(Updated) Jeff and Geoff finally responded to Mercy feedback

Blizzard admitting a mistake? Is this the real life?

They’ve admitted to mistakes multiple times, multiple occasions

So now that the head developers:

  • Apologized for how long everything took, and admitted the prolonged tweaks were a mistake
  • Stated Mercy is not getting any type of rework
  • Readdressed the unhealthiness of Mass Resurrect, further indicating it is indeed never coming back
  • Will consider more buffs for her if the PTR Ultimate buffs for her do not fix the state of things for Mercy

Can we please consider laying this to rest now? I feel like we got everything we asked for, in terms of Developer comments, from that stream.


won’t happen.

doesn’t change the boring ult and frustration of 50HP/s.
why pick mercy if you know your team dies anyways?

Well , they think that Mercy will be fine after the buff but If she’s not - they will make sure that she’s balanced and strong pick.

But now we’re back to subjective opinions again…I don’t think she is boring, and she is getting a faster Ult charge and 60hps back on Valkyrie.

The questions have been answered directly by Devs.

Is Mass Resurrect coming back: No
Will there be a Mercy rework: No
Will she be buffed again: Most likely if recent buffs do not help her
Did they make mistakes: Yes, and they’re sorry

And it is great they’re acknowledging that they know she’s in a weird spot right now, strength wise, and want to fix it.

They mentioned that Ana’s buff to Nano Boost wasn’t expected to be so strong and to actually work , and they believe that if a small buff to Ana helped her a lot , the same thing will happen to Mercy.

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So in other words the devs have no idea what game design is or how to listen to feedback they dont agree with. Then again this is the same company that revealed a mobile game at blizzcon and deleted dislikes and comments.


Oofff… that salt…


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Careful. That’s what gets people flagged and suspended.

You don’t tell an architect you hate their building, just because you don’t like the way it looks, even if it is still a sturdy build and took them years to make.

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Some people still do because they think it makes them feel superior, lol.

I’ve seen it happen.

So I watched large parts of both streams but apparently I didn’t find the part(s) where either of them addressed the possibility of another rework. Could anyone please provide me with a timestamp?

If I made a pie and it took me hours to make that doesn’t make it good.

I’m just glad that they’re looking at Mercy and addressed her situation. They seem to have high hopes for her Valkyrie buff.

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I mean, I get it. You can still not like something or even hate it.

But if you can’t even design a load-bearing wall for a building that will reliablly support 20,000lb of weight, you probably shouldn’t be throwing stones.

But someone else may like it. Also, you may not even be a baker and have no idea what you’re doing. So there’s that.

Too high hopes. The problem is the devs actually don’t know the most about the game, they are ranked at about gold and pretty much every high ranked i have talked to admitted the buff is gonna do nothing.

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for not ending the meta (that no one aksed for)
and she’s still the same hero with the same spectator mode.

and i don’t really care about how she plays, as long as it’s both balanced AND fun it’s fine for me

you can’t fix a boring ult. i also absolutely hate the ‘subjective’ responses people throw around…because at the end of the day every single post seems to be subjective.

why even discuss balance and fun right? it’s all so damn subjective!?!?!1!!!one!

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But I don’t think she’s boring…many others don’t, many others do. It’s subjective. It’s not an invalid response because it’s completely what this is about.

Fairness and balance HAS to come first, then fun. Because obviously in any game the OP, hard to kill manic character is going to be the most fun to play, but when everyone else hates it, that’s not fair.


When the majority of people who play mercy, the most mained hero in the game are upset then something is clearly wrong and the devs seem to be focused only on pure balance for her.


One way you could change Mercy so that she can have her standard healing changed back to 60hp/s would be to change res and lower it’s value in the following way. :arrow_down:

  • The amount of invincibility time that her resurrection target gets should be lowered to 50%-60% of the amount of time it currently is but leave the amount of time it takes for them to take control the same. On top of this a weakness debuff should be applied to the target that was resurrected that reduces their damage/healing output by 30-50% and prevents them from using their ultimate if they had it available. The debuff would last 4-6 seconds. Their health is left unchanged and normal skills are available.