(Updated) Jeff and Geoff finally responded to Mercy feedback

I and all of the players I know who play Mercy find her to be fun, engaging, and effective.

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Exactly tree fiddy

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I could’ve sworn this was the same thing they said when they lowered her healing to 50hps? So now they are bringing it up for the very same reason. Hmm.

She should’ve stayed at 60hps. She didn’t need this nerf. The support buffs that came in the same patch was enough for the other healers to be in the same league as Mercy but I feel like they brought Mercy’s healing down to give the support buff some spotlight. Lowering Mercy’s healing meant people would not want to play her and would want to play the heroes who just got buffed. Now that the buff had it’s time they are slowly bringing Mercy back to where she should be. I hope they up her healing soon.

I didn’t think 50hps was going to make a difference from 60hps but man it’s rough.

Now i’m not saying those people who enjoy mercy are wrong of course and i’m glad they do but when most people who main the most mained hero in the game are unhappy then the devs need to start thinking about that.

Oh, I might’ve worded it in a weird way. Apologies, english isn’t my native language.

I just don’t have to look back anymore, and wait for something that’ll never come.
I find that healthier. Not a happy ending, but it’s nice to let things go.

Well you have to remember that what jeff is saying is really just PR. Not any actual predictions with balance. You have to consider that with every dev statement. What they say on the forums and on streams etc is pr talk not actual dev talk.

They need to consider everyone, though, not just 15% of the community. She has to be welcoming to new players, old players, and players who rarely touched her before.

That’s the issue with things like this, it’s impossible to make everyone happy. The issue before is a LOT of people were not fond of being on the receiving end (both teammates and enemies) of Mercy when she had Mass Resurrect, and when she was OP for months as a moth.

She’s unfortunately developed a bad reputation now, players included, because of that roller coaster, and it’s quite unfortunate. She will build a healthier reputation with her current state than she ever would have before, and that’s the parameter the developers are obviously following.

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You mean the loudest, honestly. The people that enjoy playing mercy in her current form have less reason to make their voice heard.

All about perception on this one I think.


Every player I know likes her as she is. It is good to know that you acknowlege that some you know also like her as she is

How so?

I doubt even Blizzard has stats that would back this up, and they’d be the only ones with the data that might (maybe) allow such a conclusion

I know a lrge number of Mercy players who all like Mercy as she is, and have seen a number of other players note the same in these forums - not just in this thread but many others as well.

So I will have to respectfully disagree with you here: the number of Mercy players who find her fine is rather large, not small at all.

There are clearly (to me) a large number on both sides of the issue(s)

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Well of course you cant make everybody happy and there will always be naysayers but when a large chunk of your playerbase is unhappy then something is wrong. Especially when people have been providing constructive suggestions for over a year and its ignored. You have to remember that this bad reputation and roller coaster is their own making and now that they seem to be in a state of just leaving it as it is while tossing small changes on it.

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They said mained not maimed. As in I’m a Mercy “main”.

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I am sensing your perception of this playerbase is way more inflated than the reality of what is actually going on.

It’s easy to think things are worse than they actually are if you surround yourself with passionate, like-minded people. It creates a bubble.

Lol, “Mercy Maim” needs to be a meme now.

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erk, yep!

fixed it

sorry ya’ll,

next up: I want to address the perceived problem of too much violins on television. Short version: we need more violins on television, not less

I’m not just talking to mercy mains either. I talked to dps mains, tank mains, other support mains… I go out of my way to avoid talking in a bubble and even then almost every person i meet agrees that mercy is extremely unfun. Even pros now admit that old mercy was better and that she’s unfun.


dont disagree that there are a large number of folks unhappy with Mercy’s state


there are also a large number of folks who are happy with her current state

me included

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No jeff himself stated that mercy is THE most mained hero in the game.

With apologies, I dont understand

Is Jeff to be relied on when he says something, or is everything he says just PR?

Well you cant really twist a statement like that into PR. It’s pretty straightforward.

I have literally never personally heard or read a DPS, non-Mercy support, or tank main say they miss Mass Resurrect with a burning passion.

Irregardless, it’s impossible to get an exact number. Blizzard is the only one with access to that, and based upon their decisions they’ve made on her, they must understand what the game needs and what majority of the players prefer.

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I didn’t say that. I said that even when talking to other tank/dps/other supports players that they find mercy unfun and say that the rework has failed. Now pros on the other hand did say that older mercy was better.