fps. If you can’t notice, you can watch some youtube video that will show you the difference.
because those are actual faults in the code, a console allows for mice in particular because of the Xim4 thingies. That is intentional or else why are they built for console by the people that sell the console?