{MEGATHREAD} In-Game Bans on Console Aren't Resolved by Sony/MS & M&K can be Resolved on both Systems

I know that players on Console get annoyed by the fact by they can’t appeal their in-game bans. If you contact Blizzard, they direct you to MS/Sony, and vice versa. So who is this on?
If you’re able to log on to your respective network (PSN or XBL) just fine, it’s on Blizzard. If not, it’s on Sony/MS!

Also, the issue of Mouse and Keyboard users? It’s resolvable by you guys as well, Blizzard!
A month ago, I contacted Sony about these very things.
Here’s my conversation from that time: In-Game Bans are on Developers, and M&K can be solved on PS4 - Pastebin.com

I also note that I even referenced official adapters such as Sony’s Hori Tac Pro!

Both Sony and Microsoft let you guys manage your game how you want to!


Thank you Eternity! If thats true, then Jeff has to speak, he stated that he dislikes MNK on console but he is unable to solve it.

Now its our time, give pc mouse users on consoles one month to switch to proper controller and afterwards it will be become fully-bannable, no mercy.

You have my full support and i will try to make this thread to be seen as much as possible.



In much worse case and possibly cryable scenario, openly state that MNK is allowed for consoles. I would be severely sad but atleast it has to be finally solved in one way or another.



Blizzard should be taking legitimate flack for this publicly. Banning someone who did nothing wrong, and then lying to them and refusing to lift their ban is disgusting, if not illegal.

And the fact that they’d rather lie to allow cheating than take any steps to prevent the cheating tells you everything you need to know about how the team feels about their console users.


Please come once in a while for a disscussion here, this MUST be seen by Blizzard by any case.

I will post youtube video and probably i may share it to reddit :).


So not allow people who want to buy adapters to use mnk on console to do so? Its not like the controller folks dont have the option to do the same.

To me this would be like PC players getting angry at / wanting to ban other PC players for using gaming mice / keyboards / game-numpads because they give an advantage over stock equipment.

If you are serious enough to care about the advantage gained, just buy one, learn to use it, and have that advantage yourself.

Would you say the same if softlock was allowed on PC? Why you dont use it aswell, when its allowed? I dont think so.

I know and tested how big advantage it is and i wouldnt be able to use it because i would feel like iam abusing the game and cheating.

Why are you playing on console if you’re usingM&K? To stomp controller users? PC is meant for M&K, console for controllers.


Well hopefully this leads to something. I don’t play on console, but I know this has been a problem there.

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I dont play on console, but I think its silly to try and stop people from using mnk if they want. Let the market decide, as it were. If people want to buy and use mnk fine. If they dont, fine. Its a non-problem. Let people decide for themselves if they want to plop down the 15 bucks for a keyboard+ adapter and learn to use it.

Its nonproblem for SP and COOP games, not for PVP.


You mean the aim assist you get if you choose to use a controller instead of a mnk? I wouldnt use it because even with it a controller still isnt as accurate a mnk. I’ve tried using a controller just to see if it was worth it. it isnt. Best set up i’ve found is a mouse for aiming and a gaming numpad like the Orbweaver for analogue movement control and fire control (Which blizzard supports with the controller / mouse hybrid setting on PC.)

Here’s a quote from Jeff:

The Overwatch team objects to the use of mouse and keyboard on console.

We have contacted both first-party console manufacturers and expressed our concern about the use of mouse and keyboard and input conversion devices.

We have lobbied and will continue to lobby for first-party console manufacturers to either:

Disallow mouse and keyboard and input conversion devices


Openly and easily support mouse and keyboard for ALL players

I encourage you to reach out to the hardware manufacturers and express your concerns (but please do so in a productive and respectful way).

So he also doesn’t hate it, but would rather it be gone if it cannot be easily supported. (But I think there’s a console that now does support M&K natively, but I don’t remember which one or if it still hasn’t happened yet)

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So would you advocate that Blizzard stop supporting / start banning people for using gaming mice / keyboard / numpads on PC because of the advantage they offer over their stock equivalents?

Not trolling, honest question. Do you feel these should count as unfair advantages?

Yes! You need this! You deserve this! Much support to console players! This is the least we should expect from blizzard!

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But you dont understand that its direct advantage, if PC player has gaming chair or not, 60 or 144 FPS, supernano mouse or basic mouse that is absolutely uncomparable to XIM4 vs Controller.

That is the direct advantage and you cant get it on PC.

Theres so much wrong with this, I don’t even know where to start. You should have ended your post after the first comma.


There’s a world of difference.

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Fair enough. Let’s discuss then. What do you feel is different?

Difference is you can not just plug in any random keyboard and mouse into an xbox (not sure about PS). If you could then there would be no issue to me.

PC players cant do this either. They let the automated system run rampant and appeals do not get heard.

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