Using Keyboard and Mouse isn't bannable on console?

Do you report people in racing games for using a driving wheel? Do you report someone in Dance Dance Revolution for using a dance pad? Do you report someone in a fighting game for using an arcade stick? Do you report someone in guitar hero/rock band for using the instrument set? Do you report someone in a flight sim for using a flight stick?

Controller isn’t the best for most game types. It’s just a convenient compromise that works passably in all of them. If you want the best control, you go buy it.

They are working on making it bannable. It is hard to detect the third party stuff, that is the only reason it isn’t banned right now.

From what I’m aware and I speak from research -

I went to Xbox (While I do play PC 90% of the time) to play with my friends.
I wanted to use my keyboard / mouse to save money on buying a pad, but after research I found I needed a device (Xim or something similar and they were expensive so I never bothered).

After researching the device, it actually just fools the Xbox that you’re using the pad, infact, nothing extra or unique can be done. It operates the exact same way as a pad could, every movement is mimicked from the controller.

Also, as mentioned, there is lag and delay, of course. I have even spoke to multiple people whom use it on Xbox and openly admit doing it, it doesn’t even give them an advantage, they just feel more comfortable using a K&M.

That’s my opinion anyway, not sure how it really provides much of an advantage personally. You could argue possibly Widow could get a small advantage but due to the delay, I don’t even think so.

How an oficial Sony licensed product sold for PS4 could be consider an exploit in your world??

Both Microsoft and Sony want to reduce the limitations to play in console. M&K are desireable to any FPS game and there are a lot of gamers in console playing this kind of games.

So no matter of what Blizzard said if Sony has licensed products to use the console, Blizzard need to deal with it. Blizzard already asked Sony to give instruments to identify M&K players to block them. Sony doesnt allow that of course as they want to promote that kind of freedom.

What Blizzard should ask is for Sony to identify thoose users to match them up together instead of matching cross input devices. Of course, as console has very few peopple with M&K that’s almost impracticable.

Licensed by Sony means nothing, it still is a 3rd party accessory that gives one set of players an unfair advantage over others.

Even if they allowed its use, the tradeoff would need to be that they can only queue with other keyboard and mouse users. Enjoy!!

It’s kind of pay to win, since you have to buy a Xim or something like that.

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No they dont. Sony licenses dont guarantee support among all products used on a platform.

I say to put a toggle that says “queue with keyboard and mouse players.” Give the players a choice. To prevent trolls from unplugging a controller mid match and swapping to mouse and keyboard, blizzard should add a feature where the “please plug in controller” won’t vanish until you plug in the device that you started the match with.

I play on Xbox one btw. It would be lit to play with kbm users, and then destroy them to prove that you don’t need kbm to be good. That, and it would give lower income people the closest they can get to the PC experience.

And game chat. Don’t forget game chat. One of the most requested features from the console community. If they add kbm support, they’d also have to add chat. Hopefully only let people with a keyboard plugged in use the chat feature.

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Invalid examples: All of these are standard single player games, not competitive multiplayer games where one controller type automatically confers a competitive advantage.

However it is fine as long as the presence of a keyboard and mouse only allows you to queue up against other KBM users

Because using a piece of hardware that gives your the tactile input of a M/KB setup while hijiacking a controller’s inputs is not the same as hardware that’s setup specifically to be interchangeable.

One is tricking the console into accepting an input that it doesn’t support to gain an advantage while the other is accepting an input that it’s built to accept to get better performance.

While both are dependent on money to gain an advantage, one supports it openly while you have to bypass the standard functions on the other.

Flat out M/KB is cheating on console, it’s an unfair advantage gained by using hardware not promoted or licensed by either of the 1st party or in this case 3rd party companies.

Edit: Hori may be licensed by Sony, but if Blizz says they don’t endorsse it or support it, they don’t have to.

It’s also officially licensed by Sony, and doesn’t require in-game support of mouse and keyboard to work, as it basically just emulates a controller.

Yo can’t just unsopport it beause it just emulates the controller. Users can’t complain if it’s not oding right, but Blizzard can’t complain of official Sony products.

About compatibility…

Key Features: Universal Compatibility: Plug and play on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC. Designed specifically for FPS games.

I think Blizzard just need to deal with it.

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Gran Turismo is a competitive racing game, with a competitive racing mode, and it makes a pretty big difference on lap time once you get the basics of driving down. Dance Dance Revolution is also a vs game, though only locally. All of those genres I listed have competitive game titles in them.


This is where you get into some more sketchy territory though.

Should I be banned for having a Razer Orbweaver configured for super fast peeking when I play R6S or PUBG? Technically speaking, it’s a third party product that’s intentionally meant to provide some form of an advantage. What about mice with a sniper button?

There’s a fine line between ‘this is how I’d prefer to play’ and ‘this is a significant advantage’. I like having my little thumbstick on the keypad to peek and do some extra movements without messing up WASD. It’s technically 1:1 input, but it allows me to do more with one hand than anyone else. Should that make it illegal? Technically speaking, XIM adapters do translate into 1:1 input. So does having that advantage through peripherals make the same difference, or does it make it unfair?

It’s a hard line to define because it’s really not as simple as ‘this provides an advantage’ or ‘this doesn’t provide an advantage’. Do raised thumbsticks for better accuracy provide an advantage? Macro controllers? What about the Xbone pro controller?

I’m personally more for pushing for consoles to support M+KB more than banning XIM users at the moment.

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racing games have no competitive mode? Are you joking?? Thoose were perfectly valid examples.


I’ve already asked Sony about this very thing, even regarding official Sony products, such as Hori Tac Pro.

There’s no control from Sony’s end on this, and Blizzard can very much choose to not allow it.

You’re not wrong, but you also aren’t understanding the engineering of the devices. Devices that use a translator to send the commands as if it was simply a controller, are calling the standard controller API functions and the machine cannot differentiate those from a regular controller.

Devices that are sending keyboard/mice commands are using a different set of commands from the API and are easily allowed or restricted at will.

A device like the Xim Apex or Hori Tac Pro cannot be simply banned by a developer, because attempting to do so would cause controllers in general to function oddly, or in many cases, cease functioning at all.

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You have a LOT to learn about the world of gaming.

  1. A licensed product is not an “official Sony product”.

  2. Sony does not require support for licensed products in software products.

  3. A game manufacturer does not even have to make full use of the features on the Dual Shock controller if they dont want to, much less other, 3rd party licensed products.

Hori Tac emulate the controller. So I really think Blizzard can’t detect it unless Sony give them some inside information.

No matter what a chat client assistance with no power desition told you, seems Sony did not give that kind of information to Blizzard so they can act accordingly. Blizzard already told they are against the use of M&K on console. So it seems there is a lack of information on the Blizzard side to detect fairly and with probes that someone is really using a controller emulator.

You need to follow official statements are not the same the real acts/desitions in any business industry. Also, there is no such official statement about compatibility denied in some game fom Sony. A chat like that can’t act like an offcial statement.

You dont understand how licensing works.

A product is granted a licence to be used on the console. That is all. The burden is on the device manufacturer to ensure game support for their product, the burden is NOT on the game manufacturers.

Individual game developers have the choice of what they want to support or not support. They are NOT required or mandated to support all licensed products.

I think you have a LOT to learn about what official Licensed means at all…

Be officially licensed at the end means Sony give you guarantee of it. It passes some quality controls or requirements from Sony. Or at least Sony gave the OK to pute their BRAND as part of the device. So Sony is very much involved with the device. Otherwise should never been officially licensed…

Also in Shop Playstation accesories you can find it…

2- Sony doesnt not require support, nobody said that. But Blizzard can’t detect an emulator if Sony doesnt want to give them information about the input device. Blizzard is Blind and Sony looks like comfortable with that.

3- This has no meaning. Game developers can give you full support to all the functions over the controller or not, that is the same if they can’t detect an emulator from a controller.