"Useful Forms of Feedback"

dude they have forsaken the playesbase, just take a look at the current reporting system… the lunatics are running the asylum …


Eyy, shout out!

(20 helpful feedbacks)

They don’t have to read the feedback themselves, that’s why you see small reading numbers on their profile.

It’s better to have a person reading through all the junk and filter or summarize the feelings of players for the devs. If I were in their place, that’s what i would do.

Isn’t this obvious from the replies of Micheal Chu? Whenever a lore related thread appears he responds relatively fast, as if he was browsing the forums at exactly that moment. Someone from the staff that is browsing the forums consistenly must have invited him to that thread to respond.

Because hes pretty much the only one that is creative with the feedback.

  • he shows a genuine interest in making lore.

Even if thats the case, the person in charge of that must be dead because there’s an year of feedback that was never addressed with the only communication being “Ther numbers are fine tho? lmao” from Jeff himself.

But really, this mess has to end.

To see one of Mercy’s biggest posts shut down for an unjustified reason is not very good. I’m not even an avid Mercy player, but I enjoy herband want to continue enjoying her.
Now I can hardly enjoy the game knowing the garbage that can be pulled.


so it may seem, we dont know it … because they dont talk to us whatsoever - they prefer to post stupid tweets instead of to be here , on their own platform, with their biggest fans and people who care enough to create hundreads of thousands of posts about mercy alone

  • they dont like posts to let us know they are here,
  • they dont do polls, to ask us for opinnion and check how we really feel (that would smash those whining people)
  • they dont asnwer our questions,
  • they dont read posts,
  • they write few words once a month
  • there is no communication line with us … dont tell me that company that makes millions of $ cant afford someone who will collect our questions and things that are relevant and could take them to communicate with devs and later on to give us answers here, on forums

we dont need Jeff himself to sit here all day arguing with people… but policy of ignoring everyone is not working, it never works

they didnt even post any developer update since almost 4 months now
they dont talk with us
they dont even talk TO us

hey guys there was no new mode in summer games because we had difficulties, we have new mode, but it was not fun/didnt work/bugged… but despite diverting some resources to OWL we are working hard on it

you know, few words from bottom of their heart and 90% of negative BeEs on this forum regarding last event is POOOF - GONE


What kind of response do you expect then?

Anyway, this. They don’t have to agree with the conclusions some players are getting at.

This is their main issue, replying to forums is wasting time= money.

I bet if blizzard was more open and responsive and interactive with there playerbase they would see a bigger decrease on actually toxicity then there garbage report system.

Maybe a proper explanation in what they are trying to achieve with Mercy?

Possibly putting extremely different iterations of Mercy onto the PTR…
To TEST them.

Just SOMETHING to acknowledge that many people do not like Mercy in her current state
(Inb4 I lEiK HeR )

its not always about money
i get it that everyone wants to be heard by blizz team… but the sad truth is that nobody is beeing heard

we are here locked like 5y old children in huge room (forums) and somebody that should take care of us took keys and went out to party leaving us alone

Them responding to a thread and saying what exactly is going on, why these ideas ar not good…you know, useful responses.

If they tell us why we are wrong in wanting certain changes, we will know what ideas aren’t good/doable and won’t post about them anymore, thus reducing the “#Mercy Spam”.

See how useful communication would be? Instead we get ignored for an year and have to shout at a void in hopes our ideas and feedback are valid or not. Since we get no reply, we can’t know, so we have to keep trying.


The reason we have been feeling abandoned is because there is to little money to gain from us.

i couldnt agree less … forums is the place where people interrested in game are… not twitter, not facebook, not some other sites - here, now, tommorow we will be here arguing about every single detail


And now they come to tell us how to give suggestions? Please

Atleast they responded something, a mod that says something that isnt a copy pasted response is rare

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Yeah but the people that play already paid for the game, the Devs only care about Overwatch League because thats where they make their money, and thats where they take their feedback (Remember the secret-discord-server anti-Sombra fiasco?). They only care about their precious league, so much they moved development resources to it, meanwhile we need to shut up and buy lootboxes.

Before setting on a rework they try many different iterations of that hero internally and i think it’s much better than throwing garbage at a wall in PTR from time to time and see what sticks.

Many people like her. Inb4 someone says they don’t wow wow.

That would be a ton of responses. I would preffer them working on the game than explaining to some forum dwellers why some changes are seen as bad.

Maybe a one per month/2 months thing on the forums with a Dev, like the Geoff Q&A we had a while back, would please you and many others in this aspect.

even there the players are not happy with current state of some heroes and they show it in ways like this since i am sure they will get suspended if they criticize the game.

h ttps://clips.twitch.tv/BadBloodyReubenPogChamp

What. A. Legend.


We have learned PLENTY of times internal testing is hot garbage. Hell, Valk was sent through internal testong and told several times by the PTR testers “It’s too strong”.

While they did put it to live, they were given proper feedback by the community.