They already made her unrecognizable when they reworked her from 2.0 into 3.0. The only trait that stuck was her turrets, and that’s barely anything.
Zarya and Symmetra have about the same amount of similarities as Sym 2.0 and 3.0.
It’s a reputation that’s carried, pretty much.
The best comparision I can make is Janna’s two reworks in LoL. She used to be a very “sit back and shield your ADC” kind of support, and then they reworked her and forced her to be SUPER active. She ended up becoming a 1-trick monster champion who had a 65% winrate with 1 tricks. People STILL called her braindead despite everything.
And then they reworked her again recently and it only brought her skill cap up… again… and people still call her braindead.
I want them gone 
See above
But mainly…
I’d like for symmetra to be a NON HEALING utility support. I know that may scare a lot of people, but considering that Zen only heals 30 HPS… I think it’s closer to the realm of possibility than people know.
I’d like Symmetra to take aespects of her old kit back. Mainly, I’d like her old dinner plate photon barrier, and brig-esk shield she can throw to allies to temporarily increase their maximum health.
healing /=/ support
support = damage mitigation + utility
Zenyatta heals for 30hps outside of his ultimate. That is almost nothing and only outheals melee attacks. I’m sure, given the right abilities, a non-healing support WOULD work.
Overwatch players are the only ones who seem to be rooted into the idea that a support MUST heal. If you took symmetra into any other game she’d immediately be identified as a support hero. To be fair, overwatch is a different game… but again, we have Zen who heals for almost nothing outside of ult.
There are ways to provide sustain without direct healing, just as an example, converting ally health to shield health, and then allowing for that shield health to regen sooner (ex: 1 second no damage to regen instead of 3).
have you considered that people do this because they liked the old hero?
No one spams the thread with Torb posts… Y’know why? Because people LIKED his rework.
Also love this idea. Let her stick sentries to allies to give them buffs!
The crazy thing is that they have let ALL kinds of other buggy crap happen without red flags.
I don’t know why symmetra doing it was an exception, frankly, it feels like strategies like that are generally enjoyed and add a whole new dynamic to the game.