UPDATED: How Symmetra Was Designed to Fail

(Originally written for 2021, updated for OW2 June beta.)

This is gonna be kinda ranty, its also gonna be really long (idk, probably).

I’ve sorta been dwelling on this for a while now. Hopfully this won’t get buried under Genji post number 3897.


How Symmetra Was Designed to Fail.

Symmetra, despite having a strong playerbase and a huge out of game impact, is a failure of a character. Through reworks, balance changes, and other attributes Symmetra was not only pushed into failure, but she was designed for it. The way that the devs have treated this character with little thought towards her playerbase is outright disrespectful and unacceptable.

Part I, The History of Symmetra

Symmetra was one of the earliest characters added to overwatch, some of her concept art is among the oldest with other chatacters such as tracer and widowmaker. Symmetra was announced alongside 11 other characters on the 24th of May, 2014. Her kit started with her turrets, an applyable shield, and her iconic teleporter. In the early stages of the game Symmetra was among the strongest characters, with a 50 health shield on a basic ability there was little reason not to pick her, especially because of her synergy with flankers (one that a newer character would exploit… Brig).

Symmetra was soon nerfed into a near unplayable state, with a mere 5M beam (Lower than Brig flail), 200 health, and a measly 25 health shield, Symmetra was picked exclusively for 1st point defense on 2cp maps. Players quickly realized how terrible the character was and anyone who tried playing her, regardless of the map, was flamed and harassed.

Quickly the devs realized the character needed help and announced a rework. On the 13th of December, 2016 Symmetra received her first rework, now referred to as “Sym 2.0”. Her abilities were updated overall, range was added to her primary fire, her turret count on start was raised to 6 from 3, and her applyable shield was replaced with a throwable barrier. Along with this symmetra received a new ultimate, shield generator, it replaced her old applyable shield and was used along with her other ultimate, teleporter.

On release the rework was met with overall praise, the changes kept the soul of the character while offering overall improvements. It kept the original playerbase and almost no one disliked the changes. Although she did seem underpower, the rework was mostly seen as a success.

Over the next two years symmetra recived zero balance changes, and very few bug fixes. Symmetra players often asked for bug fixes since many of her abilities were sparratic and didn’t work as intended.

On the 26th of June, 2018 Symmetra received her second rework, now referred to as “Sym 3.0”. On release the rework was met with mixed reactions, mostly negative from the symmetra playerbase. Many disabled players criticized the rework since it basically removed their ability to play her, other players didn’t like the removal of the photon barrier, or shield generator. On release symmetra 3.0 was much weaker than 2.0, her winrate on release was as low as 45%.

Over the next few months symmetra received small buffs, slowly improving her. On the 13th of August, 2019 Symmetra received her fourth rework, it was not deemed substantial enough to warrant a new name. Her teleporter is now infinite instead of on a set duration. This was met with mixed reactions again, however they were mostly negative. Most players didn’t see the point in an infinite teleporter especially since it had a longer cooldown. Along with that, the change was accompanied with the removal of using TP in spawn, which was a small nerf but on that certainly didn’t help the state of the character.

On the 15th of October, 2019 Symmetra received multiple substantial nerfs in response to her rising pickrate. Players criticized these changes since they were made only 9 days after buffs, and they were made during a meta that sym should’ve literally been the best in, Double Barrier.

Over the course of Symmetra’s history her Pickarte has always remained low. During 1.0 it usually sat around 0.9%, during 2.0 it would sit near 1.2%, and now in 3.0 its usually around 0.7-0.8%.

Part II, Neglect of Playerbase.

Symmetra players often criticize the devs for their lack of balance changes during all of her iterations. Symmetra 1.0 AND 2.0 received ZERO balance changes throughout their entire exitance. The devs unwillingness to test buffs for the characters has slowly killed of the playerbase.

During 2.0 symmetra was one of the most discussed characters of the forums, I’m sure all of us veteran forum users remember how much she was talked about. Despite this, no buffs were tested.

Because of the lack of changes many players lost hope for the character and dropped her, leaving to play other characters.

Symmetra was also known for having a large population of disables players. Symmetra 3.0 basically told all these players to frick off, as apparently Overwatch wasn’t a game where they belonged if they wanted to play a DPS hero.

The devs were also basically silent for most of her existence, they talked about her very little, occasionally they’d mention that they were testing buffs, but we literally never got to see them on the PTR.

Part III, Hero Favoritism.

It’s pretty clear which characters are the favorites, and which characters aren’t so popular with the devs. Ana, McCree, Reinhardt, ETC… all of these heroes have been S tier for multiple years while other heroes haven’t even seen the light of day for their entire existence. Surprisingly however, Symmetra is very popular with the skin department (specifically SKIN’s), as she has some of the best cosmetics in the game, Dragon, Oasis, and Magician just to name a few.

Symmetra has never been meta, the closest she’s gotten was double shield when she was tied for third highest pickrate with three other characters. Whats especially frustrating is that when sym SHOULD be good, she’s not, or she’s nerfed. The fact that symmetra was nerfed multiple times during double barrier makes it clear that the character isn’t meant to be good.

Symmetra was systemically put into this place. Devs often try to make popular characters better, but symmetra isn’t popular. Why isn’t she popular? Well its because she’s bad… why is she bad? Because the devs didn’t buff her.
Sym was put into a position where she wasn’t going to be favored by the playerbase. It’s not an issue of “she’s just not fun”, its an issue of “She was useless for 3 years, who would want to play a character like that?”

Part IV, Character Traits.

It’s sad to say, but people don’t want to play a character with a mental disorder. I say this as an autistic person. People simply dislike characters with undesirable traits, disabilities, disorders, ETC, they discourage close minded individuals from playing the characters.

I want to make this clear however,
Symmetra being autistic is a great thing. It fits her character and the representation is appreciated.
(even if the Autistic person who likes machines trope is super overused)

The point isn’t that making her autistic was a negative thing for her popularity, the point is that it hurt her reputation as sad as that is to say.

What else doesn’t help is Symmetra’s position as a darkskin Asian woman, who are often seen as undesirable or unattractive (which is just untrue, I mean literally look as sym). While this isn’t as damaging in present day, it still hurts her chances to be a popular character. Players have unconscious bias and that it certainly isn’t in favor of characters like her.

EDIT: I want to clarify that this is not something that devalues symmetra as a character, but it does further attribute to her overall problems with finding a playerbase. When you create a character who’s stacked with minority attributes you NEED to maintain and showcase them in a positive way (IE: Not letting them rot for 5 years).

Being a racial minority only puts character at further risk of being scrutinized. I’ll put it this way, I’ve seen VERY few, if any, posts making fun of Wattson for being autistic… but I’ve seen too many about Symmetra. Overwatch having a POC female autistic representative is REALLY good, because it’s something we almost never see… but it does hurt her. Trying to deny that these traits don’t have an effect on their popularity is just ignorant.

Part V, Toxicity.

Y’know how people call Overwatch a toxic game, and how it often leads to people quitting it… yeah imagine all that toxicity direct at you, and times 10.

Being a bad character means you are likely to harassed, bullied, and treated poorly overall. Symmetra often faces some of the worst toxicity of any character. Even today, I still get called a brainless player who can’t aim, despite the fact that its nearly been THREE years since auto lock beam.

Many well known symmetra players even noted toxicity as one of their reasons for quitting overwatch. Luminum in particular said that the toxicity that she experienced was always much worse when playing sym, and was one of the main reasons she stopped playing Overwatch.

Part VI, Thesis

The poor treatment of Symmetra, her balance, her playerbase, and everything surrounding her has resulted in a flat out failure of a character. The toxicity, and harassment players have to face when playing the Hero often drives them away, or leads them to quitting the game entirely. Hero favoritism has also hurt symmetras state as even in meta’s where she should excel, she fails due to a weakened state.

Part VII, What Now?

For now Symmetra players just have to wait for yet another rework when Overwatch 2 comes out. We can continue asking for buffs and changes but its unlikely that we’ll see much anytime soon.

Part VIII, Symmetra: Revisited.

I wrote this original post a year ago, it was something I sat on for months before posting. I debated with myself if this was something I was really willing to admit to, that my favorite champion, symmetra, was a design disaster.

And y’know what? It’s true.

It’s entirely and FULLY true. Everything, EVERY SINGLE THING that I said in this post has held up entirely. Every opinion I had, every statement I made, not a single thing has changed.

I had a lot of hope for Symmetra to be reworked again for Overwatch 2, and she should’ve been. If we look at the other heroes who were reworked, Doomfist, Orisa, Bastion, and Sombra, there’s a clear trend. These heroes are unpopular, annoying to play against, and don’t fit into the playstyle of overwatch two.

Symmetra is…

Unpopular :white_check_mark: (would be the least popular hero if it weren’t for bastion, Sombra, and Mei being actually unplayable.)

Annoying to play against :white_check_mark:

Doesn’t fit the playstyle of Overwatch 2 :white_check_mark:

And yet… We got nothing.

Years, we’ve spent YEARS waiting for this hero to see some ACTUAL and MEANINGFUL changes that push her back to her original playstyle, and we’ve gotten nothing. If anything the devs have only doubled down into making her a dps!

It’s frustrating, and it just hurts. There’s a reason I stopped playing Overwatch and that reason is that I don’t feel like the devs care about some of their heroes. Atleast bastion and Sombra got overhauls which made them MASSIVELY more popular in Overwatch 2, Symmetra is only further losing her playerbase.

Let me make something clear, the symmetra playerbase is NOT a dps playerbase. We never have been, we’re never going to be.

There’s a reason there are so many sym 1 tricks, it’s because most of us WANT to play other roles, especially support. Symmetra really didn’t gain a playerbase upon her rework, she only lost players as time went on. The constant pandering to DPS players for this champion is not why people liked her. If someone wants to play a hero who focuses on enabling allies they’re not going to play DPS. It’s the same reason that no one plays Mei and Sombra, very few people who queue DPS WANT to be playing a supportive character.

Symmetra, at her core, is a utility support. Sure, she may not heal, but she provided some of the most powerful and most consistent buffs to allies we’ve ever seen. She’s only a hop and a skip away from a FULL support champion in her 2.0 iteration. There’s VERY little that prevents her from being a healer, and if turrets are what stop her from being a support… FREAKING GET RID OF THEM. Turrets have ALWAYS been the least interesting part of symmetra’s kit, I would bet that for every 1 symmetra player that would prefer to keep turrets over LITERALLY any other ability, there are 20 who would take the new ability.

People didn’t like symmetra 2.0 because she did damage, people liked her because you could save your allies, make clutch defensive plays with your photon barrier, and create UNQIUE an interesting win conditions… something that overwatch seems to lack as a whole right now.

Look, if you’re going to take anything away from this post, take this.

The devs DO NOT care about this character.

Symmetra went two FULL itterations without a single buff or positive bug fix. Only now, on their THIRD FREAKING TRY, where she has the least popularity, smallest playerbase, and clearly, most upset base, are they trying to buff and bugfix her. And they even do that wrong!

Teleporter STILL can’t be used in spawn. Instead of fixing the bug they removed an entire mechanic. Turrets still break randomly. Symmetra’s wall still sticks to surfaces when you turn around. You still don’t have an option to have a default wall rotation, and people can STILL go into games while still being LITERALLY UNABLE to use symmetra’s abilities.

Even when they do try to buff her they STILL don’t listen to the playerbase. People, since the DAWN of this “symmetra” have been saying that we don’t like teleporter. The ability removes impact from a hero who already struggles to find it, and it’s caused all kinds of balance fiasco’s. The ability is boring, and it fundamentally does not work in Overwatch 2. Instead of reworking it, or getting rid of it, they made it’s issues worse. Symmetra now has a 16 freaking second cooldown on an ability that people DON’T want. If you have to bend over this far to balance it… GET RID OF IT.

I just can’t help but to be angry.

We’ve put up with this crap for YEARS now.


Symmetra breaks maps. Maps are designed around different types of mobility - vertical for genji, hanzo, widow, etc, flight for echo and pharah, and well laid out high-ground so heroes can move around from place to place without losing high-ground advantage (tracer, genji, ball, monkey, etc.).

Symmetra teleport breaks the rules and breaks the game. Allowing heroes that are not normally mobile to go anywhere on the map and to bypass chokes and get behind the other team for free just doesn’t work. Get a decent symmetra in lower ranks and you auto-win 2CP and CP maps and the first point of hybrid maps. She is weak on payload, but broken on the others.

They could do more things with her if they simply removed her TP. It just doesn’t work having that amount of team mobility in an instant. They have to keep her less viable because they know this and making changes to her that makes her picked more often would just highlight how broken TP is for the game. It can already be seen in her win-rate because she is stupidly strong on some CP and 2CP maps but not played on payload.


She literally does it to the point that they had to call a red flag in OWL… Twice.



This is where you lose me. You have to look at a hero outside of your own bias. I love Sombra. Play her still and before echo she was my main. But I recognize she is universally hated because of her design. I’m pretty proud the Sombra community hasn’t throw a fit over her rework because we generally understand a rework is needed not just for us but the overall OW community.

You can’t just look at Sym from the perspective of Sym mains. There are 31 other heroes with their own dedicated fans and the general consensus is that people hate playing against Sym. I don’t mind it but whenever a Sym is doing well they’re generally met with annoyance. If your hero is bad while being annoying to play against you have to be open to a rework at that point. And it’s pure delusion to expect the devs to allow a universally despised hero to become meta.


I agree entirely, and it’s only more reason to rework her.

The fact that symmetra is as hated as she is, and she STILL isn’t getting even a mid-sized updated like Sombra baffles me.

They’re only further cementing her to be forced into a minimal pickrate due to her annoying design. Without an actual update she’s never going to be a champion that’s generally enjoyed.

Designed to Fail.


Ugh, what a complete mess this thread is… The title is blant click-bait, the opinions expressed are completely emotionally driven as well as irrational, the overview of her balance history is slanted, and the commentary on Symmetra as a character is one of the most disgustingly offensive things that I’ve had the misfortune of reading on this forum.

And here’s where you completely blew it. Identifying as a part of a group before proceeding to say a lot of discriminatory and offensive things about it does not make your words less offensive, much less does it free you from criticism.

Personally, I like Symmetra, she’s one of my favorite characters, I find her very attractive both in terms of her personality as well as her physical appearance, and I don’t find her being on the autism spectrum the least bit offensive.


That many words to indirectly say they should add auto aim back.
And also saying a hero is meant for disabled people to play is just weird.
No heroes should be designed that way. No hero should have super easy brain dead mechanics that even a disabled person could get value and compete against regular players that are playing other mechanically intensive heroes.
Because its not a matter of making the hero easier to use, its more of a matter of you requesting the hero to have easy mechanics AND also be able to get high value and compete against the most powerful heroes.

IMO, Sym should be a support. Not much has to change from her kit as far as giving her new animations.
And the 3 things i would like to never see again are: Auto aim primary, Shield Gen, and throwable barrier.
As long as we never see those things again. Im down for any reworks or changes that make Sym a less niche hero.

And Sym was designed to be a niche hero. They never designed the hero for people to 1 trick her even in places she is weak in.

And the reason she doesn’t fit into the DPS role is very easy to see from a perspective of someone who has played many FPS games, is she can not do consistent damage.
She cant flank, she is mostly in the backlines all the time with her team, most of her abilities are defensive and not offensive. Her ultimate isnt a DPS ultimate. Etc. She plays like a support more than a DPS.

The most important factor is that her primary and secondary fire was ripped off of secondary fire methods from UT guns. That were meant to be secondary forms of damage. Not primary ways.
So she will always be flawed as long as she keeps her primary and secondary fire the way they are.
Its not about damage numbers or cooldowns numbers. Its about her whole design.


I know it’s not popular but I think Sym has to be a support. The beauty of launch Sym was that she was the most inclusive OW hero that anyone could play. That kind of design is super hard to make work for a dps hero while being viable and fun to play against. But making them a support you can get away with a lot more stuff.

The devs recently expressed their desire to add more mechanically easy heroes like mercy. One route worth considering is giving Sym her old lock on dmg beam on her primary. Remove her slow firing orbs and give her another lock on heal beam similar to mercy as her alt fire. That’s a good base to work with for a Sym support concept imo.


Too long didn’t read.

Sym can have slightly faster orbs tho.


That is kinda how opinions work.

And that’s also kinda the point. Games are meant to be something fun (an emotion). It doesn’t matter if something is balanced or “good game design” (which is subjective) if it isn’t fun or enjoyed.

I’m not exactly saying something offensive… I’m saying something true.

It’s unfortunate, but almost every trait a person has can been seen (from the eye of the general public) as either attractive, or unnattractaive.

There’s a group of people who will hate all POC characters regardless of how well designed they are, that doesn’t make them WORSE characters, but it does mean that they do appeal to a smaller audience. It doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t have them either, but it does effect how they are viewed.

While Symmetra being independent autistic representation as well as being a darkskin character are both GREAT things, it also does harm peoples view of her as a character. It doesn’t mean that they SHOULDN’T include these things.

If you haven’t noticed, there is still a huge portion of the world, but especially America that has outward predejuce towards brown women, just look at the overall reaction to Ms. Marvel. Does it mean that we shouldn’t have brown characters, or that these characters are less valuable… No, but it does mean that there should be extra care taken when designing and maintaining them. When you create a character who is a triple minority I can’t help but to think that PART of the reason they’re neglected is because of that, or can be attributed towards it.

When you make minority characters you can’t just throw them under the bus, that removes any chance at progress in the first place.


They cared enough to rework her a few times (she’s had more love than half the roster)

Do I think she should have been placed back in support for ow2 - yes. Would it have been easy to have done - yes.

I cant quite believe she’s going into ow2 with near (what we know of) exact same kit as sym 3.0. I think she will really struggle in ow2. I mean we will have to see on tuesday… maybe there have been a few changes which have overhauled her…. but I’m not very hopeful.

Just put her back in support and give her some heal ability. I mean brig throws her healing and that’s not exactly groundbreaking…. Im sure she could do exactly the same


yeah anyone who doesn’t think this is in pure denial lol. Look at the ratio of white women vs non white women on major social media sites who get popular. You have to go through thousands of white women before you’ll find a women of color who are somewhat popular

idk how much of this plays into Sym unpopularity though. I mean Ana is the most popular hero forever now and she’s Egyptian.


I feel this is the most important part of the post and is what the devs should really consider. Utility DPS are so unpopular because the nature of the role isn’t to aid/support allies, it’s to get kills.

Sombra and Mei’s reworks are powershifting them away from utility and more into DPS. I feel it would be a slap in the face of Sym mains to have this same approach as she has always fundamentally been a utility hero.

I’m so pissed they’re leaving her kit the same as it is and just making number changes. They really don’t listen.


That is a good point, but also keep in mind that Ana has a whole lot else in her favor.

Strong and important lore tie-ins.
Kit that appeals to a lot of players.

I don’t think that Symmetra’s design as an Indian character hurts her playrate that much, but I do think that there is a bias (perhaps unconcious) against her.

I’ll put it this way. I’ve seen WAY more posts insulting Symmetra for being autistic than I have for Wattson (another autistic character). Being a racial minority only further puts you under a magnifying glass, people will dissect every possible thing to find a problem, and then they’ll amplify it ten-fold.

If you’re making a character who has minority traits you should aim to make people enjoy them in some way. It could be gameplay, lore, anything.

I’ll be honest, I would like to see the return of auto aim, but I feel like you may have missed the point.

Auto aim was a contributing part of what made her interesting. She doesn’t NEED it for her next rework, and I don’t really think it would add anything super interesting, but symmetra really shouldn’t be some kind of aim-intensive damage-doer, that’s not who she is.

I think that the inclusion of an aim intensive gun takes away from what symmetra wants to do as a character. With phton barrier, she lived and died off watching for high-priority abilities she could catch, adding a weapon that needs a lot of focus takes away from that part of her kit.

Overwatch 2 has aimed to reduce as many niche heroes as possible. To be fair.


Whatever you do, please don’t take away Symmetra’s ability to teleport D.Va’s bomb.

That combo is golden.

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A DVS post that I agree with 95% of.

I do think that less aim-intensive heroes have a place in OW (but so do the devs, so I’m not too worried about that).

But I agree with the rest. She can’t do consistent damage, shield gen and throwable barrier were kind of a bad idea.

Though TBH, teleporter takes up a ludicrous amount of her power budget while also being extremely not-useful in a lot of situations. Like to see that go too.


This is where I draw the line.

Dinner plate was one of the best abilities they ever added, it was so great that they gave it to a whole new hero (sigma).

Seriously though, the ability was actually really cool and WORKED really well as a sort of “clutch” support ability. If you wanted to block a hog hook but didn’t want to dedicate a tank to do so, Symmetra was an option.

I really do think Symmetra could work as a support, but I don’t think she should be a healer.

Given high enough numbers an utility, she would function. The only reason Symmetra 2.0 failed (other than lack of balance changes coupled with being generally weak) was player perception. People didn’t see her as a support because she couldn’t heal, so they didn’t think she was strong.

I think a lot of people tend to forget that (outside of ultimate) Zen isn’t a support because of his healing, he’s a support because of discord orb. Zen heals almost nothing at all, and he still functions better than most other heroes! I really do think that he is a testament to the capabilities of a non-healing support hero.

Now, in Overwatch 2, a game where healing is less important than it has ever been, I think experimenting with a non-healing support is something blizz should do.


Like how Cassidy players call Sym players braindead when they all they do is press E & Q. Same with Hanzo with storm arrow spamming random headshots but somehow Sym spamming is more problematic?

What about this stereotype when playing niche characters?
Tracer main = Tracer main
Symmetra main = Sym 1 Trick


Consider a clearly identified TL;DR.

Also, consider using the ‘details’ dropdown text for headings and the option for people to click through and read what they like.

I think Sym has been near-guttered for a while as well, and generally hate all the windup she has. I also miss her beam lock moreso because it was funny than me not being able to aim on Zarya. Nothing makes a CODbro rage like being locked onto and killed because he got way too close for way too long. No amount of AD spam will fix that (and a lot of the playerbase still needs this lesson).

Just because that’s the way UT did it doesn’t mean that’s the way OW or other FPS games have to do it. Game Designers do take ideas from previous games in the genre but they refine them, add to them, or change them slightly. Her primary/secondary would both ultimately be fine if she had a kit that enabled their effective use.