(Updated) Jeff and Geoff finally responded to Mercy feedback

So if a doctor tells you that you have pneumonia, are you going to tell them that their professional judgment doesn’t automatically make them right?

We’re at the stage now where we just gotta trust the people who’s job it is to do these things.


they own the game.

they own the rights to the characters therein

they decide what is right for every character, Mercy included

With apologies, I disagree, based what I have seen and read - which is all any of us not working as a dev at Blizzard have to go on

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I can’t say I’m surprised the developers are intent on keeping Mercy unfun.

Guess I’m back to maining tanks :confused:

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I didn’ play since last season and I see no reason why .Supports are nerfed to the ground and if a support is acutally fun to play you only have to wait until the support is nerfed because he is too “strong”.
After the nerf the support hero is bad, boring. Hide and seek isn’t really fun. It is fun to play as a healer and have a impact.

Well…this is dissatisfying…

Without reading all of the thread, it’s really not getting what seems to be the core of her problems, which is that the rework lowered her skill ceiling so much, that many don’t feel like she is fun anymore or not as much as she used to be (me included).

While I personally are by now - wasn’t always so - fine with her current healing rate (because I like how now it really is difficult with every support to solo heal, meaning I get more often another support on my team, which I hugely prefer and keeps the healers similar viable) and welcome the possibility to get a higher healing rate during valk, I still think that valk and rez just are on the wrong position in her kit.

I love the healing beam balancing with her, the deciding who I should prioritise, but Valk takes this aspects away. I really like the changes to her gun during valk and yeah also the flying, but it’s not feeling special in any way. Not how most other ults feel.

I would hugely prefer to have a watered down valk on e (without the chain beams, but the higher healing rate) and whatever they do with Rez (Take it out of game, bring a different version of it as ultimate, doesn’t have to be mass rez, certainly shouldn’t be mass rez as it was directly before the rework, whatever), just give me something that is fun and gives the possibility to get noticable better (the changes to guardian angel are like that for example, now give me more like that to the rest of her kit).

Honestly, this “people won’t be happy until she’s the best or the worst” is just very reductive of the situation. Are there people like that? Of course, but reducing the issues people have with her to this seems to really indicate that they just don’t get people’s problems with Mercy and her rework.

though I guess part of it is also that it feels like Mass Rez was discarded too fast, while the tweaks on Valk just took too long. Would people think differently if the balancing issues got solved faster? I wouldn’t be suprised about it tbh… much frustration got build by the communication with the community being so damn slow - not just about Mercy btw - what honestly did cause noticable damage so I don’t blame those disappointed with Blizzard (also because I’m one of them).

Idk but currently most we get seems rather lackluster to me including Ashe. I deleted the game anyway a few days ago, not really because of this, but because I currently got no sufficiently stable internet connection to play, but I honestly doubt I will re-install it for a long time. Who knows, maybe new heroes will get me to come back one day, but currently it just seems like overwatch slowely starts to loose what made it attractive for people like me, who don’t come from a fps background (and may have health issues making traditional fps difficult to play for them), not just based on the Mercy situation, but many of the changes during the last year.


And wow the overwatch team writes that they understand the feedback which they actually don’t understand. The only thing i want is that they do something and not only write about it.
The only critiscm they know if nobdoy plays the game anymore

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the problem is that there is no ‘then fun’ because they say that nothing will change about her.

and not every OP character has to be or is fun.
i am one of the players that didn’t like rework from the start, and i’m not the only one.

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Okay, I’ll have to ask again because I’m really interested in this particular statement:

At roughly what timestamp in the stream did he say this?

Mercy 1.0 was well balanced, the Hide and Seek SR exploit was removed from the game before the rework and she only needed some tweaks ( remove Mercy’s after rez invincibility, increased cooldown, ect. ) still she was reworked because she “was not fun to play against”.
So please do not say this " Fairness and balance HAS to come first, then fun." because its just not true on this point.

Btw Orisa player ( before anyone say that another Mercy main came here to complain ) and sorry for my garbage tier english.:sweat_smile:

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Nah, your English is just fine, no worries.

I still think balance and fairness should come first for any game, because no one has fun if things are brokenly too strong. Like McCree’s original Fan the Hammer that could land headshots…McCree players loved it and had tons of fun with it, but people on the receiving end…not so much.

I also don’t think Mercy 1.0 would hold up at ALL in this current state of the game because she had no invincibility on Mass Resurrect, her mobility was worse, and her healing was 50hps then.

What makes her prominent now is intense mobility, one Resurrect on cooldown, and an Ultimate that gives her the ability to stay alive and live long enough through a fight so that her team can defend/fight off the enemy. It’s designed to enable your team to live slightly longer than the enemy so that you win that fight, but it is NOT an instant guarantee–no Ultimate should be.

Current Valkyrie is not this “undo” button or “reset” like Mass Resurrect was, and majority of the people do not like undo buttons, especially ones that are insta-cast with no way to stop it unless you could see through walls.

Imagine an insta-D.Va bomb explosion. You know when D.Va has her Ultimate ready, it’s always obvious, and it would be horrendous if it instantly exploded the moment she tapped Q. That’s what Mass Resurrect was like, except it brought people back to life instead of kill them.

Every Ultimate in this game has counter-play or ways to avoid it. Mass Resurrect was the only Ultimate that didn’t. And the counter-play of “kill the Mercy before she uses it!” literally applies to every other character’s Ultimate.

It really doesn’t fit in this game at all, and Blizzard has made it very clear that they that feel way and don’t have any intention of ever bringing it back. So it’s a dead horse at this point.

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Ouch, hope you don’t get suspended for that blatant truth.


Ok then, lets go out asking for bastion nerfs. Since it really doesnt matter what changes he gets, as long as he gets one.

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Just because they read your suggestions, doesn’t mean they have to listen to it.

The fact that they believe an ultimate-level ability like Resurrect is in a good spot as an E ability just shows how out of touch they are with reality.

Very disappointed by Geoff’s statements in particular.


No. It doesn’t. But if you claim you are listening, you should respond to what’s actually being said.


“…they like it how it is…” key word “they” so I guess stuff is only going to be changed if blizzard likes it and community gets no say. Amazing game devs btw


See, this in of itself is a flaw in every one of your arguments regarding Mercy. And that’s because fun is subjective no matter which way you look at it.

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and to extend this - many of us Mercy players like myself love playing her - fun, engaging, effective, not remotely boring - as she is right this very moment, even before the buffs announced on 20181023 go live

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