UPDATED: How Symmetra Was Designed to Fail

Oh, honestly I wasn’t aware.

I don’t keep up with OWL too much, so that’s my bad, actually.

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Fair enough, some people just choose to die on the “why don’t you let players exploit bugs in matches where you win money?” hill though.

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My take on in-game exploits is that: if the devs find something that they don’t want players to use, then they should patch it out and fix it.

If it’s not worth their time and effort to fix, then they shouldn’t punish players ( owl or otherwise) for using them. It’s especially messy since certain exploits like mercy jump or sombra translocater reload have been in the game for years but aren’t talked about by the devs because they’re considered harmless.

One example of a geometry exploit they properly patched was Sombra translocater sticking to roofs. That’s perfect. If you don’t want it in the game, take the time to patch it or otherwise deal with the oversights.

Previously were true, these days not much. Because they had more options with freedom between roles. Right now they stick with 2-3 characters on each role for each player, while previously they had more diversity on ways to play while mirror matches existed their frequency were smaller than using counters. These days if their strategy doesn’t work they often go mirror because they would play generalist heroes who would fit most maps. They have limited time to train and need to come up some strategies for several maps they often stick with a smaller number of options having a bit of rigid picks on the most valuable ones.

One tricks are common on 2-2-2, on OWL is more common are mirror matches. To climb on comp are one tricks and the “norm” thrse days are to have a “main hero”. That’s why the most instintive behavior on both OWL and Current OW1 are mirror match, not effectively use counters. At same time if folks want to climb often pick hero X, Y or Z and one trick it. On top of most folks only playing with a single hero also.

The game was about adaptation and strategies. Was too complex, so for that RQ improved the learning curve for starters. At same time instead of promoting better usage of the role promoted folks being locked in one thing.

If RQ was implemented as “lock in match” by first come first served or just a randomly draft system inside of it, but players being able to change roles between themselves and on top of that one hero per match not per team.

Queue times would be fine, mirror matched wouldn’t exist and folks would play more counters.

They actually do things better, they just are often too niche or complex to most folks have the “hassle” to actually know or learn how to play it. Folks got more skilled on individual heroes and lack the basics of others, but fail to realize that a single “pick” being played okayish is way better than a countered hero who the player mastered. The issue is that folks don’t know the basics and have fear of losing because they invested too much in one thing. Niche heroes are strong enough, just shiny in a set of situations and play badly on others, while generalists perform okayish on almost every scenario, until gets countered and effectively being less useful than other picks. The problem is that folks don’t change because of fear and that most of generalists has something useful to keep it. Like ashe had better value than soldier, until got nerfed because her ult was more useful than soldier’s one by example. Ashe with mercy had more value than soldier after nerfing ashe and buffing soldier, soldier started to dominate again. Those heroes are example of generalists which were weak on closed spaces of 2cp and certain koth maps where symmetra dominates the objective by example, same could be said about mei or torb.

RQ increased the individual skill of the average playerbase with certain heroes, at same time nosedived the actual game sense of the playerbase. What differs right now between bronze and diamond are how well folks play as team, how well folks know the map and how well they know how to counter stuff because player’s individual skill are pretty much the same on most cases. Almost 3 days in a week friends on several ranks show me replays and ask me tips during their matched which often reflect on the match or future matches in wins. Folks often just don’t know how to pair “their picks” with the overall map layout, objectives and enemy team layout. They just Focus too much on themselves and forget about opposite team and objectives. Most counterpicks applies way more pressure than most generalists. But because folks just don’t bother to counter the “fiesta” on lower ranks happens.

About OW2:

They took a different route with OW2, so I expect to see the changes prior to say about something related of her state on OW2.

If you see, they kept overlaping heroes but at same time punishes more the lack of usage of counters. Doom got bad time against zarya, mei got stronger against lucio, roadhog got stronger against reaper, zen got better against winston. They improved and changed some perks in the game to reinforce the counter system. Even gone to the route of armor being more effective against burst damage than rapid/multi pellet heroes.

They even changed the damage role passive to align more to swap and favor countering.

I would wait to see the next beta changes to actually make my own conclusions of the state of sym and others in the game. So far, appears they took the route of trying to reinforce what OW1 had on launch, more reliance on swaps and counters.

They do and they can’t test every single pixel of a map for holes in their no-build geometry. The mental gymnastics required to justify “maybe I can abuse this for money because the QA testers aren’t omniscient” are a solid difficulty 12 out of 10.

Title should not still say “was”

They can patch them after the fact. So yeah, OWL players can waste hours trying to get pixel perfect exploits but once they’re used a single time- patched.

The mental gymnastics required to think QA testers would be the ones in charge of finding EVERY pixel perfect exploit is a solid difficulty 13 out of 10.

You said “it’s OK to exploit as long as it isn’t patched”, and then followed it up with “but Blizzard patches it as soon as someone publicly does it”. Like, yes, that’s why you aren’t supposed to exploit the map geometry and why OWL has rules against doing it. I don’t know why you’re arguing when it looks like we’re agreeing somehow?

I’m saying that the devs should take the time to fix exploits instead of verbally writing rules that they just can’t be used.

Stuff like the Mayhem TP thing or doomfist rollouts shouldn’t be grounds for punishment. They should be calling attention to what should be fixed.

The point of our disagreement is that we don’t agree on exploits being left unfixed and on whether or not players should be punished for using them in the window of them being active in-game prior to being a properly patched out.

Sadly Devs just ignore these topics.

This might just be the first post of yours I completely agree with….

I mean, it’s a catch-all for “We missed that, please don’t abuse it during an OWL game” type stuff. If they just left it open/un-penalized and silently patched it after, it’s even worse because a team used it for a material advantage and no other team could do that again. It’s a huge dumpster fire in competitive integrity complaints if you allow teams to exploit stuff and not force them to re-do a play or map for doing so.

That’s why I mentioned this

By practicing those exploits they’re essentially wasting time in the long run because the team who successfully uses that on a single map won’t be able to use it again.

So it becomes a cost vs benefit thing. “Should we perfect the rollout that’ll be patched or should we stick to regular approaches since they won’t change in the long run?”

Will a different approach truly change the outcome of a match? If it does, then that team deserves the map win for the risk and execution, but won’t be able to consistently use that going forward so in the long run the question is “was it worth it?”

They can all do it. That’s why the devs should be inclined to fix it

It’s equal opportunity for every team and it won’t turn into a chaotic mess because

  • not every map has worthwhile exploits
  • exploits don’t guarantee a win
  • not all teams will even use the exploits for the aforementioned reason of “will getting good at this rollout be worth it in the long run?”

If map exploits like the entirety of doomfist rollouts are allowed on ladder then OWL should be kept as close to that as possible.

Like this

Don’t take the numbers too seriously. It’s more about the kit.

Bro, just download a video editor, grab a mic, and turn this into a youtube video.

My voice is grating

here’s a video of me screaming, for reference. (at a game, not even a horror game… but imagine if I WAS playing a horror game)

she’s been downgraded to ‘a pest to tanks’ to me now, at least
overall i find mostly all of ger kit problematic to the game as a whole
not even that, she also feels like if someone took junkrat, took his offensive tools and made them defensive instead, slapped a teleporter in there, and said viola
a trainwreck

you would think a hero that in the lore is a architectural genius would have a more… flexible or malleable kit for changing map geometry or something

I feel like the last 18 hours proved my point.

Devs only get involved when money is clearly involved.

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Wow, after that Beta release (between now and my last comment here)… This is just double down sad.

Just numb how much a joke this has become.

Huge Fail. (Supports now have Higher DPS)

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