(Updated) Jeff and Geoff finally responded to Mercy feedback

I’ll go as far as to say that intial Valk was mercy’s best state for fun.

I can also say that this version of Valk gets the job done in both fun and practicality. This is even before this coming buff that lets her get it faster and with better healing.

Valk was the reason I ended up caring about mercy in the first place.

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You’re completely ignoring the other side of the coin, though.

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I take all of his statements as straight forward, unless due to tone or whatever (like his review of IGN comments) is clearly intended as humor

are you saying that all supports, tanks, and pros feel this way? (not intending to imply anything here, just askin)

if not, is it possible that there are other support players, other tank players, and other pros who like Mercy as she is?

Of course there are people who like mercy as she is but what i’m saying is that all signs point to those people being in a minority while most people find mercy to be unfun and in a bad place. Usually pros are the last people to admit that kind of thing so when even they admit that she’s unfun then something is wrong.

I see plenty of signs that say otherwise - that there are a large number on both sides

I dont see any signs that either is a majority of Mercy players, and less of the entire player base.

Further, within the camp of those unhappy with Mercy, few agree on what the changes should be. Some for example want rez removed entirely, others want multirez returned to them.

Said another way - the unhappy Mercy mains dont even necessarily agree among themselves on the details of why they are unhappy with Mercy - only that they are unhappy.


are you saying (asking here, not implying or intending to imply) that all pros dislike the current state of Mercy?

Well you seem to be be basing it only off of people you have personally talked to while i’m talking about how from the amount of forum posts, social media and even pro statements.

I read the forums as well, and also watch streamers, social media, etc

No i’m saying that many well respected pros and big players admit that mercy is unfun. Never did i state that its all of them.

ok, so is then possible that those players and/or pros who have not spoken on the matter like Mercy in her current state?

Mind linking some examples? Because I’ve heard the opposite.

I think it was only The Bird One (can’t use real names), and all he stated was that moth Mercy was way worse than mass resurrect Mercy, not that she was unfun and boring now.


Is it possible that the opposite could be true too? That those pro players who havent spoken dislike mercy?

Certainly it is, both results are possible

Have the majority of pro players come out one way or another regarding their feelings on the current state of Mercy?

You are misunderstanding my point. My point is that when even some pros, people who usually don’t comment on this kind of stuff say that shes’ unfun then something is wrong. Especially pro mercy players.

Can you please link an example of when this was said? I am thinking there’s a misunderstanding about the message that was delivered since it’s been so long.

If i remember it was even seagull who said it during one of his streams. I’m afraid the forums don’t let you link stuff or i would.

I respectfully disagree, given that you have a very small minority of pro players saying so and you also have other pros saying she is strong, and finally you have Blizzard (who owns the product and has final say on what every character is defined as) saying she is fine as she is

You can use the < > to link stuff. You highlight it, then use those. It lets you post links without actually linking them.

Also, he didn’t say she was “boring” or “unfun”, just that the moth meta was a much worse experience than mass resurrect. And he was totally right. The moth age was horrible.

Just because blizzard says so doesn’t make it true. Again the devs don’t play the game often due to them being busy working on it. And they themselves admitted they are ranked only at gold.