"Useful Forms of Feedback"

A canon list of what useful feedback includes.

Examples of this are found within the Mercy Megathread. Shame no one is reading it.

DIsclaimer: It is well within my right as a forum goer to express my displeasure with how the forums are being run. It is within my right to criticize the actions of the devs and the moderators, as long as I’m not naming names. I am not restarting a discussion based off of the previously locked post, I am using the information from said post for a new discussion, with the intent of informing people that the Mercy Megathread is feedback, despite such comments as “there’s nothing usefull in there,” which show that People do not read the megathread.

If any unrest is formed, it was there to begin with and is independent of this post.


Who flagged that thread? Where’s our democracy?

Different discussion. This is the first time we’ve been told what construes as useful feedback. I’m well within my right to point out useful feedback is in the megathread, and to point out the megathread isn’t being read


Please don’t take a part of what the mod said and ignore the rest.


They aren’t reading the feedback though.


how do you know that?

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"Reading our Feedback" - #164 by Scotty-21533

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but those aren’t the only people that work for blizzard? They could have employees that look around the forums and if an idea is good enough they’d shed light on it to Jeff, Geof etc…


This. So wait a moment…

Doesn’t this confirm that all that feedback in the Mercy mega thread, as well as the topics on Mercy’s current state… Are not actually spam? And that those who were saying it was were completely incorrect? :blush:

Oh dear, this is going to turn some heads.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


I’m aware of that. So I started a more comprehensive list. The only people who have read counts on par with the more active forum goers? They’re the ones locking threads.

If you want to go look at all of the Blizzard registered staff member’s post views, it’s substantially lower than the average user that uses the forums everyday. I’ve went weeks without reading the forums and yet I have 7x the post reads of what JK does.

Edit*: Here’s a list. Dev tracker - Overwatch Forums

As you can see, most of the developers haven’t even logged into the forums in months let alone actually post to them.


I suppose we can put the statements of "Mercy Feedback threads are spam"and “Mercy mains are flooding the forums with the same spam threads” to rest.

If people have an issue with Mercy and makes a thread explaining her problems, it’s literally fine to do, as far as the mods themselves are concerned.

I had a hunch. Thanks mod team for the clarification! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Guess the ”Mercy spam” was just a false call then. Lol, can’t wait for people to start complaining.


Continuing the discussion from I can't defend silencing:

Yeah I bet it would be useful…if they actually used them. Alas.


OHHH I’m so sorry. I’ve had people misquote me before. Let me fix that.

The new forums allow you to view a users activity.


The read count on the majority of the staff is low enough to strongly suggest they do not do a very good job of reading feedback overall.

For some of the staff the reading numbers might not be out of line and might actually fit what they are doing quite well. The principal level designer for example shows up somewhat regularly in topics that apply to level design and he’s read nearly as many posts and made as many posts as the lead developer despite the lead developer having a far larger relevant area.

While it is possible that they have employed staff to read feedback, comments have been made by staff that appear to be unaware of feedback.


I noticed that the mods who have high read counts are also the mods who are policing the forums; they are the ones locking the threads for violations of the CoC.


If we pay blizzard 1 dollar per response you would find that they will listen very closely.

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there is absolutley no communication with us
you know how ignored people feel like?
yea … like trash

if they would communicate with us the toxicity lvl on forums and overall atmosphere would be better


Isn’t spamming through all these threads “It’s violating ToS” …violating ToS by spamming?