(Updated) Jeff and Geoff finally responded to Mercy feedback

What Geoff had to say:
-Mercy isn’t getting any type of rework

I can finally forget about Mercy, then. Thank you.

Right. So you just admitted that you only played her for Mass Resurrect, then.

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Not at all. I just stated how it was a big part of her kit.

I love how you’re stating that the people running the game are garbage lmao. Their ranks doesn’t mean anything.

That’s an odd thing to say.

I just can not take seriously what this guy says.

He says that they take the oneshot from Roadhog because “a tank can not do oneshot”
, and Reinhardt is still able to

they take off the mass rez and realize that it is insane for the game when Seagull says it? before, when she did not have invulnerability was she still insane? true?

They take away the momentum of the Doomfist rocket fist jump, when many heroes have those little rebounds that can only be achieved with time and dedication, practically any hero with some mobility has momentums.
Do you really take it off?

They think that the main problem with Symmetra 2.0 was that their ultimates were not very interactive, is a huge barrier of 5000 points of life even more so? Is that really more fun and tactical?

they say that Bastion in its sentinel mode with more dispersion and without Headshots will make it a more flexible character, is it really a more flexible character if it is only effective (and often not even that) against only tanks and barriers?

what has been said, this guy every thing he says is an insult to my intelligence, and the worst thing is that he does not seem to read absolutely any feedback, he does not take into account ANYTHING that the people with more dedication and hours suggest, he NEVER seems to be wrong.

I do not care if they ban me, I tried not to seem offensive, but it’s just that this is ridiculous, what is the point of asking for feedback if it is not taken into account?



I mean, maybe I am misunderstanding something, but that pretty much looks like you just said you only liked her for Mass Resurrect.

If you liked Mercy for Mercy, you would still like playing her. I love playing Reinhardt FOR Reinhardt, and everything about him. If they got rid of Earthshatter and changed it to something else, guess what? I’d still totally be playing Reinhardt because I am a true Reinhardt-player.

I don’t play a hero for their Ultimate. I play them because I like their playstyle, personalities, and their kits.


They should have the highest levels because they made the game and are working on it. /s

Well her e ability kinda breaks the whole fast paced felling about her kit. Since you have to pretty much just stop moving to rez.

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I agree that a lot of people are upset

I do not agree that this is a majority, as a large number of people also like her in her current state

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Geoff uh… has a bit of a history when it comes to game balance in previous games i’ll just say that.


She has to stop moving for what ~3 seconds?

Then it’s right back to speeding around.

valk doesnt have to be bad i think. i think valk should remain single target, and give her 200 hps healing beam and damage beam that doubles damage. leave the pistol infinate for valk. also get rid or ressurect and replace it with a proactive 100 hps white beam that lasts for 2.5 seconds. that way you can almost surly save teamates but its to the reactive ressurect giving her kit so much trouble for blizzards balancing g goals. activating this beam should lock your target for its duration, nk switching, take 1 second to charge before activatin and cancel if stunned, unlike the others, this beam does not go through walls or shields for balance sake perhaps? with 20 second cooldown. what do you think?

I can count the mercy mains i have talked to that still enjoy mercy with one hand. And mercy is THE most mained hero in the game. And i’m not basing it on just people i’ve talked to either. The amount of mercy players who still enjoy mercy is very small. Even during the mercy meta most played due to obligation over enjoyment.

Out of how many people total, lol?

I and all of the players I know who play Mercy find her to be fun, engaging, and effective.

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Exactly tree fiddy

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I could’ve sworn this was the same thing they said when they lowered her healing to 50hps? So now they are bringing it up for the very same reason. Hmm.

She should’ve stayed at 60hps. She didn’t need this nerf. The support buffs that came in the same patch was enough for the other healers to be in the same league as Mercy but I feel like they brought Mercy’s healing down to give the support buff some spotlight. Lowering Mercy’s healing meant people would not want to play her and would want to play the heroes who just got buffed. Now that the buff had it’s time they are slowly bringing Mercy back to where she should be. I hope they up her healing soon.

I didn’t think 50hps was going to make a difference from 60hps but man it’s rough.

Now i’m not saying those people who enjoy mercy are wrong of course and i’m glad they do but when most people who main the most mained hero in the game are unhappy then the devs need to start thinking about that.

Oh, I might’ve worded it in a weird way. Apologies, english isn’t my native language.

I just don’t have to look back anymore, and wait for something that’ll never come.
I find that healthier. Not a happy ending, but it’s nice to let things go.